
Another Cropped Reuters Photo Deletes Another Knife - And a Pool of Blood

HRH Stanley Sea6/06/2010 10:01:02 pm PDT

re: #938 Slumbering Behemoth

Hello there. I am a conservative. Well, moderate conservative more likely. And a registered republican. I can not stand Rush Limbaugh. I consider him to be one who occupies an intellectual wasteland. He no more represents me as a conservative republican then Carl Marx does. Fuck him.

But all the bitching about this being his fourth marriage? It smells of RDS. I’ll grant, although just barely, that there might be just a sliver of room to work the hypocrisy angle, but who gives a fuck? As long as he does not beat, cheat, talk low of her in public, and so on, he still gets the “traditional marriage” cred to a certain extent.

This stinks too much of the So-Con assholes who made an issue of Giuliani’s divorces.

Being married and divorced more than once doesn’t make you a hypocrite on the “traditional marriage” front as far as I am concerned. It’s what you do while married that does.

Bah! Stick to calling him out on his bullshit racist racist remarks. There’s plenty of material there that’s far more valid.

When you spend a pile of your time on air against gay marriage then YOUR 4th marriage is fair game. Why is that hard to see?