
Robert Spencer Joins Genocidal Facebook Group

Irish Rose2/12/2009 11:20:01 am PST

Checking in over at JW, AS, and the misc. hate sites and aside from the usual vocal anti-LGF sycophants I’m finding very few comments…. very few people coming to his defense.

What I am seeing: shock and suspicion regarding Spencers’ personal motives are hanging heavy in the air, and it’s palpable.

Spencers’ casual poo-pooing of this incident combined with his rant about “consipiracy” to deflect attention and closer examination, has shocked a lot of people into the realization that maybe - just maybe - they’ve been defending and supporting the wrong man, I’m thinking.

This one is going to open a lot of eyes.
And when the hard questions start being asked, it’s not going to be pretty.