
Speaking of Creationism: A Missouri GOP Lawmaker Is Trying to Make Teaching Evolution Optional

No Malarkey!2/07/2014 10:05:43 pm PST

re: #88 austin_blue

But “Fundamentalists”, as we know them today, didn’t exist prior to the American revolution. No Baptist signed the Declaration or the Constitution. No member of the modern Church of Christ. There were Anabaptists in the country, but we refer to them as Amish or Mennonite, today. The signers were Church of England, or its derivatives, Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Congregationalists, Dutch Reformed, and Carroll and Fitzsimons out of the designated Catholic Colony of Maryland.

My point was that, ironically, religion could evolve in America, where many new sects flourished, and among the fittest were the fundamentalist sects.