
BusinessWeek: Sotomayor's a 'Moderate on Business Issues'

StillAMarine5/28/2009 11:27:54 am PDT

The more I read and hear about Sonia Sotomayor, the more I believe that it would be foolhardy for Conservatives to contest her appointment too aggressively.
Primus: she is going to get in, no matter how bitter the debate.
Secundus: Anybody else Obama chooses would almost certainly be much worse.
Tertius: A bitter debate would only result in further alienating Hispanic voters.
The MSM would gleefully jump on an acrimonious confirmation disputation, pinning the “racist” label to Conservatives, while ignoring how badly the left savaged Mr. Gonzales, another Hispanic who comes from an even humbler background than does Ms. Sotomayor.

(Howzzat for somebody who flunked high school Latin?)