
Reporter Handcuffed for Asking Questions at Joe Miller Event

avanti10/18/2010 8:02:31 am PDT

Crazy Pam has responded to the comments about the “disabled” lady being harassed by Muslims,/Hispanics/Blacks. She ignores the fact that the lady is not disabled, her history of complaints about minorities, and even her fondness for Nazi films.

She’s upset because she claims her comments about a auxiliary police force were simply a request for the sort of rent-a-cop you see in a gated community or a community watch:

“UPDATE: Once again, the bloodthirsty jackals and hyenas are returning to their own vomit. I am sure many readers and most Americans are familiar with auxiliary law enforcement and neighborhood watch. Millions of Americans have auxiliary cops in their gated communities, in their neighborhoods, as an extra set of eyes. The police can’t be everywhere. To make this outrageous and outlandish leap to militias is the stuff of the rabid, mouth-foaming leftist destruction machine. Everyone deserves equal protection under the law. If that offends the goosesteppers, they can kiss my Keystone Kops.

When I lived in Florida for a short time, and the little community that I lived in had an auxiliary police force. Granted, it was a bunch of lovely old retirees who kept us safe. Are they Nazi militia too? The whole idea that we be held hostage by lawless thugs is un-American and outrageous. Everyone is entitled to feel safe, and to be safe.”

She also disputes the NYT corrections of her stats, but makes a better case for that at least.