
Trevor Noah on Daunte Wright's Death & America's Broken Policing System

Dr Lizardo4/14/2021 1:02:09 pm PDT

re: #90 cat-tikvah

Blu Greenberg, wife of Rabbi Yitz Greenberg, once wrote “Where there is a rabbinic will there is a halachic way.”

But mostly, it seems that right wing zealotry and ideology have found a home in fundamentalist segments of Judaism and Christianity, which have come to resemble each other politically.

We see that common thread throughout the Abrahamic religions - the RWNJ’s are invariably found in the fundamentalist strains of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. After all, what are Islamic State if not right-wing* totalitarian fanatics within the context of their religion?

*right-wing in the cultural sense of misogyny, Patriarchalism, extreme homophobia, etc., etc