
Fox Chairman Ailes: NPR Execs Are 'Nazis'

theheat11/18/2010 10:46:32 am PST

For all these fat old white nostalgic shitstains that pine for the days when a handshake was your word and women stayed home and wore aprons, they sure are disconnected from another one of those customs: honesty. (You know, not making shit up.)

No, what they really represent is that other age-old custom: making money. But they lack the intellectual honesty to admit they will say and do anything that boosts their ratings and rakes in cash.

Nothing is too outrageous. Nothing is too fake. Nobody has a personal governor on them. Nobody is concerned what they say or do might hurt someone else because its pure bullshit. This is Fox, and the media at large. 1.) Make shit up, 2.) count your money. It’s beautiful in its simplicity.