
Egyptian women protesters forced to take 'virginity tests'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/07/2011 6:16:33 pm PDT

re: #97 Buck

You dodged the question again, Buck:

Where are you getting “California” from, Buck?

She has said it fit the definition of statutory rape.

And yes, that is from an article discussing, at length, the issues surrounding various legal approaches to rape. I’m not sure why you think ‘that’s from an article’ is a valid reason to reject something.

Is what you’re really trying to say that you don’t consider occasions where force isn’t present to be rape?

What about a girl who is way too drunk to make rational decisions, and a sober guy knowledgeably taking advantage of that? He knows she’s not in a fit state to decide, but still asks her to have sex, and she drunkenly consents, even though she doesn’t know who he is.

Is that rape, to you, or not?