
Quote of the Day

Flyers19748/31/2009 9:59:44 am PDT

re: #74 realwest

With all due respect ” If the RNC is more focused on demonizing Democrats for cutting friggin’ Medicare than it is pushing the numerous good ideas that conservatives have for health reform remind me again what the hell small government conservatives need the RNC for?”
Is disingenuous at best. There are numerous - indeed perhaps the majority of seniors these days what with the failure of 401’s, the tanking of the stock market and loss of time honored status of bond holders, who are entirely dependent on both Social Security and Social Security Disability and Medicare. So the Dems think it’s ok to NOT give a cola to SS recipients but it is ok to increase the cost of Medicare for seniors. This is exactly what the GOP should be attacking.And I don’t understand why, with the DEMOCRATS OWNING THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, we are so focused on how bad the GOP is; the GOP is in no position to stop the Democrat controlled government.This doesn’t mean the GOP shouldn’t continue to try to come up with workable alternatives to Obamacare
but the two are not incompatible.

I’d have to disagree on that point - they can align with the conservative Dems. As things stand now, aren’t the odds against the health care bill passing, for example?