
Pro-Walker Bus Tour Ends with a Whimper

Dark_Falcon3/06/2011 9:32:05 pm PST

re: #97 Girth

It’s my understanding (could be wrong) that #7 is in a larger budget bill and not a part of the union related bill.

Like SFZ said, I don’t know enough about the firing process to comment on WI. In general I think that obviously you need to be able to fire a bad teacher, but I think that the right has seized on the outlier horror stories and it is no where near as large a problem as some would have you believe.

Not sure about the referendum for salary increases. It effectively caps teacher pay because voters won’t approve increases and WI will lose good teachers to other states that won’t cap their pay.

Well, the Chicago Tribune recently did an article on just how hard it is to fire a bad teacher, so it’s not a myth. Overblown, maybe, but not a myth.

As for salary increases, I think the referendum needed. It prevents sweetheart union deals and forces unions to take their case to the public. If some teachers leave over it, so be it.