
Thursday Night Acoustic: Van Larkins, "Freyah's Song"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/27/2012 9:52:00 pm PDT

BTW, all these top talk show outlets are related, and they have ties to each other (and in an Bacon-esque fashion, to the one and only Art Bell.)

For example, the network from which Savage has now “freed” himself, TRN, is run by Mark Masters… who is the son of wily, and weird, and frankly con-artist, Roy Masters.

These voices of “conservatism” (and Roy Masters is supposed to be “conservative”) are a dollop or two of pure inanity at times, but most of the time just a way for the gold dealers to hawk their wares.

I consider this while right-wing “conservative” talk-show phenomenon in our county a sign of collective sickness.