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Searched LGF articles for: misogyny (41 matches, in 2 pages)

Awful: The Radical Right Wing Supreme Court Kills Affirmative Action

Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 10:29:51 am
This is why the Republican Party will line up to support Donald Trump even if he's convicted of stealing top secret documents; they worked for decades toward revanchist goals like this and repealing Roe v. Wade, but it took Donald Trump and his legitimization of racism and misogyny to make ...

Twitter Built a Whole New Feature to Deal With Donald Trump's Rage-Tweeting

Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 2:48:43 pm
When it comes to Twitter's enforcement of their rules against harassment and hate speech, they've long made an exception for a certain well-known politician, whose tweets have remained visible despite containing misogyny, witness tampering and intimidation, copious amounts of all types of racism, and credible threats of nuclear war. Can you ...

A Beautiful Response to Misogyny: Heather Maloney, "Don't Be a Pansy"

Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 8:12:51 pm
YouTube You believe in the brittle In the branches you whittle You shave with your blade 'til your points have been made You sing praise to the rigid God forbid you admitted Any time you've been wrong, you've been right all along You can board up the windows You can lock all the doors You can patch every ...

In Which Trump Decides to Defend Himself Against Charges of Sexual Misconduct by Attacking Sen. Gillibrand With a Grossly Misogynistic Tweet

Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 12:44:27 pm
Suddenly, there's a renewed chorus of people talking about Donald Trump's well-documented history of sexual harassment and assault. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has been one of the most powerful voices, calling on Trump to resign over this disgusting history. He shouldn't have been elected in the first place, let's face it; but ...

Trump Calls Mika Brzezinski "Dumb as a Rock," Admits He's Fishing for Fake "Voter Fraud"

Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 11:02:13 am
Trump is reportedly "on vacation" this weekend, although I'm not sure how that differs from any other day for the lazy narcissistic yam. But he still found time to launch another storm of ranting, unhinged tweets full of insults and misogyny. He's basically repeating his right wing hate themes over and ...

Disturbing News of the Day: US Strategic Command Links to Breitbart "News"

Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 10:43:03 am
Among other duties, the Department of Defense's United States Strategic Command is in charge of the US nuclear arsenal, and is tasked with defending America against nuclear attacks. It was established in 1992 by President George H.W. Bush, to replace the outdated Strategic Air Command. And now, in the Trump era, ...

Notorious White Supremacist Troll Chuck C. Johnson Says He's "Doing a Lot of the Vetting" for the Trump Team

Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 3:55:29 pm
Stefan Molyneux is one of the malignant personalities popular with the "alt-right," a sort of Renaissance man of horrible white supremacism and misogyny. And today in his YouTube webcast of awfulness he interviewed a motley crew of racists and conspiracy-mongering dirtbags including Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Gavin McInnes, Vox ...

Stunner: Conservative Dallas Morning News Endorses Hillary Clinton

Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 11:08:19 am
JStone / The editors of The Dallas Morning News are so repelled by Donald Trump that for the first time in 75 years, they're endorsing a Democrat for president: We recommend Hillary Clinton for president. There is only one serious candidate on the presidential ballot in November. We recommend Hillary ...

Donald Trump's Energy Guru: An Anti-Science Climate Change Denier, of Course

Mon, May 16, 2016 at 10:18:58 am
In addition to everything else wrong about Donald Trump -- the racism, the conspiracy theories, the xenophobia, the sheer ignorance about foreign policy, the misogyny -- he's a climate change denier. Of course. Almost all Republicans are. And now he's picked as his energy guru a very well-known climate change denier ...

Video: Excerpts From Mitt Romney's Attack on Donald Trump

Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 9:30:33 am
Watching Romney's speech earlier, I was reminded of why I didn't like this guy when he ran for president; his basic hypocrisy and robotic stiffness remain intact. It was kind of fun to watch this super-rich heir to the GOP's fortunes attack another super-rich Republican trying to run for president, ...

The Milo Yiannopoulos Checkmark Tantrum Continues: Now He's Retweeting Threats of Violence

Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 11:47:33 am
Following up on our post telling The Sad Tale of the Milo Yiannopoulos Blue Checkmark Tantrum (which now has almost 9,000 social media shares, by the way), our hapless hero of hate speech and misogyny has been continuing a non-stop blitz of tweets about his cruel persecution at the hands ...

Video: Donald Trump Calls Ted Cruz a "Maniac," Says Hillary Clinton "Killed Hundreds of Thousands of People"

Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 10:54:48 am
YouTube There are really no more surprises with Donald Trump; at this point he's absolutely predictable, and it was obvious that with the release of a poll showing Ted Cruz ahead of him in Iowa, Trump would start viciously attacking the far right Senator Cruz. And sure enough, that's exactly what ...

The Stunning Hypocrisy of Erick Erickson

Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 10:46:10 am
In the aftermath of yesterday's comments by Donald Trump about Fox News debate moderator Megyn Kelly, RedState's own Erick Erickson decided to disinvite Trump from his extremist right wing confab. Apparently, Trump's comments were a bridge too far. It is a shame that a candidate for President confuses political correctness and ...

Donald Trump Raging at Megyn Kelly After She Calls Him Out for Ugly Misogyny

Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 11:33:30 am
YouTube Donald Trump is angry at Megyn Kelly today, because she had the temerity to call him out for his many ugly misogynistic comments. (I'm not much of a fan of Kelly, but it took some guts to do this; good on her.) In the video above, notice how the Fox News ...

Joan Walsh on the Rise of the Disgusting "Cuckservative" Slur

Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 12:10:37 pm
Joan Walsh has an interesting piece on the rising popularity of the gross term "cuckservative" on the right, and what it actually means: The GOP Crack-Up Continues: The Raging Civil War Over the Disgusting "Cuckservative" Slur. "Cuckservative" started showing up in my Twitter mentions last week, after I suggested Donald ...

In Which Chuck Johnson Ordains Himself as the "ORACLE of TRUTH"

Sun, May 31, 2015 at 7:53:02 pm
Cyberstalker Chuck Johnson has been ejected from Twitter, and it's finally sinking in to his strange brain that this is for real this time ... so now he's falling back on Facebook to try to promote a pathetic petition he thinks will get his Twitter account reinstated: (31) Got News ...

Scott Walker Tells Dana Loesch Mandatory Ultrasounds Are 'Just a Cool Thing'

Wed, May 27, 2015 at 4:43:35 pm
SoundCloud Displaying an amazingly horrible tin ear and that casual misogyny for which the Republican Party has become well-known, Gov. Scott Walker, a probable presidential candidate, says that government-mandated ultrasound examinations for women seeking abortions are "just a cool thing." "I'll give you an example. I'm pro-life, I've passed pro-life legislation. ...

Breitbart Writer: Men Who Support Feminism Are "Sexually Frustrated Dickless Wonders"

Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 5:12:32 pm
I don't know where anyone gets the idea that misogyny and sexism are core values of today's conservative movement -- except maybe from Breitbart "News," where Milo Yiannopoulos levels a blast of pure crass hatred at the #HeForShe campaign that has to be seen to be believed: THE UN'S RISIBLE ...

The Always Disgusting Jim Hoft: Elliot Rodger Was "Another Far Left Mass Murderer"

Sun, May 25, 2014 at 10:24:15 am
As usual, the first out of the gate with a claim that mass murderer Elliot Rodger was a "far leftist" is the renowned Dumbest Man on the Internet, Jim "Dim" Hoft: Another Leftist Killer➙ Santa Barbara Shooter Elliot Rodger Was Fan "Young Turks" Channel | the Gateway Pundit. That's right, folks ...

Misogyny Is a Winning Formula for Mike Huckabee

Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 10:40:22 am
Would you be surprised to learn that Mike Huckabee's weird, disturbing statement that women use birth control because they "can't control their libido" was wildly popular among the right wing base? No? Poll: Huckabee Is Now the GOP's Top Choice for 2016 After Libido Remark. The latest survey from Democratic PPP ...

The Ineffable Allen West: Democrats Try to Win Women's Votes by 'Talking From the Waist Down'

Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 1:08:21 pm
YouTube You probably thought Mike Huckabee's attempt to mansplain birth control to women was pretty ham-handed Neanderthal stuff, but then along comes the ineffable Allen West to show you how misogyny's really done: West: 'The Left Tries to Win the Women's Vote by Talking From the Waist Down'. Asserting that Democrats ...

Daily Caller commenters spew misogyny and racism in response to story about Michelle Obama

Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 12:14:58 pm
The story, by Caroline May, is about a Gallup survey which revealed that Americans ate less healthy this year than they did last year: Despite first lady Michelle Obama's healthy living push, American eating habits deteriorated in the first 10 months of 2013, compared with 2012, according to a recent ...

Internet's Dumbest Man Goes to Washington

Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 6:41:31 pm
DERPJim Hoft goes to Washington, because no right wing scheme is complete without the participation of the Internet's Dumbest Man. Am flying off to DC. Last flight from there was with @TookieW ... Miss him @DLoesch @ChrisLoesch @HatingBreitbart -- Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) June 3, 2013 I look forward to laughing at whatever ...

Quinnipiac Poll: Obama Has Big Lead Among Women Voters

Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 10:33:43 am
Just as with Latino voters, it shouldn't be a surprise to find that President Obama is crushing Mitt Romney among women voters. A new Quinnipiac poll finds President Obama leads Mitt Romney nationally among likely voters, 49% to 45%. Key findings: The president leads 56% to 38% among women and ...

Todd Akin's Comments Symptomatic of Bigger Problems For GOP

Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 1:09:09 pm
GOP officials are trying their hardest to contain the fallout from the reprehensible comments made by Missouri Congressman Todd Akin, who is seeking a US Senate seat in a race against Claire McCaskill. Even Presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his vice president nominee Paul Ryan called on Akin to quit ...

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