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Searched LGF articles for: zayed cent (19 matches, in 1 page)

A Classic Message: Tom Waits, "Hold On" [VIDEO]

Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 7:53:06 pm
YouTube I've posted this one before, but we can always stand to hear this message again. They hung a sign up in our town "if you live it up, you won't live it down" So, she left Monte Rio, son Just like a bullet leaves a gun With charcoal eyes and Monroe hips She went and took ...

The New Yorker: How Trump Could Get Fired

Thu, May 4, 2017 at 10:47:20 am
Removing Donald Trump from office may seem like a long shot, but then nothing about the Trump Horror is normal and long shots seem to be coming true every day. Evan Osnos has a thoughtful piece at The New Yorker on this subject that I highly recommend, titled: How Trump ...

Former Mexican Pres. Calderon: "Mexico Won't Pay a Cent for Trump's Stupid Wall"

Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 10:33:39 am
One of Donald Trump's frequent talking points is that he'll build a "big, beautiful wall" along the entire US border with Mexico, to stop "rapists and criminals and drug dealers" from coming into the country. And when asked how he intends to pay for such an absurdly gigantic project, he ...

Monday Night Song: Shawn Colvin, "Hold On"

Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 7:24:19 pm
YouTube One of my most-loved singers performs one of my most-loved songs, a Tom Waits composition titled, "Hold On." This is from Shawn's latest album, Uncovered. They hung a sign up in our town "If you live it up, you won't live it down" So she left Monte Rio, son Just like a bullet ...

Surprise: "Rate Shock" Fear-Mongering Massively Overplayed

Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 10:21:16 am
With the technical issues of the federal health insurance exchange being acknowledged and worked on with all due haste, the attention of the Affordable Care Act's critics has turned to "rate shock," the argument that an increasing number of insurance policy holders who said they were "happy" with their insurance ...

Shoe Shiner Donates $200K in Tips to Children in Need

Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 6:37:09 pm
People like this keep my faith in humanity alive. A humble, hard-working man quietly donates the few dollars he makes in tips every day to help children whose parents cannot afford to pay for hospital care. He's been doing this for decades with love in his heart and a smile ...

Amazon Deal of the Day - 60% Off Top Brand Headphones

Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 11:35:09 am
Amazon Deal of the Day: great discounts on top-quality over-ear headphones. Gold Box Deal of the Day: Up to 60% Off Top Brand Headphones Get premium sound with terrific savings on STREET by 50 Cent and SOUL by Ludacris headphones. These over-ear headphones will bring out professional studio sound and elements ...

Fox Nation Commenters Spew Hatred and Racism at First Lady Michelle Obama

Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 11:37:00 am
First Lady Michelle Obama is helping raise money for the presidential campaign by doing photo sessions, at $5K a pop. This is completely standard practice, not unusual at all in an election season. But at Fox Nation, the official Fox News forum, it's the occasion for yet another deluge of vile ...

Fake Outrage Du Jour: 'Obama's Christmas Tree Tax'

Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 12:26:41 pm
In the perpetual race to the bottom of a bottomless pit that is the right wing blogosphere, a new outrageous outrage has arisen, more outrageous than all the other fake outrages of wingnut history. My friends, can your hearts stand the awful truth of the Barack Hussein Obama Christmas Tree Tax?! You ...

Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Voted to Shut Down Gov't Because of Abortion

Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 10:52:57 am
In a web chat with anti-choice fanatics last week, Michele Bachmann said she voted against a resolution to avoid a government shutdown, because it didn't destroy funding for Planned Parenthood. The “Defunding Planned Parenthood: Urgent Nationwide Webcast,” observed by the Minnesota Independent, was hosted by anti-abortion rights group the Susan ...

Oklahoma is Safe from the Scourge of Sharia

Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 9:13:46 am
Yesterday the voters of Oklahoma sprang into action and passed landmark legislation to ban something that doesn't exist. Washington - Central US state of Oklahoma is to become the first state in the US to ban Islamic sharia law. That's the result of a voter initiative in the state that passed ...

When Germany Lurches to the Right, the World Should Pay Attention

Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 5:46:45 pm
Survey findings on far-right views give Germany its latest Führer furore. GERMANY IS undergoing its annual Führer furore, this time over a new survey suggesting that extreme-right views are on the rise. Some 13 per cent of Germans in a new survey said they felt “Germany needs to be ruled with ...

NOAA Study: All Indicators Show Climate Change is Undeniable

Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 10:19:57 am
A new study from the US National Oceans and Atmospheric Administration shows that climate change is ‘undeniable’ — but does anyone really believe that will silence the deniers? The NOAA study drew on up to 11 different indicators of climate, and found that each one pointed to a world that ...

The Silver Surfer #4, May 1969

Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 3:11:02 pm
Today’s cover image from the Lizard Collection is another rare comic book in near-mint condition; The Silver Surfer #4, published in May 1969. The first seven issues of this series were published as 72-page 25-cent “giants.” Number 4 was one of the best issues, with a great Stan Lee story line ...

Silver Surfer #1, 'The Origin of the Silver Surfer' (August 1968)

Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 8:56:49 pm
Published in August 1968, here’s issue #1 of The Silver Surfer, a 25-cent “book-length” comic that told the story of the super-powered goofy-footed silvery alien’s origin. The Lizard Collection’s copy of this key comic book is in terrific shape (with some minor wear along the upper spine). Inks are clear ...

Classics Illustrated #26 - Frankenstein (1945)

Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 5:40:24 pm
I bought this rare 1945 edition of Frankenstein (Classics Illustrated #26) at a used bookstore in Hawaii when I was a mere sprout, and it stayed in remarkably good condition considering that nobody took any special efforts to preserve it. The interior pages are also in great shape. UPDATE at 3/27/10 ...

Record-Shattering Warm Winter Stuns Canadian Climate Scientists

Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 8:43:09 am
Even as the right wing screams louder than ever that anthropogenic global warming is a “hoax,” climate scientists in Canada are appalled at the warmest winter on record: Wacky winter a signal of years to come: Climatologist. Of course, you already know what the climate change deniers are going to say ...

IPCC Errors? Facts vs. Spin

Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 1:45:59 pm
Gavin Schmidt of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies has an excellent post at RealClimate, going through the deluge of distorted claims about the “errors” (in reality, there appears to be only one genuine “error” and one debatable point) in the IPCC’s last report (the “AR4”), and exhaustively debunking each ...

UAE Sheikh Cleared in Video Torture

Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 10:50:30 am
In April of last year I posted clips from a videotape smuggled out of the United Arab Emirates, showing a member of the royal family, Sheikh Issa bin Zayed al-Nahyan, brutally torturing a man with whips, electric cattle prods and wooden planks with protruding nails, then driving over him in ...

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