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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart (634 matches, in 26 pages)

Russian MP Who Tweeted Racist Image of Obamas Lights Sochi Torch, US Right Wing Applauds

Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 1:01:36 pm
The Russian woman picked to light the Olympic torch in Sochi was former figure skater (and current MP for Vladimir Putin's United Russia Party) Irina Rodnina, who posted a doctored racist picture of the Obamas last year, and refused to apologize for it. The passive aggression isn't exactly hidden there, Vlad. Over ...

Breitbart "News" Explains Why Coca Cola's Multicultural "America the Beautiful" Ad Was Horribly Offensive

Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 9:30:21 am
Brought to you by the geniuses at Why Coca Cola's Multicultural 'America the Beautiful' Ad Was Offensive. Executives at Coca Cola thought it was a good idea to run a 60 second Super Bowl ad featuring children singing "America the Beautiful" - a deeply Christian patriotic anthem whose theme ...

Reince Priebus Whines About Being Accused of Racism, MSNBC Instantly Backs Down

Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 10:32:26 am
Reince Priebus and the Republican National Committee are freaking out and whining like babies about a tweet from MSNBC about the new Cheerios diversity ad set to air during the Super Bowl: MEMO - Until MSNBC's Phil Griffin Apologizes. Priebus has issued a ban on RNC staff members appearing on MSNBC ...

Michelle Obama Continues Hawaiian Vacation, Breitbart Commenters Respond With Deluge of Racism

Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 2:10:48 pm
So Joel Pollack posts Michelle Obama bait - a story about how President Obama is giving her an extended Hawaiian vacation for her 50th birthday, and immediately the Breitbart cavemen start frothing at the mouth. All I can say is... wow! These cretins never cease to amaze me. Just ...

Cue Giant Right Wing Freakout: Obama, Cuba's Raul Castro Shake Hands at Mandela Memorial

Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 10:46:40 am
Your gigantic unison right wing freakout of the day: Obama, Cuban President Raul Castro Shake Hands at Nelson Mandela Memorial. President Obama shook hands with Cuban President Raul Castro today at a memorial service for the late Nelson Mandela in South Africa. Obama stopped to shake Castro's hand as he was ...

Just Some More Overt Racism and Hate Speech at Breitbart "News"

Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 12:18:09 pm
At the far right propaganda site that Andrew Breitbart spawned, Ben "Friends of Hamas" Shapiro shares his special take on President Obama's planned trip to South Africa: AFTER SNUBBING THATCHER FUNERAL, OBAMA AND MICHELLE TO VISIT SOUTH AFRICA FOR MANDELA!!! I've lost track of how many times the Breitbrats have used ...

Martin Bashir "Resigns" From MSNBC, Breitbart Commenters Spew Hate and Racism

Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 1:03:53 pm
I have to admit I've never been a big fan of Martin Bashir's hyperbolic style, but it's more than a little pathetic to see MSNBC caving in to the right wing shriek machine, even after Bashir apologized and Sarah Palin accepted it: Martin Bashir Resigns From MSNBC. Note that Bashir's comment ...

Breitbart's Obamacare Expert: the GOPer Who Thinks Evolution and Embryology Are "Lies From the Pit of Hell"

Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 12:45:57 pm
Today at the increasingly unhinged right wing propaganda site that Andrew Breitbart built, they have a new "expert" on health care, with an EXCLUSIVE breaking news report: EXCLUSIVE: STOP WASTING TIME TRYING TO FIX OBAMACARE!!! This exclusive opinion on health care and medical science is the work of Republican Representative from ...

Reid Goes Nuclear, Right Wing Whining Reaches Fever Pitch

Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 12:48:48 pm
Denizens of the frenzied underworld of right wing blogs are completely and totally losing their shit today over Harry Reid's use of the "nuclear option" to put a (partial) end to the GOP's frantic, crazed obstructionism. Thousands upon thousands of raging, randomly capitalized and punctuated comments about tyranny and communism ...

Breitbart "News" Beclowns Themselves Yet Again

Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 1:54:10 pm
I've taken a bit of a break from mocking the right wing idiots at lately, but this self-beclownment is so monumental it rivals Ben Shapiro's hilarious "Friends of Hamas" smear against Chuck Hagel, as Larry O'Connor gets the vapors over President Obama's recitation of an early version of the ...

Sarah Palin's Word Salad of the Day Mixes American Exceptionalism and the War on Christmas

Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 1:05:15 pm
Here's the dullard from Wasilla's latest unsuccessful attempt to put concepts into sentences and have them make actual sense, as she praises the extreme right wing loons at for fighting (unflinchingly!) to preserve "American exceptionalism," whatever that is (Sarah's pretty unclear herself). This delectable word salad mixes Breitbart, American ...

Plagiarist Rand Paul's Column Moves to Breitbart

Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 9:33:53 am
Sen. Rand Paul's weekly column, axed from The Washington Times this week after plagiarism allegations, has already found a new outlet. The conservative media outlet Breitbart News announced on Wednesday that Paul, the Kentucky tea party favorite and possible 2016 Republican presidential contender, would become the newest contributor amid its ...

Breitbrat Larry O'Connor: How Dare John McCain Imply Louie Gohmert Is Dumb?

Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 12:04:31 pm
Over at the weird far right propaganda site that Andrew Breitbart built, Larry O'Connor's very upset with John McCain for violating St. Reagan's "never criticize fellow Republicans" rule, and calling Rep. Louie "Dumbest Man in Congress" Gohmert... dumb: McCain on Gohmert: 'No Intelligence'. So, if you're keeping score at home, ...

GOP's New Plan: Keep Punishing America

Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 11:23:56 am
Here we go again, folks. The Republican Party's plot to hold the nation hostage in order to kill the Affordable Care Act is not working out very well for them, but are they going to climb down off the ledge now and get back to work? No, silly! Of course not. ...

The Two Most Ridiculous Right Wing Shutdown-Related Fake Outrages

Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 12:22:04 pm
The first of our two most ridiculous phony outrages is a meme being circulated on Facebook; LGF contributor Gus tweeted about it yesterday, with the laughably awful photoshopped image that's got the wingnuts in a tizzy: Spiteful Obama Blocks Off View of Mt. Rushmore #derp — Gus (@Gus_802) October ...

Breitbart Resurrects Another Old Right Wing Canard

Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 6:11:56 pm
Keepin' it classy, the site that Andrew Breitbart built reports the news the right wing wants to hear: CLINTON MISTRESS: BILL TOLD ME HILLARY IS BISEXUAL. Bill Clinton's former mistress alleged that Hillary Clinton is a bisexual in a recent interview. Gennifer Flowers, who reportedly had an affair with Bill Clinton ...

Jeff Bezos Buys Washington Post, Breitbart's Ben Shapiro Sees the Hidden Hand of Obama

Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 12:58:45 pm
Breitbart propagandist Ben Shapiro has uncovered another BOMBSHELL BREAKING STORY today -- the conspiracy between President Obama and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos to oppress him: OBAMA VISITED AMAZON 6 DAYS BEFORE FOUNDER BOUGHT WAPO! While conservatives and liberals consider the political leanings of Washington Post buyer and Amazon founder Jeff ...

David Corn Explains How Journalists Are Colluding With Conservatives to Create Propaganda

Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 8:20:18 pm
YouTube During an interview with 92Y Producer Jordan Chariton at The Jefferson Hotel, Corn explained his recent reporting on the conservative coalition known as Groundswell. Members of the group include prominent tea party activists and politicians as well as conservative journalists like Stephen Bannon of Breitbart News. "Groundswell is a messaging ...

Mother Jones Exposes "Groundswell," (aka the Unison Wingnut Coordinating Committee)

Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 12:54:56 pm
At LGF we've noted many times the curious phenomenon of the Unison Wingnut Chorus -- the almost instantaneous coordination of talking points throughout the right wing blogs and media. And of course, there's nothing spontaneous about it; like good little authoritarians, wingnut bloggers and journalists are following directions from a ...

Right Wing Blogosphere All Hopped Up on Hate Juice After Obama's Statement

Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 1:34:30 pm
Well, I see the entire right wing blogosphere is still having a crazed orgy of overt racism today. The Zimmerman acquittal and Obama's subsequent statement have given them a huge hit of hate juice, and it's a little amazing how many wingnuts are out there ranting about "race war." It's ...

President Obama Makes Heartfelt, Powerful Comments on Racism, Right Wing Goes Batshit

Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 11:35:54 am
YouTube An extraordinary moment today at the White House press briefing, as President Obama showed up unannounced to make some of his most powerful, heartfelt statements on racism in America and the Zimmerman murder trial. The right wing instantly went insane, of course. For example: If you ever had any doubts, Obama is ...

DOJ Sets Up Email Tip Line in Zimmerman Case, Right Wing Bloggers Go Batshit

Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 10:56:10 am
Inexplicably, or perhaps very explicably, right wing blogs have united to defend and lionize Trayvon Martin's killer George Zimmerman, and today they're all (and I do mean "all") freaking out like chihuahuas on crack about a report that the Department of Justice is opening an email tip line: George Zimmerman: ...

Breitbart's Ben Shapiro Pretends to Care About a Murdered Black Teenager

Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 10:58:31 am
Today in the aftermath of the acquittal of George Zimmerman, gloating right wingers like Ben "Friends of Hamas" Shapiro are pretending to care about a black teenager found shot to death in Chicago. Is there anyone stupid enough to believe Shapiro and his fellow Breitbrats actually give one solitary shit about ...

Breitbart Reports on Zimmerman Verdict Riot Plan, Commenters Spew Torrents of Racism

Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 2:52:19 pm
The article by Ben Shapiro from Monday is here. Note the picture of Al if he had anything to do with this plan... And now to the cesspool: I got a "riot plan": arm yourself. Do not I repeat do not think you can depend on the "authorities" to ...

Snowden and Venezuela: The Real Total Surveillance State

Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 10:57:35 am
I wouldn't expect any condemnation of Venezuela's shocking abuses of privacy and free speech from Glenn Greenwald; after all, Barack Obama isn't president there: Snowden and Venezuela: My Bizarre Experience in the Surveillance State. The Venezuelan government's offer of "humanitarian asylum" to Edward Snowden rang hollow to most Venezuelans, who ...

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