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Searched LGF articles for: honor killing (347 matches, in 14 pages)

PJ Media Comments for Robert Spencer: 'All Muslims Are Terrorists and Must Die!'

Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 11:08:04 am
Today at PJ Media, hate group leader Robert Spencer turns in another exercise in blatant bigotry: PJ Media » Is Michael Bloomberg Secretly a Muslim? He's only "kidding," of course. He doesn't really think Michael Bloomberg is a secret Muslim. He just thinks Bloomberg is acting like a Muslim, and we know ...

Pamela Geller's Hangover Gets Worse

Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 5:50:30 pm
Muslim-hating right wing ranter Pamela Geller is even more famous than usual tonight. Dangerous Minds: Atlas Puked: Allegedly Drunk Conservative Blogger Posts Utter Insanity at 8am. Pamela Geller, the rabidly Islamaphobic hate harpie whose face on cable news channels during the “Ground Zero mosque” controversy put people off their food all ...

And Now, the Complete Uncut Version of Italian Spiderman

Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 4:14:53 pm
Vimeo Italian Spiderman: In the middle of a party, an asteroid from a distant galaxy falls to Earth and is taken by professor Bernardi (Carmine Russo) for research. He discovers the asteroid has a substance that can create duplicates from any living being and decides that Italian Spiderman (Franco Franchetti), a ...

'Border Militiaman' Runs Away With a 15-Year-Old Girl

Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 5:26:47 pm
Read the whole story here. You could chalk up some of border militiaman Todd Hezlitt's troubles to bad luck - who knew when he associated with Shawna Forde in 2008 that she would end up killing people the next year and drag his name into the mud? But his most recent ...

Announcing the Andrew Breitbart Bottom Feeder Awards for Right Wing 'Journalism'

Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 7:36:38 pm
This weekend the right wing Heritage Foundation is hosting an awards dinner in honor of Andrew Breitbart, and the award for "Best Blog" will go to "Ace of Spades." The same "Ace of Spades" who said this about women's rights advocate Sandra Fluke: Please don't call Sandra Fluke a slut. Respect her ... Says 'Liberals' Are Posting Death Threats on Twitter

Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 12:01:15 pm, Michelle Malkin's fake right wing news site, has developed a great formula for firing up the wingnut blogosphere: they search Twitter for random nasty comments about conservatives, then label the tweeters "libs" and repost the tweets, leading to a right wing pile-on and rage-gasm. Today's case in point: “Kill Scott ...

Report: George Zimmerman May Face Hate Crime Charges

Tue, May 15, 2012 at 2:18:35 pm
Florida's WFTV is reporting that the FBI May Charge George Zimmerman With a Hate Crime. SANFORD, Fla. —  WFTV has learned charges against George Zimmerman could be getting more serious. State prosecutors said Zimmerman, a neighborhood watchman, profiled and stalked 17-year-old Trayvon Martin before killing him, so the FBI is now ...

Misogynist Talk Show Hater Rush Limbaugh Honored by Missouri at Secret Event

Tue, May 15, 2012 at 12:04:45 pm
The state of Missouri inducted Rush Limbaugh into their "Hall of Famous Missourians" yesterday, at an invitation-only ceremony closed to the public and guarded by armed members of the Highway Patrol: Doors Locked, Dems Banned as Missouri Honors Limbaugh. Rush Limbaugh was inducted into the Hall of Famous Missourians yesterday, ...

Breaking: Al Qaeda Plot to Bomb US-Bound Jet Foiled by CIA

Mon, May 7, 2012 at 1:13:04 pm
An Associated Press notification just received on my iPhone: Breaking (4:04PM EDT): Sources: CIA foils Al Qaida bomb plot against US-bound jet near anniversary of bin Laden death. No details available yet... UPDATE at 5/7/12 2:17:29 pm Al Qaeda has apparently upgraded their underwear. The CIA foiled a plot by al-Qaida's affiliate ...

Alabama Beating Not a Hate Crime, Had Nothing to Do With Trayvon Martin

Fri, May 4, 2012 at 10:50:08 am
Almost missed this one; remember when the entire right wing blogosphere went into a race-baiting frenzy over a story from Alabama, in which a white man was beaten by a group of African Americans who, according to the wingnuts, said it was "justice for Trayvon Martin?" Well, the story was bogus. ...

Romney: 'Even Jimmy Carter' Would Have Given the Order to Kill Bin Laden

Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 12:26:25 pm
Mitt Romney is on record saying that he would not enter Pakistan without permission "to kill one man," meaning Osama bin Laden. Obviously, Romney's reflexive opposition to everything Barack Obama says has backfired on him with this one, big time. So today he's trying to walk back that statement, downplay the killing ...

3-Year Senate Investigation: 'Enhanced Interrogation' Was Ineffective

Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 2:39:03 pm
Reuters reports today that a nearly three-year long investigation by the Senate Intelligence Committee has found little or no evidence that "enhanced interrogation" techniques yielded any valuable intelligence, or led to counter-terrorism breakthroughs. People familiar with the inquiry said committee investigators, who have been poring over records from the ...

When Wingnut Bloggers Attack

Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 11:43:01 am
Here's the background on this amazingly lengthy series of diatribes spewed at me on Twitter in the past day or two: In Which CNN Contributor Dana Loesch Falsely Accuses Me of Using a Racial Slur. After I posted that article, Loesch went nuts -- tweeting insults at me over and over ...

AFA Spokesman Bryan Fischer's List of Anti-Gay Demands for Romney

Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 11:27:41 am
The American Family Association's Bryan Fischer has been thrown into apoplectic rage by Mitt Romney's choice of the openly gay Richard Grenell as his foreign policy spokesman, and today he's posted a column with a list of demands for Romney: Bryan Fischer: Re: Richard Grenell: Romney Has Some 'Splaining to ... Yet Another Deluge of Racist Hatred for Michelle Obama

Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 10:35:18 am's Ben Shapiro digs into his folder named "Angry Michelle" and finds the perfect picture for his latest exercise in race-baiting: Michelle: Community Organize for Barack! And of course, the people who post comments at respond in the usual Pavlovian way with a sickening deluge of hatred, comparing the First ...

National Review's John O'Sullivan: On the Board of Directors of a White Nationalist Group

Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 8:56:32 am
Documents obtained from Guidestar reveal that John O'Sullivan -- former editor and current staff writer and "editor-at-large" for National Review -- is listed on the board of directors for the white nationalist organization Lexington Research Institute Limited (aka The VDare Foundation) most commonly known as VDare. Form 990s obtained from Guidestar ...

Breitbart Editor John Nolte: 'Teachers Who Take Kids to Protests Should Be Murdered'

Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 9:40:12 am
As we pointed out last weekend, editor-in-chief John Nolte really let his hateful inner self show in a recent article for the right wing website, calling for the mother of a child on an HBO show to be "murdered." The reader who sent me the tip on that disgusting comment ...

Jim Hoft Says Man Arrested For Gunning Down Innocent Black Men Was 'Understandably Upset'

Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 9:43:57 am
Two men were arrested in Tulsa, Oklahoma after allegedly driving through town and gunning down three random, innocent black men. According to police reports, one of the men, Jake England, had posted racial slurs on facebook indicating he was upset that his father had been killed by a black ...

Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Joel Pollak Responds

Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 10:21:32 am
It's pretty revealing to see how's editor-in-chief Joel Pollak reacts when the absolutely blatant racism and paranoia of his commenters is exposed. This isn't a surprise to him, of course --'s articles are specifically targeted at inciting this type of racism and whiny right wing victimhood, and the ...

Yet Another Deluge of Racist Hatred and Calls for Genocide at

Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 1:43:02 pm
And here we go again. Out of the blue, editor-in-chief Joel Pollak suddenly tweeted this at me today: Quick @lizardoid! Warn @EricBoehlert: racist comments @mmfa! One called @limbaugh "radio cracker" & got voted up! Shame — Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) April 5, 2012 For the record, I do denounce this ethnic ...

Planned Parenthood Bomber: 'They're Killing Babies There'

Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 3:13:41 pm
Video Francis Grady, who's accused of firebombing a Wisconsin Planned Parenthood clinic on Sunday night, appeared in court today and settled the question of whether or not he's an anti-choice fanatic: he is. A Grand Chute man accused of setting a fire at a Planned Parenthood clinic made his first appearance ...

Conservatives Advocate Wasting Energy for 'Earth Hour'

Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 5:59:35 pm
One of the weirdest reactionary things conservatives do is to gleefully waste energy to show those dumb liberals what they think of their "Earth Day" and "Earth Hour:" Turn on the Lights for Human Achievement Hour. Tonight, from 8:30 to 9:30, environmentalists will observe Earth Hour, turning off all their ...

Not an April Fool's Joke: Suddenly Breitbart Site Is Deleting Comments

Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 11:24:50 am
How interesting! This morning I had a look at that Dan Riehl thread at that was full of racist insanity, and discovered that administrators have been quietly deleting comments. So, after Riehl and "Investigative Writer" Mandy Nagy spewed insults at me all day yesterday on Twitter, and denied any responsibility ...

Jonathan Coulton With Suzanne Vega: Now I Am an Arsonist

Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 9:28:14 pm
YouTube Video I was just an acrobat, high above the street Pointing at the ground the empty sky beneath my feet The perfect fall, no one could tell at all That it was killing me You were just an astronaut, floating on a spark Tearing up the atmosphere, burning down the dark As you fell in, the ...

Another Sickening Deluge of Open Racism at

Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 5:27:18 pm
Here's Dan "Darker Means Guiltier" Riehl again at, with another blatantly race-baiting post: Hoodie-Wearing Gunmen Kill 1, Wound 5 in Bobby Rush's Chicago District. No point in quoting this; I'll just give you the short version. Blacks, crime, hoodies, blacks, crime, Black Panthers. Also, blacks. Riehl's audience at takes it ...

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