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Searched LGF articles for: Palestinian Child Abuse (496 matches, in 20 pages)

An Interesting LA Times Piece on the Legacy of NSA Leader Gen. Keith Alexander

Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 10:46:52 am
Getty Image Here's a good piece by LA Times reporter Ken Dilanian on NSA leader Gen. Keith Alexander, and the vast expansion of NSA digital surveillance over which he presided: NSA Chief's Legacy Is Shaped by Big Data, for Better and Worse. The overhaul, which Alexander ordered shortly after taking leadership ...

Donald Trump: Birther, Anti-Vaxxer

Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 6:58:45 pm
Are you surprised to find out that right wing Birther Donald Trump is also opposed to vaccinations? If I were President I would push for proper vaccinations but would not allow one time massive shots that a small child cannot take - AUTISM. -- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 27, 2014 ...

NM GOP Rep. Steve Pearce Hires Wingnut Hate-Blogger "PolitixFireball" as Press Secretary

Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 11:10:51 am
If you've ever expressed a liberal political opinion on Twitter, you've seen them -- the rabid right wingers who feverishly tweet insults and long-debunked talking points at you, with no attempt at all to really debate anything. The worst ones are blatantly racist, homophobic, anti-Muslim religious fanatics whose online lives ...

Meanwhile in Venezuela, Maduro Cracks Down on "Los Chuckys"

Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 11:38:07 am
Getty Image Meanwhile in Venezuela, the death toll in anti-Maduro protests has risen to 29, and security forces have cracked down on protesters in Caracas's Plaza Altamira. And Nicolas Maduro has been calling the protesters "Los Chuckys." "I'm giving the Chuckys, the killers, just a few hours," Maduro said, using the ...

Lee Stranahan Re-Hired, Then Re-Fired by Breitbart "News"

Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 4:15:41 pm
Lee Stranahan, formerly with Breitbart "News"When Daily Caller wingnuts deliver a smackdown to Breitbart "News" wingnuts, we all win! The Daily Caller's Betsy Rothstein gives us a look into the Breitbart sleaze pit, as Texas weirdo Lee Stranahan is first re-hired, then re-fired by the jolly elves who run the site ...

Full Text: Samantha Power Rips Russia at UN Security Council Meeting

Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 5:22:58 pm
Via Business Insider, here's the full text of US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power's strong statement on Russia and Ukraine, from today's meeting of the Security Council. Thank you Madam President. Listening to the representative of Russia, one might think that Moscow had just become the rapid response arm ...

Right Wing Bloggers Ranting in Unison; Never Gets Old

Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 10:54:03 am
Well, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer really poked a stick into the right wing hive mind by vetoing the Republican attempt to enshrine anti-gay bigotry as "religious freedom." Today the wingnut blogosphere is absolutely full of out of control unison ranting, but my favorite loony comments so far come from ... ...

Alabama's McClurkin, "Gohmert in a dress," pushing even more ultra-radical bills

Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 9:11:28 am
Rep. Mary Sue McClurkinSo a few days ago I posted a page about how Alabama is attempting to force "Christian" prayer in all Public schools. Specifically, this revolved around Rep. Mary Sue McClurkin, R-Indian Springs, who blatantly ignored a 2-3 loss in a voice vote for something she (and ...

Speaking of Creationism: A Missouri GOP Lawmaker Is Trying to Make Teaching Evolution Optional

Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 7:01:06 pm
Video In Missouri, the idea that public schools should teach creationism and treat the theory of evolution as an evil fraud is disturbingly popular, as this video from KCTV shows: Missouri Lawmaker Wants to Make Evolution Teaching Optional. CASS COUNTY, MO (KCTV) - A lawmaker from Cass County believes the Missouri ...

GOHMERT! The Government "Lures Single Women into Servitude" With Welfare

Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 3:33:36 pm
Loveable Louie was on Fox & Friends today, expounding on a favorite wingnut talking point: making idiotic comparisons between things they don't like and slavery, though GOHMERT! was careful to call it "servitude." And like Louie, I am so grateful for Fox News, that only beacon of truth in the vast ...

Transcript: President Obama's Remarks on NSA Reforms

Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 9:40:30 am
Here's the complete speech on proposed NSA reforms given by President Obama today, for the record. As Prepared for Delivery - At the dawn of our Republic, a small, secret surveillance committee born out of the "The Sons of Liberty" was established in Boston. The group's members included Paul Revere, and at ...

Texas GOP Education Board Candidate: "We Know We Didn't Come From Monkeys!"

Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 4:03:53 pm
Ah, Texas. You almost have to hand it to the Texas branch of the GOP. They're consistently dedicated to making themselves look like jackasses to the rest of the world, with an amazing lack of self-consciousness or inhibition. It's really the only way they're uninhibited at all. There are great people ...

Israel to Fund All Abortions for Women 20 to 33

Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 2:51:43 pm
Here's some news that has to be causing serious cognitive dissonance among America's normally very pro-Israel religious right, as the Israeli government decides to pay for all abortions for women aged 20 to 33, regardless of circumstance. Until now, subsidized abortions for women of all ages were available in medical ...

Media Research Center: Mendacious Misquotes 2013

Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 10:12:06 am
Media Research Center is 'America's Media Watchdog,' a right wing propaganda outlet that calls itself 'The Leader in Documenting, Exposing and Neutralizing Liberal Media Bias.' Of course they don't tell you that by 'neutralizing' they mean putting out alternate and in most ways much worse propaganda than what they perceive ...

Edward Snowden's Joyful Christmas Message: "Sensors in Your Pocket" Are Destroying All Privacy

Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 11:04:05 am
Oh, please. Really? We can't even get away from this lunatic defector on Christmas? Edward Snowden to Broadcast Channel 4's Alternative Christmas Day Message. Edward Snowden, the whistleblower who prompted a worldwide debate when he leaked a cache of top secret documents about US and UK spying, has recorded a ...

GOP Staffer Ryan Loskarn Arrested on Child Porn Charges

Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 11:28:12 am
This is an awful story, as Sen. Lamar Alexander's (R-Tenn.) former chief of staff (Alexander fired him when the news broke) is caught red-handed with a collection of horrific child porn. Loskarn possessed a hard drive filled with "hundreds of videos depicting underage boys engaged in sexually explicit conduct," according ...

Megyn Kelly: Santa and Jesus are white

Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 10:00:36 am
The stupidity here is of monumental proportions. In a column for Slate earlier this week, Aisha Harris wrote that she had always been confused as a child because the Santa in her home had brown skin like her, but the Santa in malls and on television was always white. So Harris ...

Texas Cops Handcuff and Take 13-Year-Old White Girl From Black Guardians

Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 2:34:45 pm
Boy, I sure am glad this whole racism thing is over now. Houston Police have refused to explain why they took a 13-year-old white girl from her two black guardians over the weekend and placed her in the custody of Child Protective Services. Landry Thompson's mother had signed notarized papers giving ...

No, Angola Has Not 'Banned Islam'. It's a Little More Complicated Than That.

Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 5:06:43 pm
Political map of Africa (2012) courtesy of UT Perry-Castañeda LibraryYes, Angola again. I know you might be tired of hearing about it by now, but I despise yellow journalism, so I tend to be like a dog with a bone when ridiculous fake stories make the rounds on the internet. ...

Google Starts Caring About Child Porn

Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 6:11:58 pm
I'll forego the temptation to say "what took you so long:" Google's Eric Schmidt Announces New Blocks on Child Porn. Google's executive chairman Eric Schmidt has outlined how his company is introducing new measures to block child pornography from appearing in its searches. Schmidt explained the changes to Google's search ...

Yasser Arafat Probably Poisoned by Polonium, Swiss Review Concludes

Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 5:36:07 pm
Swiss forensics examiners found sufficient traces of the deadly radioactive isotope polonium-210 in the exhumed remains of Yasser Arafat to conclude with relative certainty that the late Palestinian leader died of poisoning in 2004, Al Jazeera channel reported Wednesday. The Qatar-based broadcaster said it had obtained exclusive access to ...

Gun Owners Are Using Instagram to Privately Sell Firearms, Evade Background Checks

Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 9:04:48 pm
Instagram, which does not have a specific policy that bans users from selling firearms, has become another vehicle for online gun sales according to a Daily Beast report. While 91 percent of Americans support a law requiring anyone who purchases a gun to pass a background check, weak state ...

GOP's New Plan: Keep Punishing America

Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 11:23:56 am
Here we go again, folks. The Republican Party's plot to hold the nation hostage in order to kill the Affordable Care Act is not working out very well for them, but are they going to climb down off the ledge now and get back to work? No, silly! Of course not. ...

Obamacare Rolls Out Even As GOP Seeks Defund/Delay/Destroy Poison Pill Provisions In Budget and Debt

Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 8:13:32 am
Yesterday marked the beginning of the Affordable Care Act's (ACA) health exchange rollout. While some refer to this as Obamacare with derision (and there are polls that indicate that people have a much more favorable view of the term ACA than Obamacare even though they refer to the same program/law), ...

CNN Poll: US Public Will Blame the GOP for Government Shutdown

Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 11:20:18 am
The latest CNN poll on the government shutdown shows that the American public isn't falling for the Republican Party's attempt to reverse victim and offender: CNN Poll: Republicans Would Bear the Brunt of Shutdown Blame. Washington (CNN) -- If the federal government shuts down starting Tuesday because of a bitter ...

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