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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart (627 matches, in 26 pages)

One Woman Sarcastically Says "Hail Satan," Entire Right Wing Goes Into Crazy Freak-Out Mode

Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 10:20:00 am
Thanks to Texas State Republican Rep. Scott Sanford's moronic tweets claiming that pro-choice demonstrators were chanting "Hail Satan!" yesterday at the Texas legislature, conservatives all over the US are in a frenzy of religious fanaticism today. Folks, this is the 21st century, but you sure wouldn't know it from the way ... Partners With 9/11 Truther to Cover Gettysburg Anniversary

Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 12:48:01 pm
Today the right wing propagandists at are announcing a new partnership: 'GETTYSBURG 150' BROADCAST SCHEDULE: BREITBART NEWS PARTNERS WITH N3 TO OFFER 20 HOURS OF COVERAGE. Breitbart News will partner with Next News Network (N3) to live-stream 20 hours of coverage and honor the 150th Anniversary of Battle of ...

Breitbart: Obama's Claim That Immigration Bill Requires English Is Untrue, Except That It's True

Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 3:29:13 pm
Meanwhile, at, propagandist Matthew Boyle makes the categorical statement: OBAMA'S CLAIM THAT IMMIGRATION BILL REQUIRES ILLEGAL ALIENS TO LEARN ENGLISH UNTRUE! Then he proceeds to thoroughly beclown himself, explaining that yes, the bill does require learning English. These people. And check out the nice photo they found to go with ...

Obama Appoints Susan Rice as Security Advisor, Breitbart Commenters Spew Vile Racism

Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 10:15:22 am
"Breitbart News" consists of rewriting real news reports to be as biased to the right as possible, and today at the hate site that Andrew built they're stirring up the rage again, after President Obama announced the appointment of Susan Rice as National Security Advisor: 'LIAR' REPLACES 'LEAKER': DONILON TO RESIGN, ...

Sen. Frank Lautenberg Dies, Right Wing Blogs Spew Hatred

Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 10:03:40 am
New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg, the last World War II veteran in the Senate, died today at the age of 89. And at right wing blogs all over the Internet, an orgy of ugly hatred erupted. For one example out of many (you'll find comments like these at every wingnut blog ...

Dear Robert Spencer: Yes, I'm Being Paid

Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 1:24:10 pm
Anti-Muslim hate group leader Robert Spencer got very upset at my post pointing out that his partner in bigotry Pamela Geller had simply lied in a recent piece for, and dashed off a quick rant about me with the usual dark hints of conspiracies and a massive load of ...

Dim Jim Hoft's Guest Blogger Rants, Demands Apology From Shirley Sherrod for "Racist Comments"

Fri, May 31, 2013 at 11:26:05 am
One of the most disgusting of the many disgusting stunts pulled by far right agitator Andrew Breitbart was his unconscionable smear of USDA official Shirley Sherrod. Breitbart used an edited video to falsely portray Sherrod as a "racist," but the unedited video showed very clearly that this claim was false ...

Pamela Geller Spreads Hatred and Lies at

Wed, May 29, 2013 at 10:26:58 am
Anti-Muslim demagogue Pamela Geller is featured at, with another of her by-the-numbers rants spreading hatred against Muslims -- not to mention outright lies: Where Are the 'Moderate' Muslims? In the wake of the monstrous beheading of a young British man in broad daylight by Muslims who cited the Qur'an ... Publishes Then Deletes an Unbelievably Deranged Wingnut Conspiracy Fantasy

Tue, May 28, 2013 at 5:19:11 pm
They've deleted it from their site now, but if you hurry you can still see's freaky anti-Obama conspiracy fantasy in the Google web cache: Was President Obama High on Coke While Benghazi Burned? - Arlington Conservative | "Arlington Conservative" is Dean Chambers, the delusional nutbag responsible for one of ...

Fake Outrage of the Day: Obama Fails to Salute Marine!

Sat, May 25, 2013 at 10:46:48 am
So what's the wingnut parrot's chorus freaking out about today? A quick look at the right wing echo chamber reveals that they're all lathered up about this idiotic story from Weekly Standard fake outrage peddler Daniel Halper: OBAMA FAILS TO SALUTE MARINE! | the Weekly Standard Under gray skies and intermittent ...

Geller-Spencer Allies "English Defence League" Riot in Britain

Thu, May 23, 2013 at 10:09:44 am
EDL leader Stephen Lennon, who goes by the name Tommy Robinson, (left) with EDL supporters outside The Queens Arms pub in Woolwich The drunken racist British yahoos known as the English Defence League took to the streets and rioted yesterday following the attack on a soldier in London: Woolwich: Riot Police ...

Breitbart Distorts Report on Why Obama Administration Won't Let Military Capture Benghazi Suspects

Wed, May 22, 2013 at 9:47:55 am
Here is how is reporting the story of how the FBI has identified five possible suspects in the attack on the Benghazi diplomatic mission last year: REPORT: OBAMA WON'T LET MILITARY CAPTURE BENGHAZI SUSPECTS! An AP report via Fox Nation via claims that although the FBI has identified five ...

Ben "Friends of Hamas" Shapiro Yells "Culture of Intimidation!"

Mon, May 20, 2013 at 1:04:43 pm
Here's Ben "Friends of Hamas" Shapiro peddling the angry black man meme today like a rabid weasel. "CULTURE OF INTIMIDATION!" he yells. I think young Ben is honestly intimidated. Cowed, even. His dissent is being chilled. You can tell by the giant 73-pixel all-caps screaming headline. Also featured today at the hate ...

Drudge Report Falsely Attributes Quote to President Obama: "I'm a Black Man"

Sun, May 19, 2013 at 2:39:44 pm
And now, Drudge Report is getting into the false quotation game. This morning, President Obama gave the commencement speech at Morehouse College, a historically African-American university; it was an inspiring speech calling on members of the African-American community to be good role models and strive to do what's right. So naturally, the ... Exclusive Bombshell of the Day: Hitler Was Gay!

Fri, May 10, 2013 at 6:01:18 pm
You may not have thought it possible, but gets even creepier and more disgusting with the latest far right propaganda piece by psycho hack William Bigelow: NEW EVIDENCE FROM HIS DOCTORS SHOWS HITLER WAS GAY!!! (h/t: C&L.)

And Now, the Benghazi Talking Point Bombshell That Isn't

Fri, May 10, 2013 at 11:20:19 am
ABC News jumps into the shark tank and panders to the right wing base (hey, eyeballs are eyeballs) with an overheated report on the Benghazi talking points that emerged in the immediate aftermath of the attack on the CIA's outpost: Exclusive: Benghazi Talking Points Underwent 12 Revisions, Scrubbed of Terror ...

Weekly Standard Blatantly Distorts Obama Official's Quote on Syrian Chemical Weapons

Sun, May 5, 2013 at 11:48:16 am
Here's a perfect example of how the right wing media distorts information to create false impressions, as the Weekly Standard's Daniel Halper (who specializes in drumming up fake outrages) takes a quote from an anonymous Obama official completely out of context: Obama Aide on Syria's Assad: 'If He Drops Sarin ...

Wingnut Persecution Complex of the Day: The Military Is Threatening to Court Martial Christians!

Wed, May 1, 2013 at 5:16:49 pm
Meanwhile, just keeps churning out the outrage fodder for the conservative religionists, with this ridiculous distorted article entitled: PENTAGON MAY COURT MARTIAL SOLDIERS WHO SHARE CHRISTIAN FAITH!!! We notice that this silly piece of agit-prop is credited to a certain Ken Klukowski, whose name we haven't noticed at Breitbart "News" ...

NBA Player Jason Collins Says He's Gay, Breitbrats Get Their Smear On

Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 3:56:38 pm
You may have heard already that NBA free agent Jason Collins came right out of the closet today. As far as I know, this makes him the first openly gay NBA player; you should read his entire well-written piece in Sports Illustrated. When the news broke, editor and professionally persecuted ...

Full Video: President Obama Speaks at the Planned Parenthood Gala

Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 2:26:15 pm
YouTube Obama asserted that "an assault on women's rights" is underway across the country, with bills introduced in more than 40 states to limit or ban abortion or restrict access to birth control or other services. "The fact is, after decades of progress, there's still those who want to turn back ...

Janet Napolitano: Injured Saudi Witness Is NOT Being Deported

Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 12:44:04 pm
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano stated today that the idiotic right wing claim that the injured Saudi witness to the Boston bombings is being deported is yet another false rumor. A Saudi student questioned in connection to the bombing of the Boston Marathon is not being deported, Homeland Security Secretary ...

Yet Another Massive Right Wing Fail: At Breitbart, Geller Calls Investigators "Keystone Kops"

Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 11:00:36 am
Today at the right wing attack site, anti-Muslim hate group leader Pamela Geller has a piece calling the Boston bombing investigators "Keystone Kops" and ranting about how pathetic they are: THE EPIC FAILURE OF THE INTEL AGENCIES ON THE BOSTON BOMBING. Who's running the investigation? The Keystone Kops? The ... AWOL on Gosnell for Past Two Years, Suddenly Dozens of Posts

Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 2:51:59 pm
It's hard to avoid noticing that every single right wing website on the Internet is frantically yelling about the Kermit Gosnell case today, in a unison chorus that's impressive for its message discipline if nothing else. The right wing beef this time, as in so many of these situations, is their ...

Secret Tape: Mitch McConnell and Aides Discuss Ways to Smear Ashley Judd

Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 10:39:12 am
Mother Jones has obtained a copy of a secret recording of a private meeting with Mitch McConnell and his aides, brainstorming ways they could smear actor/activist Ashley Judd if she chose to run against McConnell -- and it's just as creepy as you might imagine: Secret Tape: McConnell and Aides ...

Breitbart Hacks Still Doing the Benghazi Boogaloo - Now Hyping Discredited Group Run by Birther

Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 11:56:42 am, the site dedicated to unrelentingly dishonest right wing attacks on President Obama, today has a hit piece by former Washington Times writer Kerry Picket, who just can't stop doing that ol' Benghazi Boogaloo: 700 Retired Military Special Ops Tell Congress to Form Select Committee on Benghazi. And being, they're ...

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