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Searched LGF articles for: honor killing (343 matches, in 14 pages)

More Complete Video of Zimmerman's Arrival at Sanford PD Posted

Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 12:22:04 pm
The City of Sanford has uploaded a more complete set of video clips showing George Zimmerman being brought into the police station after killing Trayvon Martin, and again there is absolutely no evidence of injuries to Zimmerman, neither on the back of his head (which supposedly had "lacerations") nor to ...

Video: George Zimmerman on Night of Trayvon Killing - No Injuries!

Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 4:41:32 pm
ABC News has posted a police surveillance video, showing George Zimmerman on the night he killed Trayvon Martin -- and Zimmerman is very obviously not injured at all. Certainly no broken nose, and no visible injuries to his head, despite the recent claims by police that he was punched in ...

Video: George Zimmerman's Friend Joe Oliver Grilled on 'The Last Word'

Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 8:59:06 pm
In a riveting episode of The Last Word, George Zimmerman's friend Joe Oliver is grilled by Lawrence O'Donnell, Charles Blow, and Jonathan Capehart -- and Oliver does not come off very well at all. (Putting it mildly.) Video Video UPDATE at 3/27/12 9:13:44 pm And some very interesting news from Florida: Sanford Cops Wanted ... Commenters Spew Racist Hatred at Trayvon Martin

Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 5:38:26 pm
At practically every right wing blog and news site, commenters are retching up unbelievably racist comments about Trayvon Martin today; if it seemed at first like they were going to restrain themselves, that illusion has been thoroughly shattered in the past few days. At the site run by Andrew Breitbart's heirs, ...

Geraldo 'Apologizes' for Suggesting Trayvon's Hoodie Killed Him

Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 11:29:48 am
Geraldo Rivera sent an email to Politico today with one of the most absurd non-apology apologies I've ever read, for saying that Trayvon Martin's hoodie was responsible for his killing. With an apology this lame and insincere, you have to wonder why he even bothered. “I apologize to anyone offended ...

Miami Herald Headline: 'Trayvon Suspended Over Marijuana; Thousands Expected at Rally'

Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 12:23:56 pm
I'm trying to understand how this kind of headline is considered ethical journalism: Trayvon Suspended Over Marijuana; Thousands Expected at Rally. And it gets worse; the article says George Zimmerman "thought" Trayvon Martin "looked drugged out." This is not a quote from Zimmerman or anyone else. "Drugged out" are the words ...

Herman Cain's Sadistic New Video - Update: Pulled from YouTube

Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 9:36:08 am
Herman Cain's advertisements attacking the economic stimulus are breaking new ground in simulated sadism, as he works his way up the animal kingdom. The first one showed a child killing a goldfish; Cain's new ad simulates firing a rabbit out of a catapult and blasting it apart with a shotgun. Yes, ...

Horrifying: CA Muslim Mom Beaten to Death, With Note Saying 'Go Back to Your Country'

Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 2:52:44 pm
YouTube Video A truly horrifying story from California: California Muslim Mother Beaten to Death, Left With Note Saying 'Go Back to Your Country'. I'm sure some will disagree with me, but I have no doubt that the climate of deranged xenophobia and anti-Muslim hatred built and fed by people like Newt Gingrich, ...

Dan Riehl and Stormfront in Perfect Sync

Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 6:18:01 pm blogger Dan Riehl seems to be having uncontrollable hate spasms today, tossing off racist posts one after another. Now he's trumpeting a photo he found at Facebook (hat tip: "a reader") under the name "Trayvon Martin," seemingly unable or unwilling to realize that it's not the same person as ...

Fox News Commenters Spew Another Deluge of Racist Hatred at Trayvon Martin and President Obama

Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 11:11:23 am
President Obama made a statement today on the killing of Trayvon Martin: "When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids," Obama said in Rose Garden remarks. "I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every ...

Florida Police Chief Steps Down in Aftermath of Trayvon Martin Killing

Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 1:04:04 pm
Bill Lee, police chief of Sanford, Florida, where 17-year old Trayvon Martin was gunned down by vigilante George Zimmerman, is "temporarily" stepping down. Zimmerman, meanwhile, has still not been arrested. Calls Me a 'Liberal Non-Entity' - on Their Front Page

Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 10:03:50 am
I always love it when the first thing I see on Twitter in the morning is a gaggle of wingnuts, all retweeting gleefully that I've been "beclowned." Apparently "editor" Larry O'Connor has a devastating reply to my post pointing out that they've broken every single existing link to their ...

Glenn Beck Website Blames Trayvon Martin for His Own Killing

Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 10:23:29 am
At Glenn Beck's "The Blaze" website, the wingnuts are in full-throated defense mode for George Zimmerman, in an article now titled: Sharpton Calls for Arrest of George Zimmerman After Shooting of Trayvon Martin in 'Self-Defense'. I say it's "now" titled that, because the URL for the story reveals its original title: ...

Trayvon Martin and the Pro-Gun Right Wing Lobby

Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 3:40:15 pm
If you've been trying to make sense out of the blizzard of information about the Florida shooting death of 17-year old Trayvon Martin, here's a very good explainer at Mother Jones: The Trayvon Martin Killing, Explained. The more we learn about this case, the more it looks like a serious miscarriage ...

Jim Hoft's Idiotic Post of the Week: The 'Occupy Rape' That Wasn't

Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 1:02:31 pm
Channeling the spirit of Andrew Breitbart, Jim Hoft, the redoubtable Gateway Pundit, is hyperventilating and shrieking "Stop the raping!" He must have a Google News alert set up for "Occupy AND rape." Note that whenever Hoft slams the Occupy movement, he robotically inserts the phrase "Obama-endorsed." Another Day... Another Rape at an ...

Fox News Commenters React to Afghan Killings: 'A Dead Muslim Is a Good Muslim'

Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 12:31:45 pm
It's no longer surprising, but the right wing blogs are full of comments today praising the soldier who allegedly committed mass murder in Kandahar, killing men, women, and children asleep in their beds. Gateway Pundit: It’s a start. Now for the rest of the bastards. [...] Congratulations to the soldier...give him a heros ...

Jonathan Coulton: Sticking It to Myself

Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 3:30:11 pm
In honor of the shiny-faced mini-Breits at, who've provided us with a hilarious week's worth of wingnut fake outrages, capped off by breaking all existing links on all sites to all their previous articles, here's Jonathan Coulton and Phil Hernandez with "Sticking It To Myself." YouTube Video Here's an Amazon widget ...

Pamela Geller: 'I've Had It Up to Here With Sandra Fluke's Obama-Endorsed Vagina'

Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 1:12:59 pm
After his repellent misogynistic comments about law student Sandra Fluke, almost all of Rush Limbaugh's major advertisers have dropped his show like a hot potato. In response, a weird hush has fallen over most of the right wing blogosphere; they seem to have realized that when dozens of major advertisers bail ...

Texas Kills Women's Health Program to Get at Planned Parenthood

Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 10:29:36 am
Texas Gov. Rick Perry's administration continues their all-out war against women's rights, by signing into law a bill that bans Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers from participating in the Texas' Women's Health Program -- effectively killing the program altogether. If there was any hope that the state was seeking ...

Another Front in the GOP's War on Women's Rights: Bogus 'Pregnancy Help Centers'

Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 12:37:24 pm
You've heard about Virginia's mandatory ultrasound law (several other states have already passed ultrasound laws too), and you've heard about the "Personhood" bill that's now being pushed in several states, but the Republican Party is also staging an attack on another front in their war on women's rights. In several states, ...

Idaho Republicans Trying to Pass Bill to Allow Employers to Deny Contraception Coverage

Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 10:13:50 am
Male Republican religious fanatics in Idaho are now trying to pass a measure that would allow any employer to deny women contraception coverage, and once again seeking to equate contraception with abortion: Idaho Bill Targets Contraceptive Rules. Republican caveman Carlos BilbaoBOISE — A measure to allow Idaho employers to ignore ...

Fox News Commenters Respond to Whitney Houston's Death With Deluge of Hatred and Racism

Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 10:45:40 am
I don't even know what to say about this any more. There's a real sickness running rampant in the right wing; the Fox News comment thread on Whitney Houston's death is yet another disgusting deluge of outright racism: Singer Whitney Houston Dies at 48 | Fox News. There are almost 5000 ...

CPAC Panel Will Feature White Nationalist Leader Brimelow

Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 11:45:15 am
It was bad enough when CPAC recently allowed the wacko paleo-conservative John Birch Society to have an exhibit, but this year things are exponentially worse. This year, the Conservative Political Action Conference, at which presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich will appear, is having a panel discussion featuring ...

Pamela Geller Spews Hatred at LGF Again

Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 11:09:19 am
Hate group leader Pamela Geller is spewing insults at me again, for pointing out her disgusting exploitation of a murdered Muslim woman. As usual with right wing tirades, she attempts to reverse the reality and project her own illness onto me, accusing me of being "pro-jihad," of being a "misogynist ...

Pamela Geller's Ghoulish Obsession With 'Honor Killings' Takes an Ugly Turn

Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 11:22:00 am
Anti-Muslim hate group leader Pamela Geller has seized on the murder of a 20-year old Muslim woman in Michigan, labeled it an "honor killing," and is now planning to hold a "conference" using the murdered woman's name -- against the wishes of the woman's family, and even though both the ...

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