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Searched LGF articles for: paul krugman (545 matches, in 22 pages)

Notorious White Supremacist Troll Chuck C. Johnson Says He's "Doing a Lot of the Vetting" for the Trump Team

Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 3:55:29 pm
Stefan Molyneux is one of the malignant personalities popular with the "alt-right," a sort of Renaissance man of horrible white supremacism and misogyny. And today in his YouTube webcast of awfulness he interviewed a motley crew of racists and conspiracy-mongering dirtbags including Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Gavin McInnes, Vox ...

Woo Hoo! Little Green Footballs Makes Alex Jones's "Ultimate Fake News List!"

Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 5:55:50 pm
I'm pleased to announce that Little Green Footballs has made it onto a very prestigious list of news outlets: The Ultimate "Fake News" List by none other than deranged conspiracy-monger Alex Jones! The whack jobs who run Infowars are clearly stung by the absolutely accurate charge that they peddle fake news ...

Another Excellent Tiny Desk Concert: John Paul White (Formerly of the Civil Wars)

Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 8:15:52 pm
YouTube Bob Boilen | November 14, 2016 - I wasn't alone in patiently waiting for new music from John Paul White. His singing and songwriting as half of The Civil Wars was heartfelt and beautiful. This summer, a new album finally came, and Beulah was a quietly understated gem. This ...

Donald Trump Calls Conspiracy-Monger Alex Jones to Thank Him, Promises to Go on His Show Soon

Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 8:52:26 pm
YouTube For the past decade I've been watching in horror as the conservative movement grew closer and closer to the conspiracy-peddling lunacy of Alex Jones and his InfoWars website. Matt Drudge added a permanent link to InfoWars on Drudge Report; Rand Paul made numerous appearances on the Alex Jones radio and ...

In Reno, Trump Rushed Off Stage When Crowd Freaks Out Over a Republican With a Sign

Sat, Nov 5, 2016 at 9:13:59 pm
Tonight in Reno, Nevada, the Secret Service suddenly interrupted Donald Trump's rant to rush him off stage after a disturbance broke out in the audience. A man was taken into custody, but it was quickly determined that he was not threatening Trump, and had no gun. He was trying to unfold ...

Jim Hoft, Stupidest Man on the Internet, Falls for ANOTHER Fake Story, Then Sean Hannity Repeats It

Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 4:20:54 pm
DERP Jim Hoft is heading for some kind of derp implosion, folks. He's been posting fake stories nearly every day as the election gets closer, and today he fell for a scam from one of those fake news sites ("Your News Wire," an obviously shady name if there ever was one) ...

And Now, Randy Newman and the Putin Girls: "Putin" (Official Video)

Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 3:44:18 pm
YouTube This, right here? This is why I love Randy Newman so very much. Here’s a video dedicated to a great world leader. I hope all of you like it. I know he will. —Randy Newman MP3/FLAC/HD: iTunes: Putin Putin puttin’ his pants on One leg at a time You mean he’s just like ...

A Great New Song From Aimee Mann Skewers Trump Beautifully: "Can't You Tell?"

Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 6:14:57 pm
YouTube "Can't You Tell?" by Aimee Mann "I wanted to write about Trump in the first person because I think it's more interesting to speculate on what people’s inner life might be. I had heard a theory that Trump’s interest in running for President was really kicked off at the 2011 ...

Donald Trump Goes on Wild Twitter Rant: "The Shackles Have Been Taken Off"

Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 11:13:56 am
Donald Trump is ranting away on Twitter like a complete lunatic again today, boasting that he's going to "teach" disloyal Republicans, and bragging that "the shackles have been taken off" and he can now go hog-wild. So we have that to look forward to. Despite winning the second debate in a ...

Chuck C. Johnson's Latest Scam Is Another Massive Fail: "Never Before Seen Obama Video"

Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 2:59:20 pm
For months cyberstalker Chuck C. Johnson and his racist pal Pax Dickinson have been hyping and promising and conning right wing rubes into sending them money for a "never before seen video" of Barack Obama visiting Kenya in 1990. Johnson and Dickinson have been telling the rubes the "damning video" will ...

Thin-Skinned GOP Nominee Continues Misogynist Attacks on Alicia Machado at 3 AM

Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 10:55:37 am
In the debate Monday night, Hillary Clinton laid a trap for Donald Trump by bringing up Trump's ugly misogynistic and bigoted comments about former Miss Universe Alicia Machado. Trump was obviously surprised, repeating "Where did you get this? Where did you get this?" in a petulant voice as Clinton described ...

A Humiliated Trump Brags About Meaningless Internet Polls to Boost His Damaged Ego

Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 10:28:56 am
One of the laws of the Internet is that online polls -- the kind that let anyone vote by clicking a "submit" button -- are completely unscientific, meaningless, and easy to spam. They're intended to be fun, and nothing more. These types of polls usually have some very weak methods that ...

The Bob & Chez Show: Greenwalded

Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 11:49:29 am /BCS_090616.mp3 Today's program from our podcasting affiliate, The Bob & Chez Show: Greenwalded: Jill Stein Fanboys and Glenn Greenwald Swarm Against Bob; Helping Trump by Wrongly Emphasizing Hillary's Negatives; Paul Krugman Scolds the Press; Soledad O'Brien Joins the Fray; False Equivalences; The Clinton Foundation and the Trump Foundation; and more. ...

Paul Manafort Exits Through the Trump Campaign Revolving Door

Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 9:58:03 am
Remember how the Trump campaign was saying yesterday that even though they've hired a new manager and a new alt-right chief executive, former campaign manager Paul Manafort was not leaving? Well, that was yesterday, and yesterday's gone, and so is Paul Manafort. Many people are saying this is the most stable presidential ...

Trump's New Campaign Leader: The Man Behind Alt-Right Hate Site Breitbart "News"

Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 10:12:32 am
Today is the day the worst elements of the far right completed their takeover of the Republican Party, as the Donald Trump campaign announced a shake-up, replacing Paul Manafort as campaign chief with Stephen Bannon, the man behind one of the most extreme right wing hate sites on the web ...

New York Times: Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump's Campaign Chief

Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 6:22:33 pm
The New York Times has been investigating Donald Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort, and just look what they've turned up: Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump’s Campaign Chief. Government investigators examining secret records have found his name, as well as companies he sought business with, as they ...

Wow: Trump Campaign Staff Reportedly "Suicidal"

Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 6:50:50 pm
Credit: DonkeyHotey Even the right wing hard cases Donald Trump recruited to work for him are getting freaked out by his increasingly unhinged ranting, according to CNBC reporter John Harwood: longtime ally of Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign manager: "Manafort not challenging Trump anymore. Mailing it in. Staff suicidal." — John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) August ...

Trump Refuses to Endorse Paul Ryan and John McCain in GOP Primaries

Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 1:55:37 pm
Credit: Gage Skidmore Paul Ryan and John McCain have both criticized Donald Trump for his disgusting attacks on the gold star family of Khizr Khan and his wife, but neither of them have taken the next step of withdrawing their endorsements of Trump for the presidency. Essentially, Ryan and McCain and many ...

In Which Paul Ryan's Primary Opponent Cites White Supremacist Chuck C. Johnson

Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 7:09:19 pm
So today, this guy Paul Nehlen, who's actually running for Congress and hoping to beat Speaker of the House Paul Ryan in the upcoming primary, tweeted a link to white supremacist Chuck C. Johnson's blog. Democrats in #WI01 Can Defeat House Speaker Ryan In An Open Primary & Cause Chaos For ...

Trump Speechwriter Now ADMITS Melania's Speech Was Plagiarized From Michelle Obama

Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 11:16:31 am
Immediately following the exposure of the blatant plagiarism in Melania Trump's GOP convention speech, the Trump campaign sent numerous surrogates out to the media, claiming it was untrue, there was no plagiarism, how dare you even suggest such a thing, you liberal idiots?! Today a Trump speechwriter admitted she was responsible ...

The 3 Most Amazing And/Or Ridiculous Republican Attempts to Deny Melania Trump's Plagiarism

Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 12:27:51 pm
I guess at this point no one should be surprised at the brazen lying of Republicans, as they try to deflect the blame and attack Hillary Clinton for Melania Trump's absolutely blatant plagiarism in her speech at last night's fear-fest (also known as the Republican convention). Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort ...

Trump Campaign Denies Melania Plagiarized Michelle Obama, Blames Hillary Clinton

Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 9:26:51 am
Last night I predicted the Trump campaign would try to deny Melania Trump plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech for the 2008 Democratic convention, and that's exactly what Trump's campaign adviser Paul Manafort is doing today. But he's even going a step further and blaming the whole controversy on Hillary Clinton. “There's ...

And Now, a Public Service Announcement From Guitarist Paul Gilbert

Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 2:34:10 pm
YouTube Official music video for "Everybody Use Your Goddamn Turn Signal" by Paul Gilbert Download his new album "I CAN DESTROY" out now: Subsc ribe: "I Can Destroy" European Buy Links: CD: Itunes: Check out more music, videos, news and extras on: Follow Paul at: Facebook - Twitter - Check out ...

Thursday Night Jam: Courtney Barnett, "Elevator Operator"

Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 6:30:46 pm
YouTube I love Courtney Barnett, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. She makes hard-rockin' music with a great sense of humor, and that's the way to my heart. Taken from the LP: “Sometimes I Sit And Think, And Sometimes I Just Sit” - out through Milk! Records, House Anxiety/Marathon Artists ...

Watchdog Groups: Trump Broke Federal Law With Fundraising Emails to Foreign Politicians

Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 11:26:41 am
Albert H. Teich / Yesterday it emerged that Donald Trump has been -- bizarrely -- sending fundraising emails to foreign citizens, including members of parliament in the UK, Australia, Iceland, Denmark and Finland. Today, two watchdog groups have announced they're filing FEC complaints alleging that the Trump campaign has broken federal ...

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