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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart (634 matches, in 26 pages)

Breitbart Hack's Howler: Pamela Geller Is the Gay Community's BFF

Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 11:42:22 am
As soon as I saw this moronic headline at today, I knew I was in for some seriously delusional right wing turnspeak: SALON MAGAZINE SMEARS PAMELA GELLER!!! On April 2, Salon magazine carried a column by Chris Stedman accusing Pamela Geller of trying to drive a wedge between gays ... Incites Hatred Against Minister of Obama's Easter Service

Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 11:34:48 am
OK, so what's the big right wing fake outrage today? Oh, there it is -- at, of course, where they're inciting hatred against the minister of a church attended by the Obama family who dared to criticize the religious right. First, the Washington Post report for the full context ... Hacks Continue Attacking President Obama's Daughters

Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 12:29:41 pm
I think the constant, unrelenting rage and hatred is starting to rot the brains of the Breitbrats, because this has to be the most demented attack on the President's daughters they've launched yet: COMMENTARY: THE CYNICAL EXPLOITATION OF THE OBAMA CHILDREN. There is something seriously wrong with these people. This is ...

Google Honors Cesar Chavez, Right Wing Goes Into Massive Freakout Mode

Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 10:57:31 am
It wouldn't be Easter without a massive right wing freakout, and today's rage meme is directed at Google because their front page "Doodle" is currently celebrating the birthday of Latino American civil rights hero Cesar Chavez. As someone who organized immigrant farm workers, Chavez is a natural target for the right ... Continues Stalking the President's Daughters

Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:31:36 pm
Amazingly, the right wing attack dogs at are continuing to stalk President Obama's daughters on vacation: Report: First Daughters Now Spring-Breaking on Idaho Slopes. This is me, just shaking my head at this madness. They have absolutely no concern for the safety of the President's family. I've seen a lot ...

Daily Caller Hack Charles C. Johnson Now Attacking "47%" Videographer Scott Prouty

Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 11:32:10 am
Call on the clue phone for Daily Caller hack Charles C. Johnson: it's too late for the smears. Your guy lost. The only thing he achieves by personally attacking Scott Prouty at this point is to further cement the right's reputation as vindictive, dishonest, and flat out nasty. Obviously, Prouty made ...

Report: Right-Wing Extremists 'Highly Engaged' With GOP on Twitter

Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 11:36:13 am
A disturbing new report from the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation reveals some of the clandestine tactics used by white nationalists on Twitter -- and shows that they're "highly engaged" with the GOP and right wing media. This comes as no surprise; since the election of Barack Obama the ...

Breitbart 'Contributing Journalist' Pat Dollard: "Barack Obama Now the Global Head of Al Qaeda"

Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 1:54:38 pm
Here's your daily moment of sheer wingnut crazy, brought to you by "contributing journalist" and all-around angry guy Pat Dollard. The source of Dollard's demented post: Alex Jones. Of course. Mounting Evidence: Barack Obama Now Global Head Of Al-Qaeda #tcot #lnynbt #teaparty #resist44 #tgdn #sot #tlot — Patrick Dollard (@PatDollard) March ...

Breitbart's Matthew Boyle Continues Attacking Obama's Family

Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 1:03:26 pm "investigative journalist" Matthew Boyle, whose exceedingly creepy EXCLUSIVE BOMBSHELL exposing the President's daughters' vacation location was covered yesterday at LGF (now with more than 1400 hits via Twitter), is not ashamed of his ugly article and he's not backing down one bit. That's the Breitbart way -- race-baiting followed ...

Breitbart's Matthew Boyle Stalks the President's Daughters, Incites Racial Hatred

Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 10:46:17 am hack Matthew Boyle (who was, incidentally, the first source of the bogus prostitution smear against Sen. Bob Menendez) is doing what the Breitbart gang does so well -- stirring up hatred and racial animus for the President's family, with another EXCLUSIVE BOMBSHELL based on random Twitter posts: Exclusive: Sasha, ...

George Zimmerman's Brother Compares Trayvon Martin to Georgia Baby-Killer Suspect

Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 8:57:20 pm
Robert Zimmerman, Jr., brother of Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman, continued his everything-including-the-racist-kitche n-sink PR offensive on behalf of his brother by repeatedly tweeting a photo comparison of the teenager his brother shot, and De'Marquise Elkins, the 17 year-old who has been detained in the murder of a Georgia infant. ...

The CPAC Hits Keep on Comin': Black Man Tossed Out After Wingnut Screams at Him, 'Race Doesn't Matter'

Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 6:24:50 pm
Another graphic example of the right wing's "minority outreach:" CPAC: Black Man Tossed Out After Breitbart Hack Screams at Him 'Race Doesn't Matter'. In this video from CPAC, a black man seems like he sincerely interested in helping find a way for conservatives to appeal to other African Americans, but ...

Eric Allen Bell on 'Jewish Supremacists'

Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 9:24:12 am
Readers may or may not remember Eric Allen Bell--he's the filmmaker and former "Kos Kid" who, back in 2010, was supportive of the construction of the Murfreesboro mosque, which had become one of the lightning rods of the anti-mosque hysteria that began sweeping the nation that summer. Eric Allen Bell ...

CPAC Moment of Zen: Ben Shapiro Calls on Empty Room to Destroy the Media

Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 5:48:14 pm star reporter Ben "Friends of Hamas" Shapiro was featured today at a CPAC panel titled, "Stop THIS: Threats, Harassment, Intimidation, Slander & Bullying from the Obama Administration," possibly the whiniest right wing panel title ever devised, and uttered these memorable words: "It's really that simple. The media has to ...'s Epic Fail of the Day: The Fake Story That Paul Krugman Filed for Bankruptcy

Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 12:32:08 pm
Seems like it was only yesterday that Breitbart editor John "Murder the Liberal Teachers" Nolte posted a lengthy gloat about the Washington Post falling for a satirical story at The Daily Currant, slamming author Suzi Parker for not recognizing a parody and ending with this memorable sentence: "[Palin] drives members ...

Gabby Giffords's Husband Buys AR-15 to Make a Point, Wingnuts Seethe With Rage

Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 2:34:34 pm
In another case of poor reading comprehension or blind rage and willful ignorance, and Gateway Pundit, aka "Dim" Jim Hoft, have led their readership in yet another bout of outrageous outrage. It appears that Gabby Gifford's husband, Captain Mark Kelly has purchased an AR-15 and a 45 to make ...

Adam Baldwin Agrees: Anti-Rape Classes Equal 'Do Not Steal' Classes for Blacks

Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 10:18:35 am
During the current "monstrous" feeding frenzy of misogynist and racist attacks against Zerlina Maxwell after her appearance on the Sean Hannity show, we find Adam Baldwin of Breitbart and "Full Metal Jacket" fame in agreement that "forcing all men to go through 'do not rape' classes would be as bad ...

Steven Crowder's Bogus "Union Thugs Attacked Me" Case: No Charges Filed

Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 11:30:02 am
Remember when right wing pseudo-comedian Steven Crowder provoked and insulted and shoved union demonstrators at the Michigan Capitol until someone took a swing at him? Remember how he used a blatantly edited video to try to push this phony story of "union thuggery," and Sean Hannity and Fox News and ...

James O'Keefe Settles on $100,000 Payment to Smeared ACORN Employee

Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 1:53:46 pm
Juan Carlos Vera is the former ACORN employee who was recorded illegally without his consent by James O'Keefe for those infamous Andrew Breitbart-funded "sting" videos, purportedly giving O'Keefe and Hannah Giles advice on how to bring teenage girls into the US from Mexico. Vera was fired in the hysteria that ...

The Breitbrat Hagiographies: Year One A.B. (After Breitbart)

Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 2:10:46 pm
I have to admit, I'm only posting this because the ridiculous clumsy photoshop of Andrew Breitbart's too-big head on a John Singleton Copley painting is totally hilarious in that inadvertent wingnut way: POP CULTURAL CONSERVATISM, YEAR ONE A.B. (AFTER BREITBART). The photoshop: The original painting they defaced: Come on! You can't buy this ...

Bob Woodward's Disgraceful Lies About White House "Threats"

Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 10:16:25 am
When I went to bed last night, Bob Woodward was on record claiming that he had been "threatened" by a senior official in the Obama White House, for his statements on the origin of the sequestration deal. Today Politico published the email exchange between Woodward and Obama's economic adviser Gene Sperling, ...

Chuck Hagel Confirmed for Secretary of Defense

Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 2:42:11 pm
Secretary of Defense Chuck HagelChuck Hagel was just confirmed as the new Secretary of Defense in a 58-41 Senate vote, and I'd like to give a big thumbs up to for their non-stop (some might say obsessive) hard work in helping to make it happen. The "Friends of Hamas" ...

Desperately Thrashing Breitbrats Misrepresent Boston Herald Anti-Hagel Op-Ed

Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 12:10:24 pm
Today at right wing propaganda outlet, there are no less than 14 front-page articles (there may be more by the time you read this) attacking Secretary of Defense nominee Chuck Hagel in every possible way; I haven't seen the Breitbrats this worked up since last November. And they're also up ...'s Week of Monumental Fail

Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 11:09:16 am
After being exposed as hacks without standards this week (again), the gang at went completely ballistic, posting one article after another bashing Chuck Hagel in a crazed, desperate attempt to scuttle his nomination for Secretary of Defense. Currently on the front page at, we find no less than 13 ...

Mocked for Pushing Fake Story, Breitbrats Go Totally Ballistic

Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 10:50:59 am
The now thoroughly discredited hacks at are in a serious rage today, lashing out at everyone who mocked them over their "Friends of Hamas" fake story and posting at least nine articles so far today attacking Chuck Hagel even more rabidly than before. The most ridiculous one of the bunch ...

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