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Searched LGF articles for: climate change denial (1,017 matches, in 41 pages)

John Oliver Takes Donald Trump Apart

Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 2:17:41 pm
If you haven't already watched the brilliant segment that John Oliver did last night, dismantling all the myths that are Donald's entire appeal to his ill-informed supporters, DO SO NOW. Video Why isn't he proud of his heritage? Because it sounds like mackerel guts hitting the processing floor? Oliver brilliantly, point ...

Donald Trump Crashes Glenn Beck's Speech, Causing Beck to Rant Hilariously

Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 10:36:00 am
Glenn Beck obviously didn't expect Donald Trump to show up where he was speaking in Nevada last night, but that's what happened as the crowd started chanting "Trump Trump Trump" over Beck's speech pushing Ted Cruz. Here's video posted to Twitter of the Trumpenstein's latest bullying stunt. How laughably fitting, as ...

Dear Diary: Today I Read an Article Defending People Who Think the Earth Is Flat

Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 7:33:53 pm
When I posted the video of Neil deGrasse Tyson's appearance on The Nightly Show earlier today, in which he definitively slapped down the idea that's been debunked for more than two millennia that the Earth is flat, I never thought I'd be reading an article at a major online publication ...

Excellent: Neil deGrasse Tyson Takes Flat-Earth Rapper B.o.B to School

Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 12:30:47 pm
YouTube Rapper B.o.B has been creating a stir on Twitter with his hare-brained ideas about the shape of the Earth, and as you might expect, Neil deGrasse Tyson is not amused. Also see: “Flat Earth” rapper B.o.B has even more extreme, dangerous views: He promotes Holocaust denial

Ted Cruz Never Gets Tired of This "Joke:" "Al Gore Told Us This Wouldn't Happen"

Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 11:14:36 am
Credit: Gage Skidmore Ah yes, conservative "humor" time again. Today in Iowa, Ted Cruz recycled one of those right wing "jokes" that isn't really a joke (because these people actually believe this nonsense): that cold weather proves climate change is a hoax perpetrated by scheming evil scientists and Al Gore. Always ...

Oregon Terrorists Convene 'Common Law Grand Jury' Against Local Officials

Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 1:53:51 pm
The "sovereign citizen" domestic terrorists who took over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge headquarters are really getting delusional now: Armed Occupiers Convene 'Common Law Grand Jury' Against Local Officials. Armed occupiers in Harney County are moving forward with efforts to change the legal system. Occupiers say they’ve voted to ask Joaquin Mariano DeMoreta-Folch, ...

Saturday Jam: Becca Stevens, "Weightless"

Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 12:34:37 pm
YouTube This video's a few years old now, but I'm just catching up on Becca Stevens' excellent music after discovering her through this Snarky Puppy video, and this song is amazing. This ain't pop music, folks; Becca likes sophisticated, unexpected chord progressions and cadences, which makes her my kind of musician. ...

NASA, NOAA Analyses Reveal 2015 Was Hottest Year in Recorded History

Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 11:22:51 am
YouTube [small]This visualization illustrates Earth’s long-term warming trend, showing temperature changes from 1880 to 2015 as a rolling five-year average. Orange colors represent temperatures that are warmer than the 1951-80 baseline average, and blues represent temperatures cooler than the baseline. Credits: GSFC Scientific Visualization Studio[/small] NASA and NOAA scientists reported today that ...

Here's a Full Transcript of Sarah Palin's Bizarre, Incoherent Word Salad Endorsing Donald Trump

Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 8:37:06 pm
YouTube Palin: Thank you so much, it's so great to be in Iowa, we're here just thawin' out! Todd 'n I an' a couple of our friends here from Alaska, uh, lending our support for THE next president of our great United States of America Donald J. Trump! Mr. Trump, you're right! ...

Breitbart Hack Milo Yiannopoulos Calls Bill Nye "Stupid"

Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 2:19:29 pm
Today at Breitbart "News' we find self-hating malevolent misogynist weirdo Milo Yiannopoulos attacking Bill Nye, presumably because he's a strong advocate for science and against climate change denial, and anyone who writes for Breitbart has to be upset at people like this. It's their business model. Yiannopoulos titles his ridiculously dishonest ...

Watch Live: President Obama's Last State of the Union Address

Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 5:33:46 pm
YouTube I'm treating this last State of the Union just like my first - because I'm still just as hungry. I hope you tune in, because it's for you. — President Obama (@POTUS) January 13, 2016 The speech doesn't start until 9 pm Eastern, but they're leading up to it with some ...

The Brainwashing of America

Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 11:16:31 am
What is brainwashing? Margaret Singer defined it as “providing members with information about the cult and showing them how their own decision-making power had been taken away from them.” Have you watched a friend or loved one go down the rabbit hole of right-wing delusion, paranoia and hatred? Likely, you ...

Tech Note: The LGF Pages Bookmarklet Source Code

Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 6:13:05 pm
Image via Shutterstock It's been a while since I posted the source code for our LGF Pages bookmarklet, and it's actually undergone some major changes recently, so let's remedy that omission right now, shall we? The biggest change: all of the code has been rewritten to use native Javascript, doing away with ...

The Top 10 Contributors' LGF Pages of 2015

Sat, Jan 2, 2016 at 1:12:33 pm
Image via Shutterstock 1The most popular user-submitted LGF Page of the year was this tale of poetic justice: Elephant Hunter Crushed to Death by Baby Elephant. 2Number 2 on our list was this massively fun video: Teacher And His Students Recreate 'Uptown Funk'. 3The number 3 slot goes to a report from the ...

Ben Carson Campaign in Chaos as Top Advisers Quit, Blaming Armstrong Williams

Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 11:08:18 am
Resigning staffers blame Ben Carson's business manager, Armstrong Williams, for problems in the campaign In a major meltdown, Ben Carson's top three campaign managers all resigned yesterday, along with 20 staffers; and they're blaming the campaign's dysfunction on Carson's business manager Armstrong Williams. After announcing his resignation from the Ben Carson ...

A Song That's Lost None of Its Power: Peter Gabriel, "Red Rain"

Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 8:59:33 pm
YouTube The official Red Rain video. Directed by Matt Mahurin. Red rain is coming down Red rain Red rain is pouring down Pouring down all over me I am standing up at the water's edge in my dream I cannot make a single sound as you scream it can't be that cold, the ground is still warm ...

Breitbart Commenters Cheer Probable Christmas Day Arson Attack on Houston Mosque

Sat, Dec 26, 2015 at 11:40:55 am
On Christmas Day, a fire broke out at a mosque in southwest Houston, and the ATF has now confirmed it's a probable case of arson. This is apparently the latest in a string of anti-Muslim hate crimes since the San Bernardino attack. HOUSTON - An ATF spokesperson has confirmed the ...

Lindsey Graham Bails, Raising GOP Crazy Quotient

Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 11:18:52 am
YouTube Lindsey Graham parroted the same ignorant anti-Muslim rhetoric as the rest of the Republican candidates, and was totally gung-ho for invading lots of Middle Eastern countries, but at least he wasn't a complete denier of climate science -- the only relatively sane one of the GOP candidates on this issue. ...

Watch Live: President Obama's Statement on the Climate Agreement

Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 2:31:43 pm
YouTube Live from the White House.

Ben Carson Backs Donald Trump, Threatens to Leave the GOP

Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 10:12:32 am
If Donald Trump achieves nothing else with his absolutely insane rhetoric, at least he'll have torn the Republican Party apart. Now Ben Carson is also threatening to leave the GOP after reports that establishment fat cats are discussing ways to thwart Trump's potential nomination. More popcorn, please? Ben Carson on ...

Planned Parenthood Attack Suspect: "I Am a Warrior for the Babies"

Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 3:00:32 pm
OK, right wing bloggers. You can stop trying to pretend the attack on the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood office was anything other than right wing Christian terrorism now: Planned Parenthood Attack Suspect: ‘I Am Guilty’. “I am guilty there will be no trial. I am a warrior for the babies,” ...

Monday Night Jam: Sara Bareilles, "Door Number Three"

Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 6:30:38 pm
YouTube The audio quality isn't the best in this video, but what a song (and what a singer)! From Sara Bareilles' latest album, Waitress. Door number two It's for you, little lady Is it all that you dreamed of? How, if I knew, would've been there waiting I'd have screamed out and jumped up Now here ...

Right Wing Troll Chuck C. Johnson Pleased at Colorado Planned Parenthood Attack

Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 5:38:23 pm
There's a lot of horrible stuff being posted at right wing blogs following the attack on the Planned Parenthood office in Colorado Springs today. But cyberstalker Chuck C. Johnson, who actually has a reason to -- at least -- offer a pro forma denunciation like his nervous pal David Daleiden ...

If You Think Waterboarding Isn't Torture, Watch Christopher Hitchens Get Waterboarded

Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 5:22:36 pm
YouTube I'm seeing conservatives all over the blogs and social media sites today laughing about Donald Trump's statement that he'd bring back waterboarding, and denying that it qualifies as "torture." Yes, this horrible ugly debate is starting up again in the United States, where our right wing apparently never learns anything. ...

Video: Trump Insists He Saw Arabs Cheering in New Jersey on 9/11, Says He'll Bring Back Waterboarding

Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 12:38:17 pm
Video Yes, it's another post about Donald Trump, because he's kicking his dishonest xenophobia into overdrive now. In 2015 America, this is where right wing politics has ended up: in complete denial of reality and vicious endorsement of violence and torture. Here's Donald Trump on ABC News, insisting that he saw "Arabs" cheering ...

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