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Searched LGF articles for: iraq study group (2,497 matches, in 100 pages)

James Fields Charged With Murder in #Charlottesville Terrorism; Right Wing Bloggers Identified Wrong Person

Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 11:56:49 am
In Charlottesville, Virginia, James Alex Fields, Jr. has been arrested and charged with murder after allegedly driving at full speed into a crowd of counter-protesters at yesterday's neo-Nazi rally. Earlier in the day, Fields was photographed numerous times with the Nazi crowd, holding one of their absurd shields emblazoned with fascist ...

NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert: The Shins

Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 9:12:06 pm
YouTube It's actually not the whole band, but just one Shin, songwriter/singer James Mercer, performing solo with an acoustic guitar and doing an amazing job. Bob Boilen | July 24, 2017 -- The Shins have been a constant part of NPR's musical DNA for much of the 21st century. The group's ...

The Latest Video From One of the Most Unique Bands on the Scene: FORQ, "Fenix"

Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 3:17:53 pm
YouTube I don't even know what to call the genre Forq has staked out, but there's definitely no other band making gloriously off-kilter music like this today. "Fenix" off of Forq's 2017 album “Thrēq," out now on GroundUP Music. Available now: Physical: tions/forq Digital: Henry Hey - Keyboards Chris McQueen - Guitars Michael League - Bass Jason ...

And Now, Some Wacky Surf-Jazz From Snarky Puppy Spinoff Forq: "Cowabunghole"

Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 9:12:51 pm
YouTube "Cowabunghole" off of Forq's 2017 album “Thrēq," out August 4th on GroundUP Music. Pre-order available now: Physical: tions/forq Digital (receive download of "Cowabunghole" instantly): Henry Hey - Keyboards Chris McQueen - Guitars Michael League - Bass Jason “JT” Thomas - Drums Recorded by Nic Hard at the Bunker Studio in Brooklyn, New York. Mixed by Nic Hard ...

A Great New Music Video From Banda Magda: "Tam Tam"

Sat, Jul 22, 2017 at 12:25:36 pm
YouTube Here's another outstanding track from the upcoming Banda Magda album to kick off a music-laden weekend. Banda Magda - Tam Tam From Banda Magda’s upcoming album "Tigre", to be released September 2017 on Verve Label Group/GroundUP Music. ***Please set to HD (or at least 480p). Pre-order for "Tigre" is available now: Physical: tions/banda-magda Digital: ...

Monday Night Jam: Forq, "Taizo"

Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 9:36:02 pm
YouTube "Taizo" off of Forq's 2017 album “Thrēq," out August 4th on GroundUP Music. Pre-order available now: Physical: tions/forq Digital (receive download of "Taizo" instantly): Henry Hey - Keyboards Chris McQueen - Guitars Michael League - Bass Jason “JT” Thomas - Drums Recorded by Nic Hard at the Bunker Studio in Brooklyn, New York. Mixed by Nic Hard ...

Photo of the Day: The Trump Effect

Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 12:33:31 pm
OK, folks -- caption contest!

Even Trump's Aides Are Worried He's Going to Embarrass Himself and America at the G20 Meeting

Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 9:10:22 pm
This is how bad things are. The Los Angeles Times reports Wednesday morning that foreign policy experts are worried that President Trump could be caught flat-footed at his upcoming meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Group of 20 summit in Hamburg on Friday. Even Trump’s aides acknowledge the president’s unwillingness to read ...

Happy "DEPENDENCE Day" From The White House!

Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 12:59:29 pm
FAKE NEWS TIME reports that the President has renamed July 4 as "DEPENDENCE DAY," in celebration of the country's complete dependence on him. As a reminder of some real-news facts: in his Republican convention speech, Trump humbly stated that the oppressed are completely dependent on him, to be their protector; namely, ...

Video: John Oliver Takes Apart the Far Right Sinclair Broadcast Group

Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 12:22:38 pm
YouTube Here's another brilliant long-form piece by John Oliver on the disturbingly influential and ubiquitous Sinclair Broadcast Group, a far right propaganda outlet that controls a vast media empire in the US -- an empire that's getting even larger. Sinclair Broadcast Group is the largest owner of local TV stations in ...

NPR Tiny Desk Concert: A Unique, Dazzling Performance by Penguin Cafe

Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 9:13:33 pm
YouTube Bob Boilen | June 16, 2017 — The music of Penguin Cafe is like no other. Its origins date back to the early '70s, within fever dreams Simon Jeffes had that were brought on by food poisoning. In those dreams he imagined a dispassionate world "where everyone lived in ...

Donald Trump Silent on Terror Attack Against London Muslims

Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 10:58:23 am
We all know that Donald Trump is recklessly quick to try to capitalize politically on terror attacks by Islamic extremists anywhere in the world. Yet, for some odd reason, he also consistently fails to even mention it when right wing extremists commit acts of terror and mass murder -- like yesterday's ...

An Awesome New Song From Banda Magda: "Coração"

Sat, Jun 17, 2017 at 12:09:51 pm
YouTube One of my favorite bands has a new album coming out soon, and this track from it, with a fantastic video, is a real gem. Banda Magda - Coração From Banda Magda’s upcoming album "Tigre", to be released September 2017 on Verve Label Group/GroundUP Music. ***Please set to HD (or at ...

Video: Trump Shoves Montenegro Prime Minister Out of the Way to Get in Front of Camera at NATO Summit

Thu, May 25, 2017 at 9:13:00 am
MP4 Video This classless buffoon continues to embarrass the United States on the world stage, shoving Montenegro Prime Minister Duško Marković out of the way so he can get in front of the cameras at the NATO Summit meeting in Brussels today. Then he sticks his nose in the air and ...

Excellent News: Supreme Court Affirms NC Racial Gerrymandering Case

Mon, May 22, 2017 at 11:42:18 am
We have a bit of potentially excellent news for the 2018 midterm election, as the Supreme Court affirms that the Republican Party in North Carolina deliberately used gerrymandering to marginalize black voters in North Carolina. The congressional map they put together in 2011 is now invalid. The Supreme Court has ...

Wow: Trump Told Russians That Firing 'Nut Job' Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation

Fri, May 19, 2017 at 12:10:05 pm
Image credit: Russian Foreign Ministry And now we have some more stunning news about Donald Trump's reckless behavior from the New York Times: Trump Told Russians That Firing ‘Nut Job’ Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation. WASHINGTON — President Trump told Russian officials in the Oval Office this month that firing the ...

White Supremacist Group Sends Mass Emails Promoting Tennessee Conference at Montgomery Bell State Park

Fri, May 19, 2017 at 11:30:01 am
There are basically two forms of white supremacism in the United States. There are the skinheads and neo-Nazis pictured above, the ugly face of overt hatred. And then there are the pseudo-intellectual apologists for the neo-Nazis. Guys who wear suits and have degrees from universities, and use them to advance the ...

Big News! Department of Justice Appoints Special Counsel in Russian Election Interference

Wed, May 17, 2017 at 3:14:44 pm
Donald Trump yukks it up with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak in the Oval Office (Credit: Russian news service TASS) OK, this is now officially a very serious matter, as the Department of Justice appoints former FBI director Robert Mueller as special counsel to oversee the investigation into Russian interference in the ...

When Haters Fight: Chuck C. Johnson and Pax Dickinson Break Up, Wesearchr Scam Site Goes Dark

Tue, May 16, 2017 at 11:18:05 am
Today's news from the white supremacist universe inhabited by far right weirdos Chuck C. Johnson and Pax Dickinson: they are partners no more, and their extortion/scam/libel site Wesearchr is offline, perhaps for good. Dickinson, who's been banned from Twitter like his erstwhile pal Chuck, sneaked back in this morning to announce ...

Trump's Fake News Sources Include White Supremacist Rage Furby Chuck C. Johnson

Mon, May 15, 2017 at 10:52:30 am
White supremacists Richard B. Spencer (L) and Chuck C. Johnson at the GOP convention Politico's Shane Goldmacher has an unsurprising yet still disturbing piece today about the garbage information our so-called president is being fed by his staff. Far right fake news figures prominently, of course, and look who makes an ...

CNN: Comey Was Fired Because He Was Stepping Up the Investigation Into Trump's Russian Ties

Wed, May 10, 2017 at 5:44:47 pm
Donald Trump yukks it up with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak in the Oval Office (Credit: TASS) Would you be surprised to learn that Trump's stated reason for firing FBI director James Comey was yet another lie? Washington (CNN)There are two reasons why President Donald Trump fired James Comey, according to a ...

In Which Donald Trump Edits His Twitter Profile Background to Include a Tweet With a Blatant Lie

Mon, May 8, 2017 at 6:19:25 pm
Yes, folks. What you see above is the actual profile image from Donald Trump's Twitter account as of this writing. Trump, or someone on his staff, edited that picture of a crowd of smirking white people giving the thumbs-up signal in the Oval Office to include a tweet he posted ...

In Disturbing Echo of US Presidential Campaign, French Candidate Macron's Campaign Has Been Hacked

Fri, May 5, 2017 at 4:32:29 pm
Well, it worked so well to get far right authoritarian Donald Trump into the White House, so what the heck? Why not try it in France, too? Macron team blasts 'massive hacking attack' on eve of vote. The campaign team of French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron on Friday confirmed it ...

Photo of the Day: Trump and House Republicans Celebrate Destroying Health Care for Millions

Thu, May 4, 2017 at 3:08:18 pm
Credit: Carlos Barria/Reuters Today the Republicans in the House of Representatives forced through one of the most vicious and heartless pieces of legislation in modern history, the AHCA: a bill that will strip health care away from millions of Americans, jack up the price of premiums enormously for those who can ...

Trump Horror, Day 90: Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin in the Oval Office

Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 10:51:12 am
Yes, seriously. The guy who wrote songs like "Jailbait," crapped in his pants to dodge the draft, appeared numerous times on the white supremacist radio show Political Cesspool, and called for President Obama and Hillary Clinton to be executed. Here he is with his wife Shemane, posing with his hat on ...

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