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Searched LGF articles for: palestinian child abuse (450 matches, in 18 pages)

The End of Kindness: Weev and the Cult of the Angry Young Man

Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 11:26:36 am
But disappear is exactly what she did next. Andrew "weev" Auernheimer, a well-known provocateur, hacker, and anti-Semite, circulated her home address and Social Security number online. He also made false statements about her being a battered wife and a former prostitute. Not only did Sierra find herself a target ...

Bloomberg: Multiple Cases of Intentional NSA Abuse! (i.e. 10 in 10 Years)

Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 10:03:02 am
I don't even know what to say about this insanely overblown hysteria any more: NSA Analysts Intentionally Abused Spying Powers Multiple Times. MULTIPLE TIMES! (Run around screaming.) MULTIPLE TIMES! THIS IS BAD, PEOPLE! Oh wait. You mean, "multiple times" is actually ... ten times, in ten years? And they were reported, corrected, ...

The Pro-NSA Case the Administration Isn't Making

Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 12:23:40 pm
Here's a good piece on the NSA internal audit published by the Washington Post and what it really shows us, by Benjamin Wittes: NSA Spying Defense: The Case the Administration Isn't Making. Wittes actually makes many of the same points about the document that I have previously: NSA Uncovered and Corrected More ...

Feinstein: No Evidence of Intentional NSA Abuse of Authority

Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:12:38 pm
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, has released the following Statement on NSA Compliance, in response to the Washington Post's leaked internal NSA audit. "By law, the Intelligence Committee receives roughly a dozen reports every year on FISA activities, which include information about compliance issues. Some of ...

Greg Holden - the Lost Boy

Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 9:48:29 pm
YouTube You can buy this song at You can stream this song at Thank you to the amazing response to this song in The Netherlands, and now also the USA. This song was inspired by the book "What is the What?" by American writer Dave Eggers. It is about a ...

Voice of Russia's "Homosexual Expert": Bryan Fischer

Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 11:40:06 am
VOR also spoke with Bryan Fischer, head of the American Family Association, who has a different view on the situation. "Russia is not being homophobic, it's homorealistic - the Russian government is trying to take the issue into consideration and establish public policy to contribute to public health, as this ...

Recommended: Getting XKeyscore Right

Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 11:18:57 am
An excellent piece from Joshua Foust on Glenn Greenwald's numerous misrepresentations of the NSA's XKeyscore tools: Getting XKeyscore Right. Foust zeroes in on a Greenwald rhetorical trick I've also pointed out several times: he conflates the ability to do something with actually doing it. This is such a common theme in ...

NSA Chief Alexander: We Don't Abuse Power, "And That's No Bullshit"

Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 2:46:38 pm
Some interesting comments today from NSA Director Gen. Keith Alexander, speaking at the annual Black Hat cyber security conference in Las Vegas: "What you're hearing is, 'Well they could...,'" NSA Director Gen. Keith Alexander said, referring to claims, most notably by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, that the agency could ...

Greenwald's Latest Article Distorts the Truth Again

Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 12:00:51 pm
A couple of weeks ago when Glenn Greenwald posted an attack on Microsoft, I pointed out: I've learned that when a new Greenwald bombshell comes out, you can cut right to the chase by searching the document for the word "warrant." And sure enough, in today's new "bombshell" story by ...

Israeli-Palestinian Talks to Start Monday

Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 12:55:53 pm
On one level this is great news because everyone wants to see a resolution of some kind. But it's a bit difficult to get very hopeful after the last, oh, two decades or so: US Says Israeli-Palestinian Talks to Start Monday. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The State Department says Israeli and ...

Greenwald Claims Low-Level NSA Analysts Can Search Databases Without Oversight

Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 11:01:06 am
On ABC's This Week... Video Today on "This Week," Glenn Greenwald - the reporter who broke the story about the National Security Agency's surveillance programs - claimed that those NSA programs allowed even low-level analysts to search the private emails and phone calls of Americans. "The NSA has trillions of telephone calls ...

Right Wing Blogosphere All Hopped Up on Hate Juice After Obama's Statement

Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 1:34:30 pm
Well, I see the entire right wing blogosphere is still having a crazed orgy of overt racism today. The Zimmerman acquittal and Obama's subsequent statement have given them a huge hit of hate juice, and it's a little amazing how many wingnuts are out there ranting about "race war." It's ...

Anti-Vaccination Fearmonger Jenny McCarthy Joins "The View"

Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 11:01:53 am
Now I have another reason not to watch The View -- they've hired one of the most notorious fear-mongering anti-science spokespeople of the insane anti-vaccination movement: Jenny McCarthy Joins 'The View'. "We are delighted that Jenny will be joining us as a permanent co-host," Walters says, adding McCarthy "brings us ...

Creeping racist fake outrage - "Black Mob Violence" and the "Media Blackout"

Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 3:43:00 pm
On the far fringes of the Wingnutosphere is a growing meme about mobs of black youth randomly attacking white people, and the "media blackout" surrounding it. It's been going around for awhile now, but it's gaining momentum as the George Zimmerman trial has gone to the jury, and mainstream ...

The Little Green Footballs User's Guide, Part Three

Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 2:09:32 pm
LGF Pages: Your Personal Blog LGF Pages is a fast, powerful blogging system that lets you create posts with embedded images, videos, and tweets, schedule posts, automatically tweet when you post something, and many other features. Getting Started The Basics Some Sophistication Additional Enhancements Things That Happen When You Publish a Page Getting StartedBack to top Pages are ...

Cardinal Dolan Transferred $57 Million to a Cemetery Fund to Shield It From Sexual Abuse Victims

Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 6:25:30 pm
According to documents released today, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the archbishop of New York, moved nearly $57 million into a cemetery trust fund in 2007 specifically to shield it from lawsuits by victims of clergy sexual abuse. The New York Times has the scoop: [T]he files released Monday contain a letter ...

Glenn Greenwald's Latest Self-Debunking Non-Bombshell

Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 12:17:07 pm
Here we go again. Glenn Greenwald's latest overheated, over-long, deliberately confusing piece claims to reveal: The Top Secret Rules That Allow NSA to Use US Data Without a Warrant. Notice the extravagant use of scare quotes. Top secret documents submitted to the court that oversees surveillance by US intelligence agencies show ...

What GOP Racism? Illinois GOP Chairman Emails Ugly Racist Attack

Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 12:02:23 pm
You know how Republican Party leaders constantly deny that there's a significant number of racists among them? Well, uh ... what about when the racists are the Republican Party leaders? Erika Harold, GOP Candidate, Targeted in Racially Charged Attack by Jim Allen, Illinois GOP Official. An Illinois Republican Party chairman apologized ...

Obama: "The NSA Cannot Listen to Your Telephone Calls, Cannot Target Your Emails"

Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 2:31:12 pm
Buzzfeed has a partial transcript of President Obama's interview with Charlie Rose airing tonight on PBS, with some of Obama's clearest and most direct statements about the Snowden case: Barack Obama: Well, in the end, and what I've said, and I continue to believe, is that we don't have to ...

Facebook, Microsoft Release Data Request Numbers

Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 10:26:14 am
Throughout the ongoing NSA/PRISM scandal, one of the most incendiary accusations has been Glenn Greenwald's initial assertion that major tech companies such as Facebook, Apple, Google, and Microsoft were givng the US Government direct, unfiltered access to their servers. This access would allow the government to spy on people seemingly ...

Greenwald: We never claimed "direct access" was true

Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 6:01:39 pm
Today, in his regular "On Security and Liberty" Guardian column, Glenn Greenwald sought to address some of the criticisms of his PRISM reporting. As when asked about his "direct access" claims in a recent interview, Greenwald again framed his PRISM story as not being about details of any actual ...

The Guardian quietly walks back their PRISM overreach without correcting previous reporting

Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 2:03:05 am
In their most recent article on the fallout from their Edward Snowden reporting, the Guardian dials back their initial claims. Here's what they alleged in their first PRISM article, nearly a week ago: Guardian: NSA Prism program taps in to user data of Apple, Google and others The National Security Agency has ...

WaPo: "When He Said He Had Access to Every CIA Station Around the World, He's Lying"

Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 9:09:16 pm
The latest news on Edward Snowden and the machinery he set into motion: Investigators Looking at How Snowden Gained Access at NSA. Administration officials said Monday that they are working to confirm that Snowden leaked the documents and build a case against him without relying on his admissions in his ...

Hong Kong Covert Surveillance Law Allows Wiretapping, Bugging Homes, Reading Email

Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 3:35:46 pm
NSA leaker Edward Snowden was quoted today saying that he chose to flee to Hong Kong because "they have a spirited commitment to free speech and the right of political dissent." This statement is so far off base it beggars the imagination. We're talking about the People's Republic of China here, ...

On Sale for Father's Day: Kindle Fire HD - Only $179

Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 11:29:20 am
Amazon has their excellent high-definition tablet, the Kindle Fire HD, on sale for Father's Day at a $20 discount: Kindle Fire HD - Most Advanced 7' Tablet. To get the discount, enter DADSFIRE at checkout. (I may just pick one up for myself!) World's most advanced 7" tablet [Item List] Note: ...

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