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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart (460 matches, in 19 pages)

Not Right Wing Journalism's Finest Hour

Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 12:06:06 pm
When's Ben Shapiro posted his now-infamous fake story about Chuck Hagel and "Friends of Hamas," it's noteworthy that the entire right wing media machine immediately jumped on the story and spread it far and wide. It's difficult to find a right wing website that didn't run the story; this ...

After Falling for Fake "Friends of Hamas," Ben Shapiro Calls Real Journalist a "Hack"

Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 10:19:24 am
New York Daily News journalist Dan Friedman recounts the tale of how he joked about a ridiculously-named fake group called "Friends of Hamas" with a Republican aide, then watched as hack Ben Shapiro uncritically and unprofessionally reported it as a fact: 'Friends of Hamas': My Role in the Birth ...

Breitbart's Ben Shapiro Makes Up Another Fake Story to Smear Hagel, GOP Runs With It

Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 11:45:17 am
Breitbrat Ben Shapiro apparently just made up a story about Chuck Hagel receiving donations from a group called "Friends of Hamas," because as Dave Weigel reports, the group does not actually exist. As with all these fake stories from the Breitbart crew, it immediately spread throughout the right wing echo chamber, ...

Breitbrat Joel Pollak: The "Lickspittle" Huffington Post Is Helping Obama Impose Fascism

Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 10:52:22 am
The rhetoric just keeps getting crazier and crazier at the hate site that Andrew Breitbart built, as head attack weasel Joel Pollak posts a demented rant about fascism and the "lickspittle" Huffington Post. Yes, it's another absurd post about the Benghazi boogaloo, and Pollak is absolutely certain there's a "cover-up" ...

Huge EXCLUSIVE: 'Illegal' Scheduled to Testify on Immigration

Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 9:44:43 am
Today at the loony right wing site founded by Andrew Breitbart, they have another BOMBSHELL EXCLUSIVE! I'm not sure why it's supposed to be "exclusive," when it's simply a report about the upcoming Senate hearings on immigration, but you know how these people are -- shameless, inadvertently hilarious self-aggrandizers: Exclusive: ...

Right Wing Cage Match: Tea Party Hotness vs. Turd Blossom Karl

Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 12:55:35 pm
It's the new Tea Party hotness versus stale old Karl "Turd Blossom" Rove, in a cage match to the finish! The challenge to Rove's supremacy is led by talk radio raver Steve Deace and Breitbart attack weasel Ben Shapiro! I can only cheer them all on. Who could possibly take sides? ...

Video: Rachel Maddow Cites LGF on the Right's Non-Stop Anti-Obama Conspiracy Theories

Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 11:59:00 am
MSNBC Video I was pleasantly surprised last night when Rachel Maddow showed a screen shot from LGF to illustrate her piece on the right wing's continual invention of loony conspiracy theories about the President. Here's the LGF article she used: Breitbart Blogger Dan Riehl on the Trail of a Bombshell Obama ...

White House Releases Skeet Shooting Photo, WaPo Fact Checker Still Skeptical

Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 10:21:15 am
Pro tip: if you want to be taken seriously as a fact checker, maybe you should avoid writing absolutely ridiculous articles like this one: The White House's Curious Silence About Obama's Claim of Skeet Shooting. Yes, Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler actually seems to believe this is an important issue, ...

Your Utterly Insane Comment of the Day, in Free Verse

Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 1:29:32 pm
Our absurdly vitriolic comment of the day comes from the always raging readers of, for an article by Dr. Susan Berry, who is just utterly outraged about an advertisement that dares to suggest abortions don't turn women into miserable psychotic wrecks: NARAL Video: Should I Go for a Jog ...

Breitbrat Joel Pollak: Obama's Skeet Shooting Means He's a Racist Lying Tyrant

Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 1:53:45 pm
The New Republic published an interview with President Obama today, and of course that means the right wing blogosphere has to fly into a rage. In unison, the way they do everything. At the hate site that Andrew built, Breitbrat Joel Pollak has apparently decided that Barack Obama is relevant again, ...

On MLK Day,'s John Nolte Links to Anti-MLK White Supremacist Site

Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 3:18:25 pm
It's Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and today at, editor John Nolte celebrates the civil rights legend's birthday by launching an attack on Roots author Alex Haley, and linking to an anti-MLK hate site hosted by the white supremacists of ALEX HALEY: THE LANCE ARMSTRONG OF LITERATURE. That link is ...

NRA Cites to Falsely Claim School Attended by Obama's Daughters Has '11 Armed Guards'

Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 11:22:10 am
The National Rifle Association's ugly ad targeting President Obama's children accuses him of being a "hypocrite" because the school his daughters attend has "11 armed guards." The ad also attacks NBC journalist David Gregory for the same alleged "hypocrisy." And to back up this claim they cite the right wing attack ... Incites Another Deluge of Misogynist Hate Speech Against Lena Dunham

Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 12:43:19 pm
The Breitbrats really have it in for actress Lena Dunham; she's one of their recurring targets, along with Sandra Fluke and Soledad O'Brien. Something about assertive, unashamed liberal women seems to get under their skin, big time. After Dunham made a mildly racy advertisement endorsing Barack Obama for President, Ben Shapiro ...

Video: Breitbrat Ben Shapiro vs. Piers Morgan

Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 1:09:26 pm
Witness the spectacle, if you will, of human-weasel hybrid Ben Shapiro vs. Piers Morgan. Morgan has done more than anyone in mainstream media to publicize the Breitbart-style far right, and I'm not sure that's a good thing. The entire right wing blogosphere is giving Shapiro virtual high fives for this belligerent ...

Breitbrat Ben Shapiro: The Left Won Because They're Big Meanies

Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 5:13:58 pm
In the Wingnut Welfare department, is hyping a new book by young Ben Shapiro, who's having another tantrum about the mean horrible liberals and their rotten awful bullying, a topic that never gets old at the house that Andrew built: MEET THE 'BULLIES': BREITBART EDITOR EXPOSES OBAMA'S ARMY OF ...

After Obsessively Attacking Obama for Years, Decides He's "Irrelevant"

Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 1:27:38 pm
For years, editor Joel Pollak has been attacking absolutely everything Barack Obama does, writing hundreds of thousands of words, spending every waking minute watching videos and reading transcripts, looking for any little phrase he can twist and distort, poring over photographs looking for the least flattering ones, in a ...

Breitbrat Mike Flynn: Obama Scuttled the Cliff Deal With Mockery

Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 2:20:08 pm
Over in Wingnut World, Breitbrat Mike Flynn takes his typical measured impartial stance and shouts: OBAMA SCUTTLES 'FISCAL CLIFF' DEAL? Flynn is very upset and concerned about Obama's tone in his remarks earlier today. He senses mockery. This afternoon, in one of the more bizarre appearances of his presidency, Barack Obama ...

Right Wing Target of the Day: Sen. Dianne Feinstein

Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 12:44:12 pm
California Senator Dianne Feinstein is planning to introduce a bill in January that would ban the sale of military-style assault weapons, and this has driven the right wing nuts (a short drive) -- because Feinstein's bill also covers semi-automatic handguns. As the horror of the Newtown massacre begins to get less ...

Finally, the Right Wing Wants to Prosecute Someone for Violating Gun Laws

Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 10:53:18 am
There are so many levels of moronic absurdity in this story it beggars the imagination, as the right wing screams in unison (they always scream in unison) for Meet the Press host David Gregory to be prosecuted and sent to jail for using an AR-15 magazine as a prop in ...

"Indentured Servant" Dana Loesch Persona Non Grata at CNN?

Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 1:04:22 pm
Tommy Christopher points out that indentured servant Dana Loesch has become persona non grata (unofficially, of course) at CNN, after her comments applauding US soldiers who urinated on corpses, and her underhanded sabotage of other CNN contributors. (I have a feeling, knowing CNN, that the sabotage was more important ...

Wingnut Fight! Dana Loesch Sues

Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 5:55:09 pm
Tonight we have word of big trouble on the far right, as the Breitbrats begin fighting in earnest over the empire that Breitbart built: Talk Radio Host Dana Loesch Files Suit in St. Louis Against I've been wondering why Loesch's wingnut screeds haven't been appearing there lately -- now we ...

Ludicrous Breitbart Post of the Day: Politico's 'Hitler Photo'

Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 1:28:09 pm editor John Nolte is possibly the most dishonest writer at that right wing hate site, and that's really saying something. Today he's busily pumping out pro-gun propaganda, and his latest is a classic in the genre of stupid: POLITICO RUNS 'HITLER PHOTO' OF NRA CHIEF! The above is the ...

Gun Control: A Misguided Focus on Mental Illness

Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 6:30:04 pm
The big push to divert the discussion of guns and gun control into a discussion about mental illness is really beginning in earnest tonight. And unfortunately, many liberals arguing for gun control are falling for the diversion, because yes, mental health care is terrible in America and it does need ...

Another Breitbart Fake Outrage Bites the Dust: Crowder Admits He Shoved Union Members

Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 12:18:32 pm
Today in the fake right wing scandal we'll call UnionThug-Gate, we learn that provocateur Steven Crowder was not just standing there minding his own business when he was punched in the face outside the Michigan Capitol -- he was shoving union members. And how do we know this? From Crowder's own ...

Witness Says Fox News Contributor Steven Crowder Goaded Union Protesters

Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 1:44:19 pm
According to a witness to Steven Crowder's nasty little stunt at the Michigan protest yesterday, he was provoking and insulting demonstrators, deliberately trying to goad them into violence. Knowing how the Fox News/Breitbart gang love to stage these kinds of fake incidents to picture their targets as violent thugs, it was ...

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