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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart (612 matches, in 25 pages)

The Benghazi Fake Scandal Returns at

Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 10:55:57 am
Today at the reliably unhinged, we discover an article screaming, "NO SHOTS FIRED: STATE DEPT BENGHAZI SECURITY FORCE UNARMED!" Can anyone spot the huge honking problem in their lead paragraph? A source with personal knowledge of the security situation in Benghazi told Breitbart News... Why, sure -- I'll believe an ...

Fake Wingnut Outrage of the Day: "Anti-American Rapper Psy"

Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 1:39:29 pm
Well, it's Monday, which means it's time for another huge outburst of hatred and anger from the weird world of wingnuts. Like any other day. This time it's kicked off by the always enraged, where blogger Christian Toto is clutching his pearls over South Korean pop star Psy (of "Gangnam ...'s Ben Shapiro Attacks Ashley Judd, Uses Nude Photo

Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 5:28:32 pm
Film star Ashley Judd is reportedly considering running for the Senate in her native Kentucky, challenging Mitch McConnell. If you imagine this will provoke howls of misogynist hatred and creepy sexual innuendo from the right wing, you're right on the money, of course, and's always sleazy Ben Shapiro is leading ...

Norquist Predicts a 'Tea Party Second Wave,' #Breitbart Commenters Want 'Armed Insurrection'

Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 3:16:39 pm
Today at we learn that we're about to face yet another tsunami of old white people ranting about tyranny, dressing up like Lipton's boxes and Revolutionary War soldiers, and demanding to see Obama's birth certificate, because hold on your tricorne hats... Grover Norquist says a New, Larger 'Tea Party ...

It's Monday, So Ben Shapiro Is Outraged About Sandra Fluke Again

Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 5:58:13 pm
Tonight, cub reporter Ben Shapiro is outraged and flabbergasted that TIME Magazine plans to honor women's rights advocate Sandra Fluke: TIME HONORS SANDRA FLUKE AS 'PERSON OF THE YEAR' FINALIST! After calling Ms Fluke a "contraception advocate extraordinaire" and a "condom rights advocate," Shapiro pretends to be completely innocent of ... Desperately Tries to Keep the Benghazi Fake Scandal Alive

Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 5:50:49 pm
Remember Benghazi? Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi? It slipped off the radar this week, so you may have already forgotten about it, which would be healthy. But not everybody's healthy, and tonight at the reliably crazed, John Nolte's feverish fantasies are feeding on themselves: BENGHAZI-GATE ENTERS NEW PHASE: THE COVER UP OF ...

Obama's Thanksgiving Message: Not Enough God for

Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 4:42:11 pm
They don't really take holidays over at; they're in wingnut auto-rant mode 24/7, 365 days a year, and Thanksgiving is no exception. Ben Shapiro, for example, can always find time to dash off an overheated tirade about Barack Obama's insidious socialist atheist Muslim agenda: FOR FOURTH STRAIGHT YEAR, OBAMA'S ...

Brain-Dead Breitbart Rant of the Day: "The Onion Goes Anti-Semitic"

Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 12:49:53 pm
We have a winner in today's Most Ridiculous Right Wing Rant contest, and once again it goes to the inimitable, reliably deranged, where hack William Bigelow is screaming in all caps: THE ONION GOES ANTI-SEMITIC! So now The Onion, celebrated for their zany approach to the news, has fallen ...

Read of the Day: Neal Rauhauser, Brett Kimberlin, and a Right Wing Blueprint

Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 2:23:10 pm
Here, my friends, is the fascinating tale of Neal Rauhauser, Brett Kimberlin, and a Right Wing Blueprint. With lots of details about some extremely sleazy and very real conspiracies to cause real harm to real people. Starring Andrew Breitbart, and also featuring Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Patrick Frey (aka "Patterico") ... EXCLUSIVE BOMBSHELL: Romney Lost

Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 11:23:39 am
As the right wing recriminations get louder and more strident, one of the big stories in Wingnut Land today is the Romney campaign's absolutely pitiful "get out the vote" effort they dubbed "ORCA." At the ridiculous fake news site, hack Joel Pollak (who, last week, was busy churning out ...

Breitbrat Ben Shapiro Pens Nutty Rant Against Lena Dunham

Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 11:50:39 am
Even conservative journalists now think has become a bad joke, but they can still be inadvertently hilarious. Ben Shapiro's nutty, painfully incoherent rant against the pro-Obama Lena Dunham video is today's case in point: Obama Campaign to Girls: Have Sex With Vote for O. Yes, she just compared sex ...

The Attack of the Imaginary Plants

Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 2:30:37 pm
PLANTS! That's what Andrew Breitbart used to yell, whenever I pointed out that the comment threads at his wingnut websites were filled to the brim with disgusting, openly racist remarks and wild, deranged conspiracy theories. All of those ugly comments were PLANTED! by devious liberals -- probably me. And as a ...

Uh... About That #Obama Flag?

Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 3:59:19 pm
The latest nontroversy being circulated in the wingnut-o-sphere today is the release of a new logo by the Obama campaign designed around the America flag. I decided to collect some campaign flags used in the past by various political campaigns and by political groups. Finally, I bring you a comparison of ...

New Mother Jones Video: Romney Trashes Two-State Solution

Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 10:46:24 am
I think it's highly amusing that Mother Jones is using the Breitbart tactic of timed video releases against the right wing and Mitt Romney, and today they have another batch of videos from that fund-raising event at equity trader Marc Leder's mansion. In the latest video, Romney is again saying ...

Wingnut Bloggers Claimed Photos Showed 'Muslims Dragging Stevens' - Actually Showed Libyan Rescuers

Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 1:52:06 pm
New reports from Libya confirm that the Libyan citizens the right wing blogosphere claimed were "dragging Ambassador Stevens' body through the streets like Somalia" were actually trying to save his life: Video Appears to Show Libyans Retrieving Envoy's Body. Labeled the work of Fahd al-Bakkosh, the video centers on what ... President Obama Is Committing Treason

Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 1:18:16 pm
Today at the always-berserk -- a post by "Virgil" lavishing praise on the paranoid far right Cold War screed "None Dare Call It Treason," complete with a photo of President Obama looking sinister: Obama, Egypt, and Israel: None Dare Call It Treason, Fifty Years Later. It goes on and on, ...

On News From Middle East, Wingnut Blogs Immediately Start Inventing Conspiracy Theories

Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 11:09:34 am
When the news from Libya broke, the right wing blogosphere immediately went into frantic conspiracy theorizing mode, circulating false rumors like hyperactive weasels with fully functioning human brains, including a ridiculous story that the Marines guarding the Cairo embassy were forbidden to carry live ammunition by the State Department. This conspiracy ...

Live Video: 2012 Dem Convention Day 2, Thread 2

Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 6:24:45 pm
Sandra Fluke will be speaking very soon, and here's a second thread for the second day of the Democratic National Convention. Here's some of what the lovely people from have been tweeting tonight: What we learned at #DNC2012: Democrats hate God and Israel. I have video if anyone wants to ...

Dana and Chris Loesch Defend Akin's 'Legitimate Rape' Comments

Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 6:41:11 pm
Proving that there is nothing too dumb to defend for a member of the Breitbart Brigade, former tea partier, receiver of massive government subsidies, and conservative speaker Chris Loesch took to Twitter to claim that Todd Akin's absurd comments about rape were "medically correct." In case you've been temporarily ...

Your Bigoted Fear-Mongering All-Caps Headline of the Day

Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 5:26:07 pm raver "William Bigelow" (who may or may not be a real person), last seen at LGF when he was assuring the wingnut audience that there was no such thing as a "white Hispanic," gives us our fear-mongering all-caps headline of the day, complete with a scary burqa dominating a ...

Romney Parrots False Claim That Obama Is Trying to Restrict Military Voting

Sun, Aug 5, 2012 at 10:07:26 am
Mitt Romney is lying again: Romney Falsely Claims Obama Filed Lawsuit to Restrict Military Voting. Today on Facebook, Mitt Romney claims that the Obama campaign is trying to “undermine” the ability of members of the military to vote in Ohio: President Obama’s lawsuit claiming it is unconstitutional for Ohio to ...

In the Name of 'Free Speech,' Conservatives Get a Guy Fired for Being Rude Outside of Work

Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 9:52:12 am
So a guy upset about the Battle of Chik-Fil-A recorded a video of himself going through the drive-through line to get a free cup of water and express his displeasure about the company's policies: Yes, the guy was rude. And it was wrong of him to take out his anger ... Desperately Spinning Romney's Jerusalem Speech

Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 1:47:20 pm
Speaking of dumb propaganda (we were, weren't we?), there's a hilarious post by Joel Pollak at, desperately trying to spin Mitt Romney's references to "culture" in his Jerusalem fundraiser speech. The screaming all caps headline: HOW AP, NPR LIED ABOUT ROMNEY 'JEWISH DONORS' SPEECH, USING PALESTINIAN PROPAGANDA The "vicious lie" Pollak ...

Free Speech-Loving Loeschs Try to Get Conservative Prosecutor Disbarred for Disagreeing With Them on Twitter

Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 11:27:22 am
If you recall, current Breitbartian and former person-who-appeared-frequently-on-CNN Dana Loesch and her husband Chris Loesch were behind the silly "Twitter gulag" conspiracies that suggested LGF's Charles Johnson was secretly controlling Twitter and suspending the accounts of those who disagreed with him. Despite the absurdity of the claims, the Loeschs ...

Mass Murder in Colorado Prompts Full-on Right Wing Victimhood Binge

Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 10:25:28 am
Awful news from Aurora, Colorado, this morning, where a 24-year old student brought an arsenal into a showing of "The Dark Knight Rises," and killed at least 12 people in a horrific massacre: Aurora, Colo. Batman Shooter James Holmes Was PhD Student. The suspected "lone-wolf" shooter of the Batman movie ...

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