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Searched LGF articles for: paul krugman (545 matches, in 22 pages)

Stupidest Man on the Internet Starts the Week With a Huge Lie About Benghazi

Mon, May 18, 2015 at 10:18:29 am
DERPOn this fine Monday morning, Jim Hoft, fabled Dumbest Man on the Internet (also known as the Stupidest Man on the Internet, or SMOTI), decided it was time to circulate a huge, blatant lie about Benghazi, with a screaming headline about a BREAKING REPORT SMOKING GUN! at Fox News that ...

Video: Rand Paul's NH Political Director Gets in His Licks

Mon, May 11, 2015 at 10:55:52 am
YouTube Rand Paul is running a perfectly respectable conservative campaign, nothing weird about it at all. Considering the loony reputation of his father, Ron Paul, it's important for him to maintain a middle of the road image and not veer into any craziness. Oh, and here's his New Hampshire political director licking ...

Ted Cruz Latest Republican To Fall for Loony Conspiracy Theory

Sun, May 3, 2015 at 10:09:51 am
Rand Paul, Abbot of Texas, now Ted Cruz. If they aren't directly and blatantly pandering to the nutjob Base of their party, then they are all complete Idiots. With a capital I. I bet Harvard wishes they could just erase this particular alumnus from their ranks. What a fucking embarrassment. Speaking ...

Rand Paul Should Not Be Given a Pass on His Long Relationship With Alex Jones

Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 10:43:31 am
I was amazed yesterday to read this article at Bloomberg by Dave Weigel about Rand Paul's difficulties with the media, because Sen. Paul actually tries to pretend he barely knows who conspiracy lunatic Alex Jones is: Paul's careful presentation at rallies has contrasted with his media interviews, and with the ...

Video: Rand Paul on Meet the Chuck

Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 11:43:43 am
MSNBC If this weren't Chuck Todd, I might be surprised that he doesn't even bring up some of the really problematic things about Rand Paul -- for example, his close friendship with the craziest conspiracy theorist in America, Alex Jones, or his statement that he wouldn't have voted for the Civil ...

Rand Paul Walks Out of Interview, Chuck C. Johnson Tweets, "I Wish Rand Paul Would Smack a Bitch"

Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 12:24:54 pm
Video Rand Paul's presidential campaign is off to a smashing start! After snapping at reporters in two separate interviews this week, today he walked out on a video interview with the Guardian newspaper. This story apparently spurred our stalker pal Chuck C. Johnson to come out with one of his smoking hot ...

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Answers Rand Paul on Abortion, Paul Promptly Distorts the Hell Out of It

Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 11:49:01 am
Yesterday, as Rand Paul was desperately avoiding answering questions about his stance on abortion, he tried to deflect the issue by calling out DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Later in the day, when asked after a campaign stop in Milford about the interview, which the Democratic National Committee had sent ...

Rand Paul Refuses to Spell Out Abortion Ban Exceptions, Snaps at Interviewer

Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 3:54:08 pm
Rand Paul has been very busy today dodging questions right and left, and in an interview with the Associated Press he did his best to avoid answering the question of whether he supports stripping women of the right to control their own bodies in just some circumstances, or in all ...

Rand Paul Seems to Have a Problem With Being Interviewed by Women

Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 11:04:49 am
YouTube We should note that this isn't the first time Rand Paul has been patronizing and insulting to a female interviewer; earlier this year he actually shushed CNBC host Kelly Evans when she pressed him about his nutty statements on vaccination. The pseudo-libertarian crackpot seems to have a real problem with assertive ...

Rand Paul Wants to Abolish the Department of "Eductation"

Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 12:20:48 pm
YouTube In this ridiculous video from Rand Paul's campaign site, he says he wants to abolish the Department of Education, because of course he does. But Rand Paul's site gives us our funniest inadvertent right wing comedy moment of the day, because whoever put this together actually misspelled the word "education" in ...

Another Clown Gets in the Car: Rand Paul Announces

Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 10:34:42 am
To absolutely no one's surprise, Rand Paul announced today that he'll be the latest right wing loon to pitch his dunce's cap into the ring. He's going to "Take America Back" from some unnamed entity that has apparently stolen it. And of course, God is on his side. Pitching himself as ...

Thursday Night Acoustic Excellence: Punch Brothers: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 6:43:33 pm
YouTube These NPR Tiny Desk Concerts highlight some of the best music in the world today, and this one is a real gem among gems. Spoiler alert: The Punch Brothers came to the Tiny Desk on Chris Thile's birthday. We made him a cake and gave him an NPR surprise! This ...

Friday Night Blue-Eyed Soul: St. Paul & the Broken Bones, "Half the City"

Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 5:32:11 pm
YouTube http://KEXP.ORG presents St. Paul & the Broken Bones performing "Half The City live at the Triple Door as part of KEXP's VIP Club Concert series. Recorded February 18, 2015. Host: Michele Myers Audio Engineer: Craig Montgomery Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Shelly Corbett, Scott Holpainen, Luke Knecht & Justin Wilmore Editor: Scott Holpainen Photo thumbnail ...

Incredible Full Concert: Todd Rundgren With Amsterdam's Metropole Orchestra 2012

Sun, Mar 1, 2015 at 3:35:24 pm
YouTube As a Todd Rundgren fan from way way back, I was ecstatic to find this absolutely amazing video of the full concert he performed in 2012 with Amsterdam's Metropole Orchestra. He does all of his greatest songs, and is in exceptionally good voice throughout, and the audio quality is outstanding. ...

A Contest of Loons: CPAC Straw Poll Results

Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 2:17:58 pm
Here they are, folks, the straw poll results you've been waiting for! (What, you haven't been waiting for these?) These are the loons most admired by CPAC attendees this year: President: 1. Rand Paul 2. Scott Walker 3. Ted Cruz 4. Ben Carson 5. Jeb Bush UPDATE at 2/28/15 2:28:09 pm by Charles Johnson Here are the complete ...

Watch Live: The Great Marijuana Debate at CPAC

Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 1:44:36 pm
[Video moved to newer post] The Ron Paul libertarian crowd is applauding pro-marijuana Gary Johnson, while the REAL CONSERVATIVES are cheering for the woman who wants to lock up all the pot smokers and thinks marijuana is just like LSD.

Ron Paul: Congressional Black Caucus Is Anti-War Because They Want the Money for Food Stamps

Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 3:26:36 pm
SoundCloud In other news, Ron Paul is still a racist: Ron Paul: Black Caucus Only Against War Because They Want That Money for Food Stamps. "I was always annoyed with it in Congress because we had an anti-war unofficial group, a few libertarian Republicans and generally the Black Caucus and others ...

Busted: Rand Paul Lies Twice in One Day That He Has a Biology Degree

Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 2:19:01 pm
At the Washington Post, Glenn Kessler catches Rand Paul lying outright about his nonexistent biology degree. The Facts Paul mentioned his alleged degree at the conference not once, but twice. First, in an exchange with TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington, Paul said: Arrington: "Let's talk about economics because maybe you can actually ...

Creationist Neurosurgeon Ben Carson: Measles Outbreak Caused by "Undocumented People"

Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 5:58:32 pm
You may have heard that loony right wing creationist neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson came out yesterday with a pretty strong statement in support of vaccinations. Well, that was yesterday, and yesterday's gone. Today Carson has gotten his xenophobic marching orders, and he's blaming the measles outbreak on immigrants. "These are things ...

Rand Paul's Comment About Parents 'Owning' Children Was Not Random

Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 11:00:22 am
I hang around libertarians more often than you might guess. Some of them are even nice! But they're rare. Mostly I hang around libertarians to better understand how political intuition can go so far off the rails for some things. Found this on Google Images, turns out it was from a ...

Rand Paul: Parents 'Own' Children, Not the State, So Vaccines Should Be Voluntary

Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 4:22:01 pm
YouTube Anyone who reads LGF knows that I think Rand Paul is a complete crackpot, but today he outdid himself, saying he thought vaccines should be voluntary because parents "own" children, not the state. Parents "own" children? What sort of libertarian believes human beings are property? And what the hell is with the ...

Alex Jones Says Rand Paul Is Lying About Moderating His Extreme Positions

Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 1:56:46 pm
YouTube Sen. Rand Paul has been a frequent guest on the absolutely insane Alex Jones conspiracy show (and it continually amazes me that he apparently suffers no political consequences for it), and Jones is reciprocating by telling his viewers that Paul is just playing politics and lying about his so-called "moderation." And ...

Andrew Sullivan Says He's Quitting Blogging

Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 10:52:38 am
Andrew Sullivan says he's going to quit blogging: A Note to My Readers. I don't have much to say about this, because to be honest I was not a fan of Mr. Sullivan and I haven't paid much attention to his writing for years. I didn't like his apologia for the ...

Sunday Jam: Neil Finn Live, 'Fall at Your Feet'

Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 1:29:00 pm
YouTube Here's a great live performance by Neil Finn, with the late Paul Hester on drums, doing one of his classic songs, "Fall At Your Feet." Neil Finn performing live at the Chapel in support of his One Nil release. Special appearances by Jim Moginie, Paul Hester, and Nick Seymour ...

Video: Ron Paul Defends 9/11 Truther's "False Flag" Article on Charlie Hebdo

Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 1:15:24 pm
YouTube A few days ago an article by long-time conspiracy peddler (and 9/11 Truther) Paul Craig Roberts was posted at the Ron Paul Institute's website, alleging that the terror attack against French journal Charlie Hebdo was a "false flag," the favorite trope of far right loons everywhere. Today Ron Paul appeared on ...

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