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Searched LGF articles for: religion of peace (414 matches, in 17 pages)

Israel's Education Ministry Fires Chief Scientist for Creationism

Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 2:14:38 pm
In Israel, the Education Ministry has fired chief scientist Dr. Gavriel Avital, a global warming denier and young earth creationist. Kudos! Letting someone like this be in charge of children's education is a recipe for ignorance and failure. If only Texas could figure that out. Sources familiar with the affair said ...

Jim DeMint: Ban Gays and Fornicating Women From Teaching in Public Schools

Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 4:34:52 pm
One of the top GOP Senators, Jim DeMint, says gay people should be banned from teaching in public schools -- and so should unmarried women who fornicate. DeMint has never been shy about expressing this creepy atavistic view, but for some reason he's in the news for it today. “People ...

NPR: The Tea Party and the Fundamentalist Religious Right

Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 1:41:46 pm
NPR's "All Things Considered" has a look at the influence of fundamentalist Christianity on the Tea Party movement: The Tea Party's Tension: Religion's Role In Politics. Video

Got a Question About Religion? Ask an Atheist

Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 8:03:42 pm
A new Pew Research survey finds that the people most knowledgeable about religion are atheists. Which shouldn't be a surprise, really; that's why they're atheists. Atheists and agnostics, Jews and Mormons are among the highest-scoring groups on a new survey of religious knowledge, outperforming evangelical Protestants, mainline Protestants and Catholics on ...

Overnight Open Thread

Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 10:24:51 pm
It’s when people begin using their religion as just a way of getting power over other people that scares me. I’m afraid that’s what’s going on in a lot of cases right now. When people deliberately tell lies, Creationism for instance, and pretend, “Oh, it’s not really religion”. I mean ...

Delaware GOP Candidate: 'Separation of Church and State' Came from Hitler

Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 1:48:35 pm
The Delaware GOP's candidate for the state's open House seat, Glen Urquhart, says Thomas Jefferson never used the phrase "separation of church and state." (He did.) You know who said it? Hitler. "Do you know, where does this phrase separation of Church and State come from? Does anybody know? ... Actually, ...

Outrageous Outrage of the Day

Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 10:12:16 am
The wingnut sites are all hyperventilating about President Obama's speech to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, in which he ad-libbed a quote from the Declaration of Independence -- and left out the words "by their Creator." The Weekly Standard's Jeffrey Anderson, in a post dripping with horror, asks the all-important question: ...

Pope Benedict's Historical Revisionism

Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 2:34:26 pm
Visiting Britain, Pope Benedict frankly admitted something that's been nauseatingly obvious for many years, that the Catholic Church hasn't acted "swiftly" in cases of child abuse. Another big point of his speech, though, was an attack on secularism and atheism, hauling out the canard that the Nazis were "atheists:" Pope Benedict ...

Overnight Open Thread

Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 10:28:53 pm
As I walk through This wicked world Searchin' for light in the darkness of insanity. I ask myself Is all hope lost? Is there only pain and hatred, and misery? And each time I feel like this inside, There's one thing I wanna know: What's so funny 'bout Peace, Love, and Understanding? -- Nick Lowe

We Got Mail!

Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 5:06:40 pm
I haven't seen the kookosphere this riled up in quite some time; I guess the wingnuts are all puffed up from their big wins in Delaware and New York, because the hate mail is pouring in today. Here's the stand-out email of the day, from a reader in Yonkers, New York, ...

Anti-Mosque Movement Directly Linked to Anti-Islam Prejudice

Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 10:00:15 am
A new Washington Post poll on Americans' attitudes toward Islam strongly confirms what was already empirically obvious: Opposition to 'mosque' directly linked to anti-Islam sentiment, poll shows. Here's the rub: According to the internals sent my way, opposition to the "Ground Zero mosque" is overwhelmingly driven by those with an ...

Quran Burning Pastor Learned Everything He Knows About Muslims from YouTube

Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 2:43:53 pm
CBS News has quotes from a deposition in which Pastor Terry Jones of the loony Dove World Outreach Center unapologetically states that he learned everything he needs to know about sharia law from YouTube videos. A deposition obtained by CBS News from a court case last month raises question about ...

Castro Tells Ahmadinejad: 'Stop Slandering the Jews'

Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 11:40:25 am
Jeffrey Goldberg scored a journalistic coup on a recent visit to Havana -- an interview with Castro himself. And Fidel had a surprising message for Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Fidel to Ahmadinejad: 'Stop Slandering the Jews'. Over the course of this first, five-hour discussion, Castro repeatedly returned to his excoriation of ...

The Human Family Tree

Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 3:13:08 pm
National Geographic Channel has a fascinating and beautifully designed interactive site for their show: The Human Family Tree. On a single day on a single street, with the DNA of just a couple of hundred random people, National Geographic Channel sets out to trace the ancestral footsteps of all humanity. ...

Breaking: Hostages Taken at Discovery Building in Silver Spring

Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 11:24:26 am
SWAT teams have just entered the offices of the Discovery Channel in Silver Spring, Maryland, where a gunman has apparently taken hostages: Reported standoff at Discovery Channel building in Silver Spring. The hostage taker has reportedly posted his demands online at this completely insane page: The Discovery Channel MUST broadcast ...

Video: Inside the Violent World of the English Defense League

Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 1:59:47 pm
Pamela "Shrieking Harpy" Geller thinks Newsweek is out to get her, of course, and she doubles down on her support for the far right thugs of the English Defense League -- and announces that she's bringing them to the US to participate in her anti-Muslim protest on September 11. Thought ...

Onion: Man Already Knows Everything He Needs to Know About Muslims

Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 1:40:30 pm
Humorists like Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and The Onion are doing a much better job than mainstream media of rooting out the truthiness of the "Ground Zero Mosque" bigotry outbreak: Man Already Knows Everything He Needs To Know About Muslims. SALINA, KS—Local man Scott Gentries told reporters Wednesday that his ...

Fanatic Opens Ground Zero Church, No Outrage Sighted

Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 12:06:05 pm
Opening this Sunday, two blocks from the World Trade Center site: a church called the "9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero," run by a deranged hate preacher named Bill Keller: Bigot starts ground zero church: Where's the outrage? To get a sense of where Keller is coming from, consider his ...

White Supremacists Heart Pamela Geller

Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 10:46:21 am
At the SPLC's Hatewatch blog, Heidi Beirich has a detailed report on hate monger Pamela "Shrieking Harpy" Geller, and the very receptive audience she has found at neo-Nazi and white nationalist websites: White Supremacists Find Common Cause with Pam Geller’s Anti-Islam Campaign. Geller’s Muslim-bashing has resonated with certain conservatives, several ...

Religion = Politics at BeckFest 2010

Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 8:21:10 pm
The emerging media narrative on Glenn Beck's rally is that it was a "religious" event, not a "political" event: Glenn Beck Leads Religious Rally at Lincoln Memorial. But they're completely missing the point. In this context, there's no distinction between "religion" and "politics." The extreme right wing religious views promoted by ...

Xenophobic Swedish Party's Video: An Army of Burqas

Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 1:06:13 pm
LGF reader Winny Spencer pointed out this campaign advertisement for far right Swedish party Sverigedemokraterna (Sweden Democrats), an organization with neo-Nazi roots. Anti-Muslim crusaders Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, when not agitating against mosques, promote Sweden Democrats along with other extreme right wing European groups (such as the "Stop Islamisation" hate ...

Bloomberg on Anti-Mosque Movement: 'Unfair and Un-American'

Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 5:57:02 pm
Big LGF kudos to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. He sounds like a real leader in this speech to New York's annual Ramadan dinner at Gracie Mansion: Bloomberg Launches Another Impassioned Defense Of Cordoba House. If we say that a mosque and community center should not be built near the ...

Fundamentalist Indoctrination: Mandatory in the US Army?

Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 8:17:28 pm
Chris Rodda is blowing the whistle on a blatant violation of the separation of church and state, in the US Army: U.S. Soldiers Punished for Not Attending Christian Concert. For the past several years, two U.S. Army posts in Virginia, Fort Eustis and Fort Lee, have been putting on a ...

New Peace Talks Imminent

Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 5:57:27 pm
Apparently we're on the brink of peace in the Middle East: U.S. officials: Abbas announcement imminent, details not yet finalized. Excuse me if I don't break out the champagne just yet. U.S. officials told Jewish community leaders on a private conference call this afternoon that they believe Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud ...

The Shrieking Harpy Shrieks to TPM

Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 8:16:27 pm
Talking Points Memo interviews hate monger Pamela Geller, and what comes through more than anything else is Geller's obsessive paranoid xenophobia. She sees all Muslims, even American citizens who live and work in the same city she does, and who were shocked and devastated on 9/11 just like she was, ...

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