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Searched LGF articles for: anti-semit (1,340 matches, in 54 pages)

Erick Erickson Responds to Kim Davis Contempt of Court Arrest: "What Day Does the Civil War Start?"

Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 12:35:29 pm
Erick Erickson, designated by The Atlantic as the "most powerful conservative in America," thinks religious conservatives need to respond to the arrest of anti-gay Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis by killing in the name of Jesus. We've reached a point where you can ignore laws if you're on the left's team and ...

GOP Candidates Push Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis's "Religious Freedom" Scam

Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 10:52:37 am
Image via Shutterstock "Religious freedom" means the freedom to practice your religion. This freedom does not grant a license to impose your religious beliefs on other people, but that's exactly what's going on in Kentucky (and elsewhere) on an increasing basis, as religious right operatives continue using this excuse to rationalize ...

Obama Locks Down Democrat Votes Needed for Iran Deal, Breitbart Commenters Go Cuckoo

Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 5:42:40 pm
Check out the photo the goons at Breitbart "News" use for their post on President Obama getting the votes he needs to stop Republican from torpedoing the Iran nuclear deal. They know exactly how to tweak the raving nutbags in their audience and get them enraged, and sure enough, they're ranting ...

Independent Analysis of Planned Parenthood "Sting" Videos Finds Deceptive Manipulation

Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 1:36:09 pm
An independent analysis by a team of forensic experts has found the "sting" videos created by the Orwellian "Center for Medical Progress" to smear Planned Parenthood were so deceptively edited they would be useless as evidence in a court case. Planned Parenthood commissioned independent research firm Fusion GPS to conduct a ...

At Breitbart "News," a Horrifying Deluge of Hatred and Bigotry

Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 8:16:10 pm
I've been keeping tabs on the Breitbart "News" comment section for years, and it's never been worse than it is tonight. When Donald Trump had his bodyguards eject Univision reporter Jorge Ramos from his press conference, Breitbart commenters launched into a nauseating orgy of anti-Hispanic bigotry like nothing I've ever ...

Gawker Fires Back at Chuck C. Johnson, Moves to Dismiss, Files Anti-SLAPP, Asks for Legal Fees

Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 5:28:55 pm
Gawker's top-flight law firms fired back today at cyberstalker Chuck C. Johnson's absurdly frivolous defamation lawsuit, filing an anti-SLAPP motion (SLAPP = Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) and a motion to dismiss the case entirely, and seeking to recover legal fees and court costs. (Thanks to @adamsteinbaugh for bringing it ...

Video: Sean Hannity Frantically Spewing Anti-Planned Parenthood Propaganda

Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 11:11:56 am
Media Matters This video clip is a real jaw-dropper, as Nomiki Konst of the Accountability Project tries to get a word in over Sean Hannity's frantic deluge of anti-Planned Parenthood talking points -- including the usual outright lies. Good on Konst for trying to push back, but it seems like a ...

Lawyer for Planned Parenthood Smear Videos: Tissue Donation Is Just Like "Nazi Gas Chambers"

Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 10:58:55 am
SoundCloud One of the lawyers from an anti-choice legal group that works with the Orwellian "Center for Medical Progress" went on a crazed conspiracy-themed radio show this week and compared the donation of fetal tissue for medical research to "Nazi gas chambers." "It's reminiscent of, you know, with the Nazi gas ...

Ted Cruz Appears With Anti-Gay Hate Group American Family Association, Openly Advocates Theocracy

Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 11:56:33 am
SoundCloud People sometimes ask me why I bother paying attention to the extreme right wing American Family Association and their insane caveman spokesman Bryan Fischer. Aren't they just a fringe group with no real influence? No, they're not a fringe group at all. In fact, they're highly connected politically and it's not ...

The Stunning Hypocrisy of Erick Erickson

Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 10:46:10 am
In the aftermath of yesterday's comments by Donald Trump about Fox News debate moderator Megyn Kelly, RedState's own Erick Erickson decided to disinvite Trump from his extremist right wing confab. Apparently, Trump's comments were a bridge too far. It is a shame that a candidate for President confuses political correctness and ...

Donald Trump Goes on Epic Twitter Rant Against Fox News

Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 2:35:15 pm
This is a hoot. The Donald has been ranting at Fox News, Megyn Kelly, Frank Luntz and Charles Krauthammer all day on Twitter. The mighty ego speaks: "@timjcam: @megynkelly @FrankLuntz @realDonaldTrump Fox viewers give low marks to bimbo @MegynKelly will consider other programs!" — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 7, 2015 ...

FBI Arrests Anti-Government Extremists in NC, Building Bombs - UPDATE: Inspired by "Jade Helm" Conspiracy Theory

Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 7:38:52 pm
Here we go again. How long until Jim Hoft tries to label these crazies as "leftists?" FBI: Men Arrested for Making Explosives to Resist Government. You know he will. Reports say that law inforcement received tips that Walter Litteral, 50, Christopher Barker, 41 and Christopher Campbell, 30, were attempting to ...

Massachusetts Attorney General Exonerates Planned Parenthood of Bogus "Baby Parts" Smear Campaign

Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 12:47:26 pm
A couple of days ago Indiana's Department of Health exonerated Planned Parenthood of the spurious right wing charge that they profit from the sale of "baby parts." (To use the deliberately grotesque phrase being endlessly repeated by anti-choice fanatics.) And Planned Parenthood has also been exonerated of these false charges in ...

Anti-Choice Fanatics Used Fake California IDs to Film Planned Parenthood - Now We Have Proof

Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 3:46:41 pm
Today the National Abortion Foundation filed suit against the anti-choice fanatics behind the Orwellian "Center for Medical Progress," seeking a temporary restraining order and injunction to prevent them from releasing any video of NAF meetings. The lawsuit names CMP as a defendant as well as BioMax Procurement Services, the fake ...

Planned Parenthood Website Hacked, Conservative Sites Call It a "PR Stunt"

Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 1:50:07 pm
Photo via ctrouper/Flickr (CC BY 2.0) Right wing rhetoric is getting more and more insane as people realize the Center for Medical Progress is a gang of dishonest religious fanatics, and their "sting" videos are blatantly deceptive attempts to make perfectly legal activities seem nefarious and sinister. You can always tell ...

California Court Bars Anti-Choice Group From Releasing New Videos

Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 10:03:31 am
AP reports today that the Los Angeles Superior Court has issued a restraining order preventing the anti-choice group calling itself the "Center for Medical Progress" from releasing any videos targeting Stem Express, a California company that provides human and fetal tissue to medical researchers. Apparently the Center for Medical Progress was ...

Donald Trump on Climate Change: It's Just 'Bad Weather'

Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 11:59:14 am
SoundCloud If you've been wondering whether Donald Trump was going to join the rest of the anti-science conservative world and deny the existence of climate change, despite the mountains of evidence and overwhelming scientific consensus, well yes, he is. "The real climate change is going to be nuclear climate change if ...

RH Reality Check Finds Possible Criminal Behavior by the Anti-Choice Fanatics Behind the Planned Parenthood Videos

Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 5:51:47 pm
Image via Shutterstock Sharona Coutts and Sofia Resnick of RH Reality Check have been investigating the far right fanatics behind the deceptive Planned Parenthood "sting" videos, and they've discovered some very interesting information. The operatives at the Orwellian "Center for Medical Progress" and their fake company "Biomax" may have violated a ...

Anti-Choice Groups Work With ALEC to Require "Fetal Death Certificates" for Miscarriages, Prevent Tissue Donations

Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 7:04:17 pm
In the wake of the deceptive videos pushed out by the Orwellian "Center for Medical Progress," another fanatical anti-choice group called "Americans United for Life" is now working with ALEC to get legislation passed that would require "fetal death certificates" -- for miscarriages. Yes, really. And their proposed legislation would also ...

Chuck Todd Invites Racist Paleocon Caveman Pat Buchanan to "Meet the Press"

Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 1:27:03 pm
Good grief, not Pat Buchanan again. What does it take to get this raving, Nazi-sympathizing, bigoted paleocon caveman off our television screens for good? He was fired from MSNBC for his crazed bigotry, but here comes Chuck Todd to his rescue: Why Is NBC Bringing Anti-Gay Xenophobe Pat Buchanan Back to ...

Gateway Pundit Says Lafayette Shooter Was "Obama Supporter" (Because He Wanted Obama to Wreck the US)

Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 11:15:31 am
Jim Hoft poses with anti-Muslim hate group leader Pamela Geller You just knew Jim Hoft, the fabled Stupidest Man on the Internet, would do this, didn't you? We predicted earlier that he'd be the first out of the gate with a claim that Lafayette shooter John Russell Houser was a "leftist:" Which right ...

Lafayette Theater Shooter: A Fan of Hitler, Neo-Nazis, and Anti-Government Conspiracy Theories

Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 9:38:27 am
We saw reports on this almost immediately after the awful shootings in Lafayette, Louisiana, but held off until more facts could be ascertained. It's now quite clear the shooter, John Russell Houser, was yet another angry far right anti-government loon who admired Adolph Hitler, Timothy McVeigh, white power groups, the ...

Rick Perry vs. Donald Trump: "The Modern-Day Incarnation of the Know-Nothing Movement"

Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 5:14:26 pm
If you've read Little Green Footballs much, you know I'm no fan of former Texas Governor Rick Perry and his brand of "aw shucks" reactionary conservatism. He's a creationist, he's a religious fanatic, he's rabidly anti-choice, he spews anti-Muslim bigotry on cue like most Republicans. In short, he's a prototypical ...

The Groups and Individuals Trying to Destroy Planned Parenthood Are Very Bad People

Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 6:15:43 pm
Tonight I'd like to direct your attention to two excellent pieces on the ongoing attempts by the Orwellian "Center for Medical Progress" to destroy Planned Parenthood -- just the latest right wing reactionary attack on this vitally necessary women's health organization. First, a piece at Think Progress by Tara Culp-Ressler: Everything ...

Another Deceptive Planned Parenthood "Sting" Video Is Released

Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 10:45:29 am
The anti-choice fanatics at the Orwellian "Center for Medical Progress" have released another deceptively edited, blatantly dishonest video attacking another Planned Parenthood official, complete with ominous sinister background music. (I'm not embedding it here, but you can click the link above if you want to see it for yourself.) It's another ...

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