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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart (496 matches, in 20 pages)

Romney's New Ad Pioneers a New Low Standard of Dishonest Editing

Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 2:41:43 pm
YouTube Video One of the big stories of this election is the absolutely blatant dishonesty of the Romney campaign. In these cynical days, everybody expects politicians to stretch, exaggerate, and slant their talking points to benefit themselves. But Mitt Romney is pioneering a relatively new type of presidential campaign distortion (much ...'s Lee Stranahan Outs Sexual Abuse Victim

Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 6:28:03 pm
You know that woman who testified that George Zimmerman had molested her for years, and was identified only as "Witness 9?"'s Lee Stranahan outed her today: Trayvon, George, Witness 9 & Other Obama Political Casualties. Welcome to the news cycle, Witness 9. The accusations of molestation by Zimmerman — ...

Shocka! Defends Hate Group Leader Pamela Geller

Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 7:14:49 pm
Would someone please let writer Laura Rubenfeld know that Pamela Geller has no "constitutional right" to demand that the Jewish Federation of Los Angeles give her a venue to spread hate speech? Proving, once again, that those who scream loudest about constitutional rights are often those who know the least ...

In Which Chris Rock Pees in the Right Wing Punchbowl on the Fourth of July

Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 12:14:00 pm
There goes that Chris Rock again, rattling the right wing's cage: Happy white peoples independence day the slaves weren't free but I'm sure they enjoyed fireworks — Chris Rock (@chrisrock) July 4, 2012 Well, you know that the incredibly patriotic keyboard commandos of the wingnutosphere weren't going to take that lying down. ...

In Which I Agree With

Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 3:01:36 pm
Here's one of those rare moments when I agree with wingnut Joel Pollak: Mitt Romney should just quit. I think we should all get behind this initiative by the Breitbart genius squad.

Right Wing Joke of the Day: Anderson Cooper Teabagging Durr Hurr

Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 5:24:29 pm
Wingnuts seem to love this joke; it's always a special moment when the leading lights of the online conservative movement go into Sexually Frustrated Adolescent Idiot Boy mode. From's Ben Shapiro and Media Research Center weirdo Brent Bozell: Remember when Anderson Cooper thought "teabagging" was hysterical? No comment. — benshapiro (@benshapiro) July ... and Drudge Report: Center Right? Who Are They Kidding?

Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 12:44:12 pm
In case you hadn't noticed, the Romney campaign is completely shunning the mainstream media, and yesterday Zac Moffat, Digital Director of the Romney Campaign, admitted as much in an interview with operative Larry O'Connor: Romney Campaign: Drudge, Breitbart Leading Rise of Center-Right Media. My jaw hit the floor when I ...

New Right Wing Fast and Furious Talking Point: Liberals Are Heartless Monsters

Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 3:53:59 pm
I notice that the wingnut blogs are settling on a new line of attack for the "Fast and Furious" fake outrage: if you point out that the whole thing is a politically driven phony scandal, that means you're a heartless monster who doesn't care about murdered agent Brian Terry, his ... Target Joe Williams Will Leave Politico

Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 11:01:00 am
Reporter Joe Williams, suspended from Politico after a hit piece by's John Nolte, is now leaving his job: Joe Williams to Leave POLITICO. As we noted at the time, the Breitbart operative who authored the hit piece on Williams, John Nolte, is himself a raving lunatic who often calls for ...

Yet Another Sickening Deluge of Overt Racism at

Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 12:06:20 pm
Whenever you see an article like this at, you know it's a signal to their right wing commenters that it's time to let their racist freak flags fly: CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS WALKS OUT ON CONTEMPT VOTE. First, the premise of the article is false -- it wasn't just the Congressional ...

The Giant Breitbart Awakes

Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 6:19:11 pm
Earlier today, while observing wingnut reactions to the Supreme Court's decision, I noticed a meme rapidly gaining strength in the right wing hivemind: Right wing 101: respond to any political defeat by saying, "This will energize the base" and "They've awakened a sleeping giant." — Charles Johnson (@Lizardoid) June 28, 2012 The ...

Health Care Mandate Upheld by Supreme Court

Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 10:03:59 am
Yes, here's the bottom line: Health Care Ruling: Individual Mandate Upheld by Supreme Court. Looks like all those pundits who saw the destruction of the Affordable Care Act in their tea leaves now have some crow to eat. So, are the right wing blogs gibbering and freaking out? Of course they are ...

Politico Suspends Joe Williams After Breitbart Hit Piece by John Nolte - Who Calls for Enemies to Be 'Murdered'

Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 3:14:56 pm
Politico has suspended reporter Joe Williams, after's John Nolte published some tweets from Williams' private Twitter account: POLITICO Reporter Suspended for Remarks. On MSNBC today, Williams made a remark suggesting Mitt Romney was only comfortable around white people. The video was first flagged by conservative website Washington Free Beacon. ...

Joe The Plumber's Spokesman Was Behind Breitbart Smear That Led To Missouri Professors Being Threatened

Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 12:42:09 pm
So after Joe the Plumber suggested that gun control was responsible for the Holocaust and that the Bible is more accurate than science textbooks because "it was never revised," I'm sure you're all wondering who's running his brilliant communications operation. One great introduction to Joe's "Director of Communications" Phil ...

#TwitterGulag: The Hypocrisy of the Persecuted Wingnut

Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 12:51:56 pm
Gulag via Shutterstock The right wing persecution fantasy known as #TwitterGulag is still raging today, as the conspiracy theories and suspected masterminds keep multiplying and getting more ridiculous. They've now started adding a slash to any suspected mastermind's Twitter username, to avoid what they think is the DREADED REPLY TRAP that ...

Daily Caller's Neil Munro Yells, Heckles Obama During Announcement

Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 12:20:51 pm
Stunningly crass behavior from The Daily Caller's Neil Munro at today's White House announcement, yelling and interrupting the President in the middle of his statement. YouTube Video Note that Munro was not "going rogue" -- the Daily Caller officially approves of this kind of crude behavior: We are very proud of, @NeilMunroDC for ...

#TwitterGulag: How It Works, and How to Avoid It

Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 11:47:02 am
Gulag via Shutterstock The right wing mass hallucination known as #Twittergulag is still a hot thread on Twitter this morning; the paranoia shows no sign of subsiding, and why should it? There's nothing more fun to wingnuts than imagining themselves as victims of a massive secret conspiracy. As we've noted before, Michelle ...

Wingnut Blogger 'Ace of Spades' Deletes Hateful Tweet About Sandra Fluke

Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 1:37:12 pm
As noted last week, wingnut blogger "Ace of Spades" was scheduled to be honored with a "Breitbart Award" for "best blog," because hate shines brightly in the Breitbart Galaxy. Today I noticed that "Ace" has deleted at least one of his ugly misogynistic tweets about women's rights activist Sandra Fluke -- ...

Sen. Sherrod Brown Shuts Down Dana Loesch: 'Not From You I Don't'

Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 6:15:45 pm
Kudos to Sen. Sherrod Brown for giving CNN contributor/ loon Dana Loesch exactly the amount of respect she deserved, when she popped up like a malevolent jack-in-the-box at the Netroots Nation conference. "Sen. Brown, do you have time for a question?" - me "Not from you I don't." - Sen. Sherrod ...

CNN's Dana Loesch Says Ending Friendships With People Because They're Gay Is Just Part of Being a Conservative Teen

Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 5:35:55 pm
The Advocate Magazine published a post today pointing out CNN contributer Dana Loesch's defense of some questionable comments from a teenager on YouTube. During a YouTube rant Caiden Cowger said, among other things, that he used to be friends with other teenagers but when he found out that they ...

Announcing the Andrew Breitbart Bottom Feeder Awards for Right Wing 'Journalism'

Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 7:36:38 pm
This weekend the right wing Heritage Foundation is hosting an awards dinner in honor of Andrew Breitbart, and the award for "Best Blog" will go to "Ace of Spades." The same "Ace of Spades" who said this about women's rights advocate Sandra Fluke: Please don't call Sandra Fluke a slut. Respect her ... Says 'Liberals' Are Posting Death Threats on Twitter

Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 12:01:15 pm, Michelle Malkin's fake right wing news site, has developed a great formula for firing up the wingnut blogosphere: they search Twitter for random nasty comments about conservatives, then label the tweeters "libs" and repost the tweets, leading to a right wing pile-on and rage-gasm. Today's case in point: “Kill Scott ...

Birther Whacko Orly Taitz Will Not Be a Senator

Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 9:49:56 am
Scott Walker may have survived the recall in Wisconsin, but in California's first-ever open primary election, loony Birther lady Orly Taitz's challenge to Sen. Dianne Feinstein went down in flames. The scary part, though, is that despite being a certified Grade A crackpot, Taitz convinced at least 113,000 California right wingers ... Bombshell Exclusive: Professor Did Not See Barack Obama at Bill Ayers' House!

Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 12:58:10 pm
Yes, they're at it again; is recycling the Bill "Booga Booga" Ayers scare story with yet another ridiculous post in their "Vetting" series: Exclusive - the Vetting - Senator Barack Obama Attended Bill Ayers Barbecue, July 4, 2005. You may have noticed that most of their "vetting" stories involve recycling ...

Anti-Choice Group Edits Out Planned Parenthood Adoption Discussion

Thu, May 31, 2012 at 6:10:37 pm
The full unedited video of anti-choice group Live Action's latest Planned Parenthood hit job shows something very interesting: Cutting Room Floor: Live Action Edited Out Adoption Discussion. The edited video leaves the following on the cutting room floor: [Item List] They've learned quite a bit from the tactics of Andrew ...

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