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Searched LGF articles for: palestinian child abuse (450 matches, in 18 pages) Desperately Spinning Romney's Jerusalem Speech

Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 1:47:20 pm
Speaking of dumb propaganda (we were, weren't we?), there's a hilarious post by Joel Pollak at, desperately trying to spin Mitt Romney's references to "culture" in his Jerusalem fundraiser speech. The screaming all caps headline: HOW AP, NPR LIED ABOUT ROMNEY 'JEWISH DONORS' SPEECH, USING PALESTINIAN PROPAGANDA The "vicious lie" Pollak ...

Romney in Israel: Palestinian Culture Is Inferior

Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 10:03:09 am
All Mitt Romney had to do in Israel to avoid another embarrassment was to just praise his hosts and refrain from disparaging remarks -- but it's almost as if he can't help himself: Romney Comments on Palestinians Draw Criticism. Speaking to roughly four dozen donors at the King David Hotel ...

Romney Bans Media From Meeting With Money Men

Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 5:14:31 pm
Mitt Romney doesn't want the press around when he meets with his biggest donors in Jerusalem. JERUSALEM — Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, who touched down here Saturday night for a day of meetings with top Israeli and Palestinian leaders, plans to wrap up his visit to Israel by collecting ...

Michele Bachmann's Hateful Religious Ideology

Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 10:56:44 am
A great column by Frank Bruni on Michele Bachmann's peculiar hate-filled brand of "Christianity:" The Divine Miss M. What I find most fascinating about Michele Bachmann — and there are many, many more where she came from — is that she presents herself as a godly woman, humbly devoted to ...'s Lee Stranahan Outs Sexual Abuse Victim

Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 6:28:03 pm
You know that woman who testified that George Zimmerman had molested her for years, and was identified only as "Witness 9?"'s Lee Stranahan outed her today: Trayvon, George, Witness 9 & Other Obama Political Casualties. Welcome to the news cycle, Witness 9. The accusations of molestation by Zimmerman — ...

Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Illinois) Says Double Amputee Veteran Not a 'True Hero'

Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 10:52:31 am
This is the moron whose ex-wife is suing him for more than $100,000 in unpaid child support, now attacking a veteran who lost both her legs in Iraq: Rep. Joe Walsh Blasts Double Amputee's Military Service, Says She's Not a 'True Hero'. YouTube Video Though he never joined the military himself, ...

Jerry Sandusky Convicted in 45 of 48 Counts of Child Sexual Abuse

Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 7:32:46 pm
Tonight, former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky has been found guilty in 45 of 48 counts of child sexual abuse. Who knows how many more children were abused by this monster?

Politico Suspends Joe Williams After Breitbart Hit Piece by John Nolte - Who Calls for Enemies to Be 'Murdered'

Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 3:14:56 pm
Politico has suspended reporter Joe Williams, after's John Nolte published some tweets from Williams' private Twitter account: POLITICO Reporter Suspended for Remarks. On MSNBC today, Williams made a remark suggesting Mitt Romney was only comfortable around white people. The video was first flagged by conservative website Washington Free Beacon. ...

Groundbreaking Verdict As Church Official Convicted of Child Endangerment

Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 11:42:44 am
This is a pretty groundbreaking development in the ongoing saga of church child abuse scandals. A Roman Catholic Church official, Monsignor William Lynn, was convicted for his role in protecting predator priests. He was acquitted on the conspiracy charges. Msgr. William J. Lynn was found guilty on one count of ...

Interview With a Climate Change Denier

Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 2:03:57 pm
At a Heartland Institute anti-science conference recently, Peter Sinclair interviewed one of the main attack dogs of the climate change denial gang, Marc Morano, and man, does this ever reveal the twisted mindset and thuggish tactics of these dishonest energy industry shills. YouTube Video Also see: Graham Readfearn | Who Is Filling Climate ...

#TwitterGulag: The Hypocrisy of the Persecuted Wingnut

Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 12:51:56 pm
Gulag via Shutterstock The right wing persecution fantasy known as #TwitterGulag is still raging today, as the conspiracy theories and suspected masterminds keep multiplying and getting more ridiculous. They've now started adding a slash to any suspected mastermind's Twitter username, to avoid what they think is the DREADED REPLY TRAP that ...

We Got Mail!

Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 7:49:00 pm
We haven't had one of these posts in a while, not because the hate mail has dried up, but because it's usually so unimaginative and dull. But here's one that pretty much lays bare the deranged bigotry of the anti-Muslim crowd, in a few quick sentences dripping with vitriol. Tonight's bigot ...

Anti-Muslim Activists Take Aim at TN Gov. Haslam Hire, #FAIL

Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 10:17:14 am
Kudos to Gov. Bill Haslam and his administration for not caving to the bigot brigades. Sadly, the Governor will probably now be labeled a RINO and accused of being connected (or at least sympathetic) to the Muslim Brotherhood. Added emphasis mine. Samar AliTea party and anti-Muslim activists are taking aim ...

Twitchy Paranoia: Charles Johnson Is Persecuting Us!

Mon, May 28, 2012 at 2:05:05 pm
For several weeks on Twitter, the wingnut army has been staging a massive freak-out about a strange persecution fantasy; they imagine that they're being sent to a "Twitter Gulag" by a conspiracy of left wing activists, who somehow control Twitter with their diabolical liberal super-powers. What's really happening is that sites ...

Why Do Conservatives Fear Gay Marriage?

Thu, May 17, 2012 at 9:16:40 pm
Since President Obama's recent endorsement of gay marriage, and the ensuing backlash from the Right, a question has been bugging me... Just why do many people - particularly religious conservatives - fear gay marriage, especially when they seem willing to at least tolerate the legality of gay behavior? I realize that ...

Keith Jarrett Trio: God Bless the Child

Thu, May 17, 2012 at 8:14:26 pm
YouTube Video

Breitbart Editor John Nolte Calls for Right Wing 'Twitter War'

Wed, May 16, 2012 at 12:11:28 pm editor John Nolte is calling for right wingers to harass, stalk, and bully liberals on Twitter, and in typical Breitbart megalomaniac fashion, Nolte calls this "The Battle for America on Twitter." I think it's a great idea for wingnuts like Nolte to get out there in public and show the ...

Anti-Choice Crusader Lila Rose: Planned Parenthood Is in League With Satan

Tue, May 8, 2012 at 6:05:42 pm
YouTube Video Lila Rose is a soldier in the religious right's war to drag women back to the Dark Ages, and in this clip from Right Wing Watch she makes it clear that she believes she's in a battle with Satan himself. His Nibs. Working through Planned Parenthood. We’re facing many challenges, ...

In Which CNN Contributor Dana Loesch Calls Me a 'Stalker'

Sun, May 6, 2012 at 11:33:09 am
If you haven't already, be sure to read STLActivist's devastating LGF article on the cynical self-promoting tactics of CNN contributor/Breitbart editor Dana Loesch: How Dana and Chris Loesch Exploited the Conservative Movement ... Again. As we've seen before, Loesch and husband Chris do not respond well to criticism; their usual reaction ...

Dana Loesch Calls for an Investigation Into My Nefarious Scheme to Silence Her

Wed, May 2, 2012 at 5:47:54 pm
Tonight, Dana Loesch is calling for an investigation into my sinister plot to silence conservatives. [Insert evil laugh.] Some should check out Charles Johnson's blatant violation, abuse of TOS in effort to silence conservatives. He's trying hard to hide it! — Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 2, 2012 Followed up, in the usual Loesch ...

Massive Right Wing Fail of the Day: The Twitter Gulag

Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 5:06:55 pm
As nearly every right wing "news" source pushes the ridiculous paranoid claim that conservatives are being targeted in a "block and report" campaign on Twitter in order to get their accounts suspended -- a claim for which they present absolutely zero evidence -- here's an article at Yahoo News on ... Evil Liberals Imprisoning Conservatives in Twitter Gulag

Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 9:49:25 am
The big news last night on Twitter was that Dana Loesch's husband Chris Loesch had his account suspended. Dana and Michelle Malkin and every wingnut drone on Twitter immediately started yelping that they were being targeted by "progressives" falsely reporting them as spam. They present absolutely no evidence for this ...

Laughable 'Reverse Racism' Wingnut Argument of the Day

Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 11:27:26 am
There's so much craziness today in the right wing blogosphere that I've just been marveling at it while I drink coffee. One jaw-dropping post after another. Where to start? OK, this is probably the most ludicrous of the bunch: Islamophobia, Too, at Media Matters. Yes, mini-Breitbart Joel Pollak is now accusing Media ...

American Family Association Spokesman Fischer: Obama 'Stuffing His Face With Dog'

Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 10:34:53 am
Judging from conservative blogs and Twitter, right wingers seem to think they have a real winner with their astoundingly dim "Obama ate dog" talking point. For some reason, the idea of our first black President eating dog meat really appeals to them. Here's the craziest religious right spokesman in America, Bryan ...

Right Wing Idiocy of the Day: 'Obama Ate Dog, Liberal Dumbass!'

Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 10:46:41 am
If you think the proper answer to Mitt Romney's abuse of his dog is to point out that Barack Obama ate dog meat as a child in Indonesia, you might be a wingnut. Seriously, right wing bloggers. This is the most pathetic example of "I'm rubber, you're glue" politics I've seen ...

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