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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart (525 matches, in 21 pages)

Wingnut Artist McNaughton Comes Out as Hardcore Birther, Cites as Source

Thu, May 31, 2012 at 3:32:38 pm
Recently Sean Hannity's favorite "artist" Jon McNaughton, whose Mormon/JW leaflet-style painting "One Nation Under God" was too extreme for Brigham Young University (McNaughton is a BYU alum) and who thinks that lectures about evolution at BYU show it has a problem with "Liberalism", has come out as a hardcore birther ...

Politico Adopts Breitbart's Ridiculous 'Vetting' Frame

Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:15:51 am
When I first clicked a link to this article at Politico today, I thought my browser had been hijacked and redirected to To GOP, Blatant Bias in Vetting. In their constant quest for that Drudge Report link and the resultant millions of page views, Politico even adopts's ridiculous "vetting" ...

Breitbart Blogger Dana Loesch Lies on CNN: 'Nobody Believes Obama Wasn't Born in Hawaii'

Wed, May 30, 2012 at 11:08:51 am
Another day, another outright lie from one of the most dishonest right wing "pundits," Dana Loesch, who told CNN's Carol Costello this morning that right wing Birthers don't exist. Here is what -- nobody -- nobody believes that the President wasn't born in Hawaii except for people like Phil Berg ...

Tacit Consent From Encourages Riehl To Make Sexist Attacks On Conservative Women

Sun, May 27, 2012 at 9:56:55 am
Adam Serwer, writing about Huslter Magazine's despicable portrayal of conservative S.E. Cupp, made a great observation: Where conservatives look at the Hustler "parody" as indicative of liberal contempt for conservative women, feminists see a larger problem about how women are treated that affects everything from health insurance to how much ...

Irony Alert! Loesch Distracts From Riehl's Misogyny By Tag-Teaming With Another Misogynist

Sat, May 26, 2012 at 7:23:08 pm
After Breitbart blogger Dan Riehl's sexist comments about Joan Walsh were publicized, Mediaite's Tommy Christopher asked Dana Loesch for a comment, which makes sense given that Loesch works at and frequently claims that the War on Women is a liberal conspiracy. Loesch, as is her usual practice, refused ...

Romney Blogger Dan Riehl: 'If Joan Walsh Is Going to Open Her Mouth, She Should Do Something I'd Enjoy'

Sat, May 26, 2012 at 12:33:52 pm
Here's Dan Riehl, a writer who's on Mitt Romney's list of approved bloggers, reacting to Salon editor Joan Walsh's criticisms of Andrew Breitbart: I don't mind Joan Walsh getting low, but if she's going to open her mouth, wish she'd do something I might actually enjoy for once! — DanRiehl (@DanRiehl) ...

It's Official: Romney Will Proudly Stand With America's Best-Known Birther

Fri, May 25, 2012 at 1:33:43 pm
One of the clearest signs yet that the Republican Party is off the rails and over the cliff: Romney Camp Stands by Trump After Latest Birther Comments. (CBS News) Mitt Romney's campaign stood by its decision to use Donald Trump as a top surrogate even as the reality television host ...

Vetting Everywhere! Breitbart's Latest Bombshell Exclusive: Photo of Obama Does NOT Show Bill Ayers!

Fri, May 25, 2012 at 11:06:41 am
Breitbart blogger Charles C. Johnson (who is NOT me) has another exclusive BOMBSHELL SCOOP today for's "The Vetting" series of nothing-burgers, and if you can find a story in this one, you too can write for THE VETTING: IT'S OBAMA, NOT AYERS; FAMOUS PHOTO TAKEN BY ANTI-MILITARY FRIEND. Mr. ...

The 7 Most Ridiculous Breitbart Articles of the Week

Thu, May 24, 2012 at 9:20:07 pm
This last 7 days has been a real banner week for the blogging heirs of Andrew at; one stunning non-story after another, each one billed as a BOMBSHELL EXCLUSIVE, getting progressively more ridiculous in a crescendo of Obama-hating wingnuttery, building to a denouement of derp. I think we should commemorate ...

Vetting Themselves: Breitbart Gang in Yet Another Ridiculously Massive Fail

Wed, May 23, 2012 at 2:43:15 pm
OK, I'm now nearly convinced that the gang are just trolling the Internets with these mind-bogglingly ridiculous VETTING articles. I mean, nobody could possibly take this kind of absurd, over the top propaganda seriously, could they? EXCLUSIVE - THE VETTING - BARACK OBAMA, THE FIRST TEA PARTIER. Well, it may be ...

Iowa GOP Releases Platform, Goes Full Metal Wingnut

Tue, May 22, 2012 at 12:43:22 pm
Text of the Platform here First off, they decide to disregard any Supreme Court decisions they disagree with: We disagree with Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton as 'settled law.' Under the Tenth amendment, these Supreme Court decisions have no authority over the states. They're on board with nullification: We ...

Fear the Vetting! Bombshell Exclusive: We Don't Have Obama's SAT Scores!

Tue, May 22, 2012 at 10:36:25 am
It's one BOMBSHELL EXCLUSIVE after another at the site that Andrew Breitbart built! Man, these guys are ON FIRE! Stand back, because the VETTING continues with an astounding new breaking news story by Charles C. Johnson (no, it's NOT ME): EXCLUSIVE: THE VETTING - DID OBAMA HAVE LOWER SAT SCORES THAN ...

Breitbart Blogger Dan Riehl on the Trail of a Bombshell Obama Photoshop Phraud

Mon, May 21, 2012 at 4:24:47 pm
Today, ace blogger Dan Riehl tweeted the latest conspiracy theory to hit the wingnut blogosphere: RT @AureliusPundit: Did White House dr Photo of President "Throwing" Football?- — DanRiehl (@DanRiehl) May 21, 2012 The link goes to "Pundit Press," where "Aurelius" is analyzing the pixels in a photo tweeted by the ...

Right Wing Birtherism Is Back (Actually, It Never Left)

Sun, May 20, 2012 at 11:55:44 am
Yes, Birtherism is back. That idiotic article at by Joel Pollak has opened the door for the Birthers to come rushing back in, babbling incoherently. Actually, this craziness never really went away; if you've read any right wing blog for the past four years, or the comments at Fox News ...

Fear the Vetting! Editor Joel Pollak's Latest Bombshell Exclusive

Sat, May 19, 2012 at 12:20:17 pm
Diligently working night and day to do the vetting the mainstream media refuses to do (because they're IN ON IT), editor Joel Pollak has released a new BOMBSHELL EXCLUSIVE report on Barack Obama's evil plots. Well, actually, it's not really about an evil plot. It's a document that shows Obama ...

Week in Review: A Right Wing Fail-a-Ganza

Fri, May 18, 2012 at 6:39:11 pm
It's been an awesome week of right wing failitude; the Ricketts/Rev. Wright Debacle, followed by the Breitbart Birther Bogosity, followed by National Review's Massive Elizabeth Warren Plagiarism Fail-a-Ganza: The National Review's Fake Plagiarism Scoop. The National Review says Elizabeth Warren is guilty of the gravest crime a writer can commit: ...

CNN's Dana Loesch: Twitter Warrior

Fri, May 18, 2012 at 1:28:37 pm
All day long, editor and CNN contributor Dana Loesch has been spewing insults at me on Twitter; it probably has something to do with our posts on's Ludicrous 'Not-Birther' Article and on Loesch's claims that Mitt Romney is counting on bloggers like her to attack Obama using Rev. ...

After Secret Meeting With Romney Campaign, Breitbart Employees Say He Supports Their Smears

Fri, May 18, 2012 at 9:25:23 am
Readers on this site are already aware of the leaked document that showed a super-rich right-winger planning a $10 million "scary black President" smear campaign. Of course, once the plan and the billionaire backer were exposed to the sunlight, they quickly pivoted to say that they never really planned ...

Literary Agent on Breitbart Bombshell: 'A Simple Mistake'

Thu, May 17, 2012 at 2:15:13 pm
Taegan Goddard's Political Wire got a statement from the literary agent who produced the promotional booklet that was the subject of's EXCLUSIVE BOMBSHELL VETTING post today: Breitbart News reports on a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama's then-literary agency which describes the author as "born in Kenya ... Publishes Ludicrous 'Not-Birther' Article (Wink)

Thu, May 17, 2012 at 11:34:33 am
In a way, it's kind of sad to see what the right wing blogosphere has turned into. But also kind of hilarious. Remember when Andrew Breitbart used to beg conservatives not to indulge the Birther conspiracy theory? (While, at the same time, appearing at speaking events with well-known Birthers?) Well, with Andrew ...

Breitbart Editor John Nolte Calls for Right Wing 'Twitter War'

Wed, May 16, 2012 at 12:11:28 pm editor John Nolte is calling for right wingers to harass, stalk, and bully liberals on Twitter, and in typical Breitbart megalomaniac fashion, Nolte calls this "The Battle for America on Twitter." I think it's a great idea for wingnuts like Nolte to get out there in public and show the ...

Fake Outrage of the Day: Obama Campaign 'Tried to Bribe Rev. Wright'

Sun, May 13, 2012 at 12:40:02 pm
I guess it's going to be like this until November -- every day a new bogus outrage for the right wing blogs to hysterically scream about. Here's today's blatantly dishonest post at by one of their hackiest writers, Ben Shapiro: WRIGHT: OBAMA TRIED TO BRIBE ME TO KEEP QUIET IN ...

Breitbart Blogger Dan Riehl: A High School Bully and Proud of It

Fri, May 11, 2012 at 10:21:03 am
The heirs of Andrew at have managed to turn the site into a total laughing stock; if you were ever curious what a rabidly partisan website utterly divorced from logic, reality, and simple decency looks like, here you go: The Breitbrats are coming unglued today about the Washington Post ...

In Which CNN Contributor Dana Loesch Calls Me a 'Stalker'

Sun, May 6, 2012 at 11:33:09 am
If you haven't already, be sure to read STLActivist's devastating LGF article on the cynical self-promoting tactics of CNN contributor/Breitbart editor Dana Loesch: How Dana and Chris Loesch Exploited the Conservative Movement ... Again. As we've seen before, Loesch and husband Chris do not respond well to criticism; their usual reaction ...

Deposition Reveals: Breitbart Paid O'Keefe $65K for the ACORN Video

Wed, May 2, 2012 at 7:21:58 pm
[Link:] SAN DIEGO -- Explosive new information obtained by 10News reveals for the first time the payout for an undercover video that helped bring down the group ACORN. James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles, who played the role of pimp and prostitute in the video, were both deposed in a civil ...

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