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Searched LGF articles for: google (377 matches, in 16 pages)

Onion: Romney's Terrifying Google Search History Leaked

Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 2:53:29 pm

Mitt #Romney, Pamela Geller, EDL's Tommy Robinson, Robert Spencer and John Bolton

Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 5:40:58 pm
• Exhibit A: Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney with hate group leader Pamela Geller Mitt Romney and Pamela Geller About Pamela Geller: Pamela Geller is the anti-Muslim movement's most visible and flamboyant figurehead. She's relentlessly shrill and coarse in her broad-brush denunciations of Islam and makes preposterous claims, such as that President ...

Uh... About That "Bump in the Road?"

Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 1:04:39 pm
The latest wingnut outrageous outrage revolves around President Obama's use of the phrase "bumps in the road," while speaking about the road to democracy and peace in the Middle East and the Arab Spring during an interview on 60 Minutes last night. "I think it was absolutely the right thing ...

Wingnut Nontroversy of the Day: 'Obama's 9-11 Proclamation Does Not Mention God'

Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 6:24:12 pm
Today's wingnut outrageous outrage of the day comes to you by way of the ever-confused Todd Starnes of Fox News. It involves the exclusion of the word "God" in "Presidential Proclamation -- Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance, 2012." This was followed up by an even more ...

Romney Staffer Promotes 'Black-on-White Race War,' Still Has Job

Sat, Sep 1, 2012 at 6:57:55 pm
[Link:] Back in May, Ric Grenell was frozen out of his position on the Romney foreign policy team for the crime of simply being openly gay. So it will be interesting to watch what happens to the campaign's Social Media Director, Bill Murphy. Observe: ontent/uploads/2012/08/Screen-Shot-201 2-08-25-at-10.26.56-AM1.png What you're looking at is a screenshot (via ...

AP: Romney Remained Involved With Bain Capital Through 2001

Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 11:36:03 am
The Associated Press has new information today on Mitt Romney's disputed departure from Bain Capital; several sources are confirming that Romney remained an active participant in Bain business dealings through the spring of 2001: FACT CHECK: Romney-Bain Contacts Outlasted Exit. WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has said ...

Minifying Javascript With the Google Closure Compiler API

Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 5:09:44 pm
Javascript via Shutterstock The dirty secret of these tech posts is that I often write them for myself, because they help me organize my thoughts; sometimes the process of making it simple enough and abstract enough to post about on LGF even suggests improvements to programming techniques. And believe it or not ...

Is Mitt Romney Buying Twitter Followers?

Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 11:17:44 am
Today we learn that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is apparently buying Twitter followers to inflate his popularity in social media. The graph from looks like a hockey stick: For comparison, a graph of Barack Obama's new followers in the same time period (via Twitter Counter) shows steady growth with ...

Yes, Another White Nationalist at National Review

Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 10:39:01 am
Remember how, just a few weeks ago, the National Review was forced to fire not one, but two overt white nationalists from their staff? Our posts on these disgusting episodes: National Review's John Derbyshire Publishes Stunningly Racist Article at White Nationalist Site John Derbyshire Is Just a Little Too Openly Racist for ...

We Got Mail!

Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 7:49:00 pm
We haven't had one of these posts in a while, not because the hate mail has dried up, but because it's usually so unimaginative and dull. But here's one that pretty much lays bare the deranged bigotry of the anti-Muslim crowd, in a few quick sentences dripping with vitriol. Tonight's bigot ...

President Obama Makes Dramatic Immigration Policy Change

Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 10:05:12 am
The big news today is the announcement that the Obama administration plans to stop deporting many young illegal immigrants, basically implementing the DREAM Act by executive order. As we've noted previously, Mitt Romney's immigration policy is being set by one of the most extreme right wing anti-immigrant ideologues in America, ...

A Pamela Geller Classic: 'How Else Culd an Unqualfied Bitter Ameria Hater Hold the Eat in Obama Office'

Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 3:04:28 pm
Here's one for the annals of hate group leader Pamela Geller's Infamous Apparently Inebriated Posts; a reader emailed this morning to let me know that the following amazingly incoherent rant had appeared at her website. I grabbed a screenshot of Google's cached copy before it goes away (the post has ...

How Racist Is the United States?

Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 7:06:58 pm
If you correlate Google searches for racial slurs with state-by-state voting records, what do you get? Barack Obama won 52.9 percent of the popular vote in 2008 and 365 electoral votes, 95 more than he needed. Many naturally concluded that prejudice was not a major factor against a black presidential ...

Live Video: Transit of Venus

Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 2:29:59 pm
In about 25 minutes, Venus will pass in front of the Sun (from the perspective of us humans here on Earth), in a rare occurrence called a "transit of Venus." There won't be another event like this for 105 years. Here's a Google+ chat video from Universe Today, that will ...

Video: Circumnavigate the Globe in 3 Minutes

Wed, May 30, 2012 at 5:35:14 pm
Vimeo A trip on the road at supersonic speed spanning across five continents and four seasons. Official video for "Chemin Vert" of electronic musician A Ghost Train. The video was made using panoramic frames from Google Street View from different parts of the world mapped as stereographic projections. If you have a ...

Outrage Fail: 'Vulgar Comments From The Left' Not Actually From The Left

Mon, May 21, 2012 at 7:59:37 pm
Right-wing bloggers (Michelle Malkin, Adam Baldwin, Katie Pavlich) have been hyping a story lately of a 16-year old conservative girl who was purportedly subjected to "vulgar comments from progressives" after recording a youtube video arguing in favor of the North Carolina amendment outlawing gay marriage. The girl is now ...

Week in Review: A Right Wing Fail-a-Ganza

Fri, May 18, 2012 at 6:39:11 pm
It's been an awesome week of right wing failitude; the Ricketts/Rev. Wright Debacle, followed by the Breitbart Birther Bogosity, followed by National Review's Massive Elizabeth Warren Plagiarism Fail-a-Ganza: The National Review's Fake Plagiarism Scoop. The National Review says Elizabeth Warren is guilty of the gravest crime a writer can commit: ...

2012 RNC 'Presidential Platform' Questionnaire Wants to Know How Much You Hate Obama

Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 3:07:05 pm
A few days ago an interesting document showed up in my mailbox. It was the Official 2012 Republican Presidential Platform survey package. The package opens with a four page letter from RNC Chairman Reince Priebus who made the following comments while a candidate for the position he now holds: In ...

Wired: LGF's Shift Away From Conservatism Reflected in Linking Behavior

Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 6:49:02 pm
I'm being analyzed quite dispassionately from afar, with the cold eye of science, in an article at Wired on using data from the Memeorandum automated aggregator: Memeorandum Colors 2012: Visualizing Bias on Political Blogs. Along with this release, we now have four years of historical activity to work with. The ...

Jaw-Dropper: Fox Affiliate in Orlando Calls Neo-Nazis a 'Civil Rights Group'

Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 2:50:16 pm
What the hell is going on at Fox 35, the Fox News affiliate in Orlando, Florida? Do you mean to tell me that nobody in the editorial chain for this story realized that they were not covering a "civil rights group" ... but the National Socialist Movement, a neo-Nazi organization that ...

Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Joel Pollak Responds

Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 10:21:32 am
It's pretty revealing to see how's editor-in-chief Joel Pollak reacts when the absolutely blatant racism and paranoia of his commenters is exposed. This isn't a surprise to him, of course --'s articles are specifically targeted at inciting this type of racism and whiny right wing victimhood, and the ...

Dan Riehl and Stormfront in Perfect Sync

Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 6:18:01 pm blogger Dan Riehl seems to be having uncontrollable hate spasms today, tossing off racist posts one after another. Now he's trumpeting a photo he found at Facebook (hat tip: "a reader") under the name "Trayvon Martin," seemingly unable or unwilling to realize that it's not the same person as ... Calls Me a 'Liberal Non-Entity' - on Their Front Page

Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 10:03:50 am
I always love it when the first thing I see on Twitter in the morning is a gaggle of wingnuts, all retweeting gleefully that I've been "beclowned." Apparently "editor" Larry O'Connor has a devastating reply to my post pointing out that they've broken every single existing link to their ...

Right Wing Blogger Who Attacked Sandra Fluke's Boyfriend Recommends Antisemitic White Supremacist Author

Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 8:52:37 pm
Tea Party loon “Brooks Bayne” was one of the subjects of this post earlier today: Right Wing Blogs Still Stalking and Spewing Hatred at Sandra Fluke. Bayne launched an appallingly antisemitic attack against Fluke, by outing her boyfriend as ... a Jew. A rich socialist liberal Jew, to be precise. And tonight, ...

Jim Hoft's Idiotic Post of the Week: The 'Occupy Rape' That Wasn't

Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 1:02:31 pm
Channeling the spirit of Andrew Breitbart, Jim Hoft, the redoubtable Gateway Pundit, is hyperventilating and shrieking "Stop the raping!" He must have a Google News alert set up for "Occupy AND rape." Note that whenever Hoft slams the Occupy movement, he robotically inserts the phrase "Obama-endorsed." Another Day... Another Rape at an ...

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