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Searched LGF articles for: climate change denial (831 matches, in 34 pages)

CIA Admits Improper Snooping on Network Used by Senate Intelligence Committee

Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 2:06:56 pm
The New York Times has details on a statement made today by the CIA, summarizing the Inspector General's report on the CIA's snooping on a computer network used by the Sentate Intelligence Committee. WASHINGTON -- An internal investigation by the Central Intelligence Agency has found that its officers improperly penetrated ...

One More Problem With That 1976 Holocaust Denial Edition of Reason

Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 2:39:41 pm
Enough has been written on the "who is who in Holocaust denial" edition of the Reason magazine: Awful: Reason Magazine’s 1976 Holocaust Denial “Special Issue” Reason Magazine Addresses That 1976 “Holocaust Denial Edition” What follows is just a little footnote to that story. On p.53 of that issue we see an ad for "The ...

Reason Magazine Addresses That 1976 "Holocaust Denial Edition"

Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 11:16:20 am
Reason magazine's editor Nick Gillespie has an article up wherein he addresses that 1976 "special edition" featuring Holocaust deniers and contributors to neo-Nazi magazines. Let's see how he acquits the publication: If you want a preview of just how lame ideological mud-slinging is going to get [...] take a look ...

Awful: Reason Magazine's 1976 Holocaust Denial "Special Issue"

Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 6:17:39 pm
Wow. I rarely begin a post that way, but here's something I never knew about Reason Magazine, the flagship journal of American libertarianism, and it's really, really awful. Mark Ames at Pando Daily has dug the whole thing up: As Reason's Editor Defends Its Racist History, Here's a Copy of ...

House Republicans Have a New Plan for the Border Crisis: Deport Everybody Right Away

Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 10:33:03 am
In 2008, in an ill-advised fit of uncharacteristic empathy, George W. Bush signed a law that prevented children who enter the US from countries that do not border the US from being immediately deported. Today, the Republican Party is proposing a "plan" to deal with the current influx of migrant ...

CNBC Climate "Expert" Compares "Demonization of Carbon Dioxide" to the Holocaust

Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 11:25:49 am
Media Matters Here's today's example of the absolutely horrible anti-science propaganda relentlessly pushed out there by right wing groups, as CNBC promotes an Exxon-funded physicist as an expert on climate change despite the fact that he has no demonstrated expertise on the subject, and he launches into a bizarre rant comparing ...

KY GOP Sen. Who Said Mars Has the Same Temperature as Earth Doubles Down

Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 11:06:52 am
When we last left Kentucky Sen. Brandon Smith, he was lecturing us about the "real facts" of climate change and how Mars is the same temperature as our own happy planet Earth. When called out on his dubious grasp of how things actually work in real life science, he was quick ...

Sarah Palin's EXCLUSIVE Word Salad of the Day: Time to INPEACH!

Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 11:07:54 am
Hang on to your tricorne hat and pantaloons, because it's time for another EXCLUSIVE BREAKING BOMBSHELL word salad from the half-wit half-governor, brought to you by the crazed heirs of Andrew Breitbart: EXCLUSIVE--SARAH PALIN: 'IT'S TIME TO IMPEACH' PRESIDENT OBAMA. President Obama's rewarding of lawlessness, including his own, is the ...

This Is What Happens When Legislators Don't Learn Science in School

Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 3:56:30 pm
As a native Kentuckian who has also lived in several states in this wonderful country and now happily resides in the backwoods of eastern Kentucky, I want to say right off the bat that I love Kentucky. However, I do despair over the intellectual capacity of our elected officials. While Kentucky ...

Anti-Science Lunacy of the Day: GOP Lawmaker Disproves Climate Change with a Thermometer

Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 11:26:32 am
Youtube Video It's difficult to understand why anyone would ever get the impression that anti-science lunacy runs rampant in the Republican Party. Louisiana state Rep. Lenar Whitney (R) is accusing liberals, such as former Vice President Al Gore, of advancing "the greatest deception in the history of mankind" -- man-made climate ...

Dr. Ben Carson Cites Far Right Crank W. Cleon Skousen in Speech Against Gay Marriage

Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 10:23:34 am
Dr. Ben Carson (Young Earth Creationist, Birther) recently cited a book called The Naked Communist by W. Cleon Skousen, in a speech against marriage equality: If you look at the writings of a lot of the neo-Marxists, when they talk about the New World Order, they say there's only one ...

Glenn Greenwald and IAVA's Paul Rieckhoff Get Into a Shouting Match on "Real Time"

Sat, Jun 21, 2014 at 4:22:24 pm
YouTube Last night's Bill Maher show featured a panel with Paul Rieckhoff of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) and the Mighty Glenn Greenwald, who got into a very heated exchange beginning when Greenwald asserted that US troops in Iraq should be considered terrorists. It turned into a full-blown yelling match ...

Rand Paul: "Let's Trade 5 Democrats to the Taliban"

Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 1:14:42 pm
Here's Senator Rand Paul speaking at the Republican Party of Texas state convention today, then proudly broadcasting his "joke" over Twitter. Because there's nothing funnier than sending Democrats to be killed by the Taliban, is there? I'm sure it brought the house down. "Mr. President, let's set up a new trade. ...

Who Says the GOP Universally Denies Climate Science? They Do.

Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 9:53:48 am
YouTube Heres a video that graphically, horribly demonstrates the almost criminal anti-science attitudes that utterly dominate one of our two major political parties.

John Hiatt - Shredding the Document

Thu, May 29, 2014 at 8:16:25 pm
YouTube Given the topic of the day, an appropriate song from the great John Hiatt: "Shredding the Document." Oh, what have you done with your life? Oh, please don't tell me Just shut up and go to work 'Cause you're interrupting me I won't represent the U.S. In the Summer Olympics My character's questionable My life is a ...

Colbert on Climate Change: F**k It

Thu, May 15, 2014 at 5:36:23 pm
Video If you can't see the MP4 video, click below: Comedy Central Video

Marco Rubio Follows Anti-Science Statements on Climate Change With Even More Anti-Science Statements on Abortion

Wed, May 14, 2014 at 7:22:12 pm
Here's Marco Rubio, the one-man Republican rebranding effort, desperately trying to walk back his ignorant statement on climate change, and only managing to sound even more ignorant as he continues pandering to the Republican Party's lowest common denominator: Marco Rubio Attempts to Change Subject From Climate Change to Abortion. Marco ...

Washington Post Editors Call Out Marco Rubio's Crazy Right Wing Rhetoric on Climate Change

Tue, May 13, 2014 at 9:33:58 am
I agree with the Washington Post editorial board on this - no serious national stage campaign can hope to take this stance and succeed. Marco Rubio's managers have to know this so my assumption is that Rubio's campaign is all puffery to raise money through "Palinesque" posturing. He's going to ...

Climate Scientist on Frightening Antarctic Ice Melt: "This Is Really Happening"

Mon, May 12, 2014 at 6:54:33 pm
YouTube When you hear a NASA climate scientist say, "This is really happening," you really should wake up and pay attention: Scientists Warn of Rising Oceans as Antarctic Ice Melts. These people aren't playin' around. The collapse of large parts of the ice sheet in West Antarctica appears to have begun and ...

Finally: a Truly Fair Representative Climate Change Debate From John Oliver

Mon, May 12, 2014 at 10:17:28 am
YouTube John Oliver beautifully illustrates the disparity between climate change "skeptics" and the scientific community, with help from a special guest.

Marco Rubio: I'm Ready to Be President, and Climate Change Is a Hoax

Sun, May 11, 2014 at 10:43:49 am
Video Speaking today on ABC's This Week, Marco Rubio announced that he's "ready to be President," in between ranting about Benghazi, of course. And to prove what a marvelous leader he would be, Rubio says all those scientists are just wrong. Never mind the stupid eggheads, Rubio knows the truth: man-made ...

And Now, the GOP Will Deny the National Climate Assessment

Tue, May 6, 2014 at 7:42:24 pm
The National Climate Assessment is sobering reading -- and even more sobering when you realize the entire Republican Party will reject it out of hand, and fight tooth and nail to prevent us from doing anything about it. On the bright side, the website is very nicely designed.

Anti-Science House Republicans Introduce Bill to Gut National Science Foundation

Tue, May 6, 2014 at 11:33:24 am
The party that denies climate change and still refuses to accept the theory of evolution after more than a century is now planning to gut the National Science Foundation. Because of course they are. WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration and the scientific community at large are expressing serious alarm at ...

Advice for Male Republicans From Female Republicans: "Don't Talk About Anything in the Bedroom"

Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 6:04:14 pm
YouTube 1/25/14 Susan Hutchison & State Representative Liz Pike @ WA Mainstream Republicans' Roanoke Conference (Ocean Shores, WA) WA State GOP Chair Susan Hutchison: So I'd like to add to men; Please don't mention the word 'rape' in any way. Also, let's not talk about anything to do with women's reproductive ...

X-Men: Days of Future Past

Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 5:55:58 pm
YouTube Bonded by war. United by hope. See the X-Men face their greatest challenge together in X-Men: Days of Future Past. The ultimate X-Men ensemble fights a war for the survival of the species across two time periods in X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST. The beloved characters from the original "X-Men" ...

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