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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart (438 matches, in 18 pages)

Another Sickening Deluge of Open Racism at

Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 5:27:18 pm
Here's Dan "Darker Means Guiltier" Riehl again at, with another blatantly race-baiting post: Hoodie-Wearing Gunmen Kill 1, Wound 5 in Bobby Rush's Chicago District. No point in quoting this; I'll just give you the short version. Blacks, crime, hoodies, blacks, crime, Black Panthers. Also, blacks. Riehl's audience at takes it ...

Breitbart 'Investigative Writer' Mandy Nagy Caught Lying

Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 12:13:30 pm
Here's a classic example of the kind of dishonest tactics used all the time by the right wing demagogues at, who are increasingly looking like clueless fumbling idiots without their founder Andrew. Yesterday on Twitter, "Investigative Writer/Researcher" Mandy Nagy (aka @Liberty_chick) was busily tweeting insults and personal attacks at ... If You're Hispanic, You're Definitely Not 'White'

Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 11:54:15 am
The heirs of Andrew at are working overtime to advance their bizarre racial talking points about the Trayvon Martin case; here's another post from mini-Breit William Bigelow explaining that people of Hispanic or Latino heritage will never be considered "white" by the right wing: Boston Globe Columnist Perpetuates 'White' ...'s Dan Riehl Blames Obama for Random Twitter Posts, Commenters Spew Hatred

Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 11:08:43 am
In the strange logic-deprived world of blogger Dan Riehl, Barack Obama is somehow to blame for a Twitter account with the name "Kill Zimmerman:" Blame Palin? 'Kill Zimmerman' Twitter Account Launched. Here's Dan "Darker is Guiltier" Riehl, connecting the dots: DERPBarack Obama has remained silent as the usual suspects have ...'s 'Liberty Chick' Responds (With Insults, of Course)

Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 6:58:46 pm
For the record, here are the responses from “Investigative Writer/Researcher” Mandy Nagy to my post about her purported investigation into racist comments "planted" by me at .@Lizardoid @ninja4justice Not ignoring. a) I've already answered you numerous times before, b) I have you blocked because you are insane. — Mandy Nagy (@Liberty_Chick) ... Conspiracy Theory Watch: Liberty Chick's 'Planted Comments' Investigation

Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 1:51:38 pm
When Andrew Breitbart was alive, and I'd post one of those long lists of quotes from his sites full of raving racist insanity, he knew how to respond -- by accusing me of planting all of them myself. He'd repeat this claim over and over on Twitter, apparently hoping that ... Commenters Spew Racist Hatred at Trayvon Martin

Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 5:38:26 pm
At practically every right wing blog and news site, commenters are retching up unbelievably racist comments about Trayvon Martin today; if it seemed at first like they were going to restrain themselves, that illusion has been thoroughly shattered in the past few days. At the site run by Andrew Breitbart's heirs, ... Screams: 'Washington Salutes Breitbart!' (But It Was Just the Usual Wingnuts)

Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 1:41:32 pm's "Liberty Chick" screams: WASHINGTON SALUTES ANDREW BREITBART. But when you look at the actual article, what you find is that the only ones "saluting" Andrew Breitbart were ... right wingers, of course, including loony far right politicians Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann, Louie "Terror Babies" Gohmert, and Steve "White Nationalists Are ...

Dan Riehl and Stormfront in Perfect Sync

Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 6:18:01 pm blogger Dan Riehl seems to be having uncontrollable hate spasms today, tossing off racist posts one after another. Now he's trumpeting a photo he found at Facebook (hat tip: "a reader") under the name "Trayvon Martin," seemingly unable or unwilling to realize that it's not the same person as ...

Wingnut Conspiracy Theory of the Day: Trayvon Photo Was Lightened to Make Him Look 'Innocent'

Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 12:04:41 pm
DERPToday's loony wingnut conspiracy theory comes from blogger Dan Riehl, who has yet another BOMBSHELL REVELATION to report: As Media Reports Conflict, Why Was Trayvon Martin Photo Altered? Yes, Riehl has uncovered another media plot to drum up sympathy for Trayvon Martin -- the photo of Trayvon being shown in ... Calls Me a 'Liberal Non-Entity' - on Their Front Page

Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 10:03:50 am
I always love it when the first thing I see on Twitter in the morning is a gaggle of wingnuts, all retweeting gleefully that I've been "beclowned." Apparently "editor" Larry O'Connor has a devastating reply to my post pointing out that they've broken every single existing link to their ...

Breitbart 'Editor' Joel Pollak: 'We Went Through a Vetting Process'

Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 12:53:01 pm
New York magazine's Joe Coscarelli spoke to "editor" Joel Pollak about their utterly ridiculous EXCLUSIVE BOMBSHELL INTERVIEW with "U2's Bono" (who turned out not to be Bono). Pollak says, "We went through a vetting process on this and appropriate questions were raised and appropriate answers were given." Which, if true, is ...

Right Wing Journalism Fail: Interviews 'Bono'

Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 9:11:02 am
This is just classic. Last night, the geniuses at were trumpeting a HUGE EXCLUSIVE STORY, in which their ambush specialist Jason Mattera scored an EXCLUSIVE interview with U2 singer Bono. Only problem with this BOMBSHELL: it wasn't Bono. Apparently, Mattera encountered a guy with an Irish accent wearing sunglasses who ... Says: Hispanics Are Not 'White'

Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 5:41:57 pm
Apparently, the followers of Andrew Breitbart believe that being Hispanic means you can't be white: MEDIA LABELS HISPANIC MAN WHITE IN SHOOTING OF BLACK TEEN. On Friday night, a young African-American teenager, Trayvon Martin, was shot to death in Orlando by a neighborhood watch captain, George Zimmerman. The media immediately ...

Pamela Geller Quietly Deletes Obama Assassination Comment, Doesn't Ban Commenter

Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 10:05:38 am
Today, anti-Muslim hate group leader Pamela Geller has quietly deleted the comment by "Brian_R_Allen" calling for the assassination of President Obama, with no statement about it on her blog. But she didn't ban this hateful freak, and he promptly re-posted the comment -- with the direct advocation "Kill him" edited into ...

Right Wing Blogger Who Attacked Sandra Fluke's Boyfriend Recommends Antisemitic White Supremacist Author

Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 8:52:37 pm
Tea Party loon “Brooks Bayne” was one of the subjects of this post earlier today: Right Wing Blogs Still Stalking and Spewing Hatred at Sandra Fluke. Bayne launched an appallingly antisemitic attack against Fluke, by outing her boyfriend as ... a Jew. A rich socialist liberal Jew, to be precise. And tonight, ...

Moronic Convergence: Sarah Palin and the Mini-Breitbarts

Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 8:21:52 pm
In Sarah Palin's extended self-glorifying word salad tonight at, I think this has to be my favorite line, about Barack Obama and the media: With tingles up their legs, they shielded him. It's a tingly conspiracy!

Husband of CNN Contributor Dana Loesch Calls CNN Host Soledad O'Brien 'Anti-Semitic'

Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 4:22:18 pm
Here's something you don't see every day: the husband of a CNN contributor (Chris Loesch, Dana Loesch's spouse) calling the host of a CNN show (Soledad O'Brien) "anti-Semitic." @thekytikat She won't apologize because it's cool and edgy to be an anti-Semitic leftist right now. — Chris Loesch (@ChrisLoesch) March 14, 2012 Dana ...

Jim Hoft's Idiotic Post of the Week: The 'Occupy Rape' That Wasn't

Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 1:02:31 pm
Channeling the spirit of Andrew Breitbart, Jim Hoft, the redoubtable Gateway Pundit, is hyperventilating and shrieking "Stop the raping!" He must have a Google News alert set up for "Occupy AND rape." Note that whenever Hoft slams the Occupy movement, he robotically inserts the phrase "Obama-endorsed." Another Day... Another Rape at an ...

Soledad O'Brien Interviews Expert on Critical Race Theory, Destroys's Lies

Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 1:07:32 pm
Video Soledad O'Brien had a great followup yesterday on the subject of "Critical Race Theory," calling on Emory University's Dorothy Brown, who teaches the theory, to explain it in more detail. Along the way, the distorted nonsense still being hyped by the gang was thoroughly destroyed. Here's Dorothy Brown answering the ...

Sarah Palin Doubles Down on Race-Baiting, Links to

Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 9:51:44 am
Sarah Palin, clearly upset by the Obama campaign's advertisement calling her out for her ugly race-baiting comments that Obama wants to "bring us back to the days before the Civil War," has now doubled down on her attacks against the President in a post on Facebook: Let's Talk About the ... Tries to Tie Prof. Derrick Bell to Farrakhan

Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 11:16:05 am
The right wing attack dogs at are continuing their jihad against renowned Harvard Law Prof. Derrick Bell today. Now they're trying to tie him (and by extension, President Obama) to Louis Farrakhan, with the blaring headline: BELL: FARRAKHAN 'GREAT HERO FOR THE PEOPLE'. They've posted a video from a 1992 ...

Wingnut Week in Review:'s Epic Fail

Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 2:07:21 pm
When Andrew Breitbart passed away, the editors and bloggers who made his "Big" sites what they are today swore a blood oath to carry on his legacy of devastating BOMBSHELL stings, and their inept fumbling attempts to do so have produced a classic week of wingnut comedy. Feeding the Media When he ...

No, Prof. Derrick Bell Did Not Visit the White House in 2010

Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 10:33:03 am
And today, the Heritage Foundation tries to jump on the bandwagon, with another BOMBSHELL post screaming that Derrick A. Bell Visited the White House Twice in 2010!!! Just two little problems with this absurd attempt at "connecting the dots:" 1) it was a tour of the White House, not a ...

Prof. Ogletree: I Was Joking About Obama Video Clip

Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 10:12:56 am
The heirs to Andrew at just continue to lie about Prof. Charles Ogletree, in a pitiful attempt to shore up their failed BOMBSHELL revelation. They're still claiming that Ogletree "admitted" hiding the dreaded Harvard video -- even though: 1) it wasn't hidden at all; it was posted on YouTube ...

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