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Searched LGF articles for: anti-semit (1,328 matches, in 54 pages)

Must-See Video: John Oliver on Uganda's Horrific Anti-Gay Laws

Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 2:06:50 pm
YouTube Yes, the United States has made huge progress in gay rights in an amazingly short period of time, but our religious fanatics are doing incredible damage in places like Uganda.

Dr. Ben Carson Cites Far Right Crank W. Cleon Skousen in Speech Against Gay Marriage

Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 10:23:34 am
Dr. Ben Carson (Young Earth Creationist, Birther) recently cited a book called The Naked Communist by W. Cleon Skousen, in a speech against marriage equality: If you look at the writings of a lot of the neo-Marxists, when they talk about the New World Order, they say there's only one ...

Video: Rachel Maddow on the Horrible SCOTUS Decision Allowing Anti-Choice Protesters to Harass Women

Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 8:39:08 pm
MSNBC The video included in this clip, showing a group of "pro-life" activists celebrating the murder of a doctor and a clinic escort, is absolutely horrifying.

Bill Moyers With Andrew Bacevich on the Travesty of "Preventive" War

Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 4:40:21 pm
Vimeo As we're being drawn yet again into the mess created by the Bush administration's disastrous war of choice in Iraq, here are some interesting and very pertinent comments from Bill Moyers and Andrew Bacevich on the immoral nature of "preventive" war. BILL MOYERS: What is it about how we go ...

Dana Milbank Responds to Dylan Byers: Politico's Reporting Disaster

Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 11:04:57 am
Politico's Reporting Disaster by Dana Milbank June 18, 2014 Politico's media blogger, Dylan Byers, regularly supplies his readers with tidbits on comings and goings in the news business, but this week he provided an additional service: a lesson in the limitations of armchair journalism. Dylan Byers After my column appeared Tuesday on a Heritage ...

VIDEO: Heritage Foundation's Benghazi Panelists Mock Muslim Student

Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 8:27:40 pm
Video VIDEO: Heritage Foundation's Benghazi Panelists Mock Muslim Student Speakers at a Heritage Foundation panel mocked a Muslim student who pointed out that Muslim Americans were not represented at the forum and stated that conservative rhetoric on Islam is often starkly negative. Continue reading at Media Matters. Anti-Muslim Conpiracy Theorist, Brigitte Gabriel ...

NYT: Benghazi Attack Leader Said It Was "Revenge" for US Anti-Islam Video

Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 3:18:29 pm
The latest from the New York Times on the capture of Ahmed Abu Khattala notes that at the time of attack on the diplomatic mission in Benghazi, he told other Libyans he did it to take revenge for that anti-Islam video that sparked protests and riots across the Middle East. ...

BLM Officer and Highway Patrolman Shot in Nevada County, CA by Suspected Right Wing Extremist

Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 12:01:57 pm
It looks like we have another sovereign citizen trying to murder police. ***CAVEAT*** It is not yet confirmed that the links below are one and the same with this person. A Bureau of Land Management ranger and a California highway patrolman were shot during an armed confrontation on Saturday, the ...

Not This Guy Again

Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 1:01:57 pm
Remember this guy? Mitt Romney poses with anti-Muslim hate group leader Pamela Geller Yes, he's popping up again like a malevolent right wing jack-in-the-box, predictably calling President Obama all kinds of names and boasting about how he would have solved everything by... well, he actually never gets around to saying how he ...

Dave Brat's Campaign Manager Scrubs Facebook Page of Extremist Comments After Election

Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 11:50:59 am
Would you be surprised to learn that Tea Party heartthrob Dave Brat's campaign manager has a Facebook page with loony comments about abortion, racism, and links to extreme right wing websites? Well, it did before yesterday, when he scrubbed it. From comparing George Zimmerman's shooting of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin ...

Vegas Terrorists Planned to Take Over Courthouse and "Execute" Public Officials

Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 4:42:20 pm
The Las Vegas Review-Journal has new details on the anti-government couple from hell, with the scary news that they were apparently planning to take over a courthouse building and execute public officials as part of their delusional crime spree. The couple may have been planning a larger attack on an ...

Alleged Vegas Killer Jerad Miller Interview at Bundy Ranch

Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 10:42:20 am
Video Hat tip: Via @ThatGuy3002 footage of a "Jarad Miller" being interviewed at the #BundyRanch. ... #VegasShooting #Terrorism — Zedd Rebel (@ZeddRebel) June 9, 2014 Related: Jerad Miller posts at Alex Jones' Infowars. Screenshot A - Jerad Miller at Alex Jones' Infowars Screenshot B - Jerad Miller at Alex Jones' Infowars Jerad Miller's ...

Another Mass Shooting in Las Vegas: "Tell the Police the Revolution Has Begun"

Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 1:48:36 pm
Meanwhile in Las Vegas, we have another mass shooting by apparent anti-government lunatics; a report at KTNV: Two Suspects Dead After Police Shooting at Walmart Near Nellis and Stewart - Two police officers were said to have been shot after two suspects took their guns and ammunition a local ...

Fox's Dr. Gina Loudon is "Very Concerned About the Mental Stability" of Obama

Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 2:17:41 pm
On Lou Dobbs' Fox Business show, Dr. Gina Loudon - whose work is featured in World Net Daily, and who earlier this year wrote that OBAMACARE RESORTS TO HOMO-EROTIC 'TWERKING' stated that she is "very concerned about the mental stability of this President." Dr. LOUDON: You know, I will say ...

Rand Paul: "Let's Trade 5 Democrats to the Taliban"

Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 1:14:42 pm
Here's Senator Rand Paul speaking at the Republican Party of Texas state convention today, then proudly broadcasting his "joke" over Twitter. Because there's nothing funnier than sending Democrats to be killed by the Taliban, is there? I'm sure it brought the house down. "Mr. President, let's set up a new trade. ...

Anti-Government "Sovereign Citizen" Attacks Georgia Courthouse With Assault Rifle and Explosives

Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 10:29:29 am
Today in Georgia's Forsyth County, yet another far right "sovereign citizen" attempted to take over a courthouse with multiple explosive devices, weapons and a large amount of ammunition, wounding a deputy before he was killed in a shoot-out. The Atlanta-Journal Constitution reported minute by minute: Report: Forsyth Deputy Shot, Suspect ...

Who Says the GOP Universally Denies Climate Science? They Do.

Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 9:53:48 am
YouTube Heres a video that graphically, horribly demonstrates the almost criminal anti-science attitudes that utterly dominate one of our two major political parties.

Sarah Palin's Hateful Word Salad of the Day

Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 12:04:50 pm
Well, the Republican talking points on the release of Sgt. Bergdahl have obviously gone out; the entire right wing universe is now screaming in unison (as usual), and Sarah Palin joins the chorus with one of her trademark hateful word salads: Commander-in-Chief's Definition of "Honorable Service" Includes Anti-American Actions ...

Maya Angelou Passes Away, Right Wingers Spew Hatred and Racism

Wed, May 28, 2014 at 10:15:42 am
Beloved American poet Maya Angelou passed away today at age 86. Maya Angelou, the memoirist and poet whose landmark book of 1969, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" -- which describes in lyrical, unsparing prose her childhood in the Jim Crow South -- was among the first autobiographies by ...

Wingnuts Erupt In Rage Over Coates "Reparations" Article Without Bothering To Read It

Thu, May 22, 2014 at 11:22:49 am
This is an excellent article, well worth reading: Ta-Nehisi Coates: The Case For Reparations. However on #tcot (Top Conservatives On Twitter) they are enraged and seething, and of course, never even bothered to read the article. Here is a sample of the derpularity. Enjoy. .@YeaYouRite Actually I made up my mind reading the ...

Marco Rubio Follows Anti-Science Statements on Climate Change With Even More Anti-Science Statements on Abortion

Wed, May 14, 2014 at 7:22:12 pm
Here's Marco Rubio, the one-man Republican rebranding effort, desperately trying to walk back his ignorant statement on climate change, and only managing to sound even more ignorant as he continues pandering to the Republican Party's lowest common denominator: Marco Rubio Attempts to Change Subject From Climate Change to Abortion. Marco ...

Nigeria Accepts Israel's Offer to Help Find Kidnapped Girls

Sun, May 11, 2014 at 6:05:41 pm
The Nigerian government announced today they will accept Israel's offer of assistance to find the young girls kidnapped by the Boko Haram cavemen. Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has accepted an Israeli offer to assist in the efforts to find hundreds of schoolgirls who were kidnapped by the extremist Islamist group ...

Marco Rubio: I'm Ready to Be President, and Climate Change Is a Hoax

Sun, May 11, 2014 at 10:43:49 am
Video Speaking today on ABC's This Week, Marco Rubio announced that he's "ready to be President," in between ranting about Benghazi, of course. And to prove what a marvelous leader he would be, Rubio says all those scientists are just wrong. Never mind the stupid eggheads, Rubio knows the truth: man-made ...

Anti-Science House Republicans Introduce Bill to Gut National Science Foundation

Tue, May 6, 2014 at 11:33:24 am
The party that denies climate change and still refuses to accept the theory of evolution after more than a century is now planning to gut the National Science Foundation. Because of course they are. WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration and the scientific community at large are expressing serious alarm at ...

Bundy Ranch Terrorists Issue Bomb Threats, Intimidate City Council Meeting, Attempt to Set Fire to Cars

Fri, May 2, 2014 at 6:34:17 pm
The lack of a response is emboldening the terrorists. Within the past few days, local 8 News NOW received Police Reports and other information that show Bundy's Anti-American, Anti-Government thugs: - "poured lighter fluid around" news trucks, - Issued "bomb threats" against Hotels where Federal employees were lodging, - told hotel staff they ...

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