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Searched LGF articles for: climate change denial (850 matches, in 34 pages)

Jonathan Chait: Glenn Greenwald Is Ralph Nader

Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 1:47:45 pm
Jonathan Chait nails it: Glenn Greenwald Is Ralph Nader. Greenwald, like Nader, does not believe in meliorist progress. If you are not good, you are evil. Even at the heyday of his career, when he was one of the most powerful figures in America and his brand of crusading regulation ...

Live Video: President Obama Speaks on Climate Change

Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 10:48:53 am
YouTube President Obama speaks at Georgetown University and lays out his vision for the steps we need to take to prepare our country for the impacts of climate change and lead the global effort to fight it.

Boehner: Obama's Climate Change Proposal Is 'Absolutely Crazy' Because Jobs

Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 11:03:10 am
YouTube Here's a great little encapsulation of the absurd counter-logical thinking of the Republican Party, as House Speaker John Boehner lets his anti-science freak flag fly and calls the President's climate change proposals "absolutely crazy." And his reason -- it will "destroy" jobs. We all know that the Republican Party is focused ...

US Lawmakers Seek Deep Cuts to NASA Climate Research

Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 8:39:36 pm
It's not enough for them to fund and support a massive public relations campaign to convince the American people to look the other way, as the effects of climate change become increasingly obvious. Now the Republican Party wants to destroy the scientific agency that studies the causes of climate change for ...

Creationist Gov. Bobby Jindal's Hilariously Stupid Politico Rant

Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 11:14:29 am
Undoubtedly the most absurd, ridiculous GOP op-ed you'll see today: creationist Gov. Bobby Jindal's latest "don't be stupid" piece for Politico: Opinion: GOP Needs Action, Not Navel-Gazing - Gov. Bobby Jindal. After the re-election of Barack Obama, Jindal demanded that the GOP reflect on what caused the loss. Well, he's over ...

Obama: "The NSA Cannot Listen to Your Telephone Calls, Cannot Target Your Emails"

Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 2:31:12 pm
Buzzfeed has a partial transcript of President Obama's interview with Charlie Rose airing tonight on PBS, with some of Obama's clearest and most direct statements about the Snowden case: Barack Obama: Well, in the end, and what I've said, and I continue to believe, is that we don't have to ...

Edward Snowden's a Hero, All Right - to China and Russia

Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 4:42:24 pm
Well now. I'm at a loss to understand how Edward Snowden's latest disclosures could possibly have been inspired by his much-vaunted concerns about civil liberties, since he's now revealing details about US espionage against Russia. American spies based in the UK intercepted the top-secret communications of the then Russian president, ...

CBS News: Multiple Breaches of Sharyl Attkisson's Computer

Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 10:57:39 am
Today CBS News is confirming that reporter Sharyl Attkisson's computer was hacked, and the entire right wing blogosphere is jumping to the conclusion that our evil President must be behind it, of course. That investigation has reached the following conclusions, according to CBS News spokeswoman Sonya McNair: "A cyber security ...

"You Have Been Blocked From Following Glenn Greenwald"

Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 7:20:50 pm
Just thought you might like to know that super-journalist Glenn Greenwald has now blocked the LGF account on Twitter. Fully expected, of course; I'm only surprised it took him this long. The last thing I tweeted before the block: Blowing things up is easy. Working for change takes real courage and tenacity: ...

NSA Leaker Outs Himself: Edward Snowden

Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 11:44:35 am
The former CIA employee who handed over NSA documents to Glenn Greenwald has outed himself. He's so concerned about the horrible United States that he fled... to China. On May 20, he boarded a flight to Hong Kong, where he has remained ever since. He chose the city because "they have ...

Google Responds to Greenwald Report: What the ...?

Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 2:40:52 pm
At the official Google blog, co-founder Larry Page has an unambiguous response to the reports by the Guardian's Glenn Greenwald and the Washington Post that Google agreed to give the NSA "direct access" to their data servers: Official Blog: What the ...? Dear Google users-- You may be aware of press ...

Muslim Group's TN Forum With FBI Disrupted by Anti-Muslim "Free Speechers"

Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 6:48:18 pm
Youtube Video More: Muslim Group's TN Forum With Feds Disrupted by Heckling MANCHESTER -- Hundreds of people turned out at the Manchester Convention Center Tuesday evening for an event billed as a discussion of public discourse in a diverse society, with a particular focus on the Muslim religion. People were turned away ...

Gov. Bobby Jindal and Creationism

Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 10:12:11 am
The most embarrassing controversy is his support for teaching creationism in Louisiana's public school science classes. It gives the rest of the country a reason to laugh at us, and surely Louisiana has had enough of that kind of derision. After some prodding on Kotb's part, Jindal finally came right ...

The Climate Change Deniers in Congress

Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 5:53:12 pm
This page at the Organizing for Action site really brings home the horrifying extent of Republican anti-science climate change denial, and it's not just spin -- it's a truly mind-boggling collection of verbatim quotes from 109 congress members: Call Out the Climate Change Deniers. A stunning display of deliberate ignorance.

Dear Jim Hoft, I'm Not Sorry

Mon, May 27, 2013 at 12:57:17 pm
DEADBEATFor just this one time, I'm going to address Jim Hoft sincerely, without mocking his stupendous, galactic idiocy ... see? It's pretty hard not to do it. OK, but seriously. It's a simple thing, Jim. You claimed the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee "completely lied" when they said in a fundraising letter ...

Jim Hoft's Monumental Fail of the Week: Tea Party Nazi Signs Were Real

Sun, May 26, 2013 at 10:42:33 am
Yesterday, the Dumbest Man on the Internet, Jim "Gateway Pundit" Hoft, flew into a shrieking rage about a Democratic fundraising letter that said: DERP"At one Tea Party rally this week, mobs chanted "Waterboard Obama, Waterboard Hillary!" At another, radicals waved signs with Nazi symbols." Hoft posted two rants about this fundraising ...

Heaven for Atheists? Better Read the Fine Print

Sat, May 25, 2013 at 6:58:35 pm
This week, the new Pope Francis raised quite a ruckus when he said: "The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the Blood of Christ: all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone," the pope told worshipers at morning Mass on Wednesday. "'Father, the atheists?' Even the atheists. ...

RI Sen. Whitehouse Pleads for Republicans to Stop Denying Climate Change, Right Wing Goes Nuts

Tue, May 21, 2013 at 11:34:10 am
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) made an impassioned plea yesterday for Republicans to stop denying the science of climate change -- so, like clockwork, the right wing blogs and media are attacking him in fake-outraged unison today. The Daily Caller's Jeff Poor (last seen at LGF when he was busily counting the ...

National Review Defends White Nationalist-Linked Heritage Immigration Expert

Mon, May 13, 2013 at 12:00:12 pm
Just a few months ago, the National Review was forced to fire or distance themselves from not one, but two overt white nationalists who had been writing for the publication for years. So it's not really surprising to find editor Robert VerBruggen mounting a vociferous defense of Jason Richwine and "scientific ...

Heritage Immigration Study Co-Author: "I Do Not Apologize"

Mon, May 13, 2013 at 10:51:31 am
Byron York interviews Jason Richwine, who resigned from the Heritage Foundation when his ties to white nationalists and racist writings surfaced, and it will serve very nicely as an example of how deeply entrenched this kind of racism is in the Republican Party: A Talk With Jason Richwine: 'I Do ...

The Evidence for Climate Change Without Using Computer Models or the IPCC

Sun, May 12, 2013 at 5:54:00 pm
YouTube SOURCES are listed in the next video, because of space constraints. Predictable posts are answered here. Please spend your time and effort in addressing the evidence presented in the video: "This is a straw man argument. Of course skeptics [sic] accept that CO2 warms the atmosphere, We just don't think ...

Climate Change Landmark of 400 PPM of CO2: More Evidence From 3 Million Years Ago

Fri, May 10, 2013 at 7:11:40 am
In these days of continually streaming propaganda over nearly any politically sensitive issue, the subject of climate change has become so entangled with local and national political interests that it is good to step back and look at what the science is really saying, again. Today Science magazine published a paper ...

Fox News' Andrea Tantaros: 'Is The Obama Daughter Going On Birth Control?'

Sat, May 4, 2013 at 6:20:33 pm
On a side note, I love how she mocks President Obama's invoking of "scientific evidence" by saying, "Yeah! The same scientific evidence they point to on climate change! Yeah, that's very reliable." Video

Injured Bombing Suspect Charged - Will Not Be Tried as "Enemy Combatant"

Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 10:03:23 am
Just in from Reuters, news about bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev: Boston bombing suspect not treated as "enemy combatant," will be prosecuted via criminal justice system: White House #breaking — Reuters Top News (@Reuters) April 22, 2013 Boston bombing suspect charged in hospital bed, federal complaint filed under seal: court official #breaking — Reuters ...

Update: Pamela Geller Quietly Removes Link to Holocaust Denial Site

Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 10:03:38 am
As we noted yesterday, in her rage against the Anti-Defamation League Pamela Geller actually linked to a story at the vile Holocaust denial site called the Institute for Historical Review. Today we note that Geller has quietly changed that link, with no retraction or correction: ADL CONDEMNS PAMELA GELLER AND .....ISRAEL ...

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