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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart comments (1,185 matches, in 48 pages)

The Two Most Ridiculous Right Wing Shutdown-Related Fake Outrages

Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 12:22:04 pm
The first of our two most ridiculous phony outrages is a meme being circulated on Facebook; LGF contributor Gus tweeted about it yesterday, with the laughably awful photoshopped image that's got the wingnuts in a tizzy: Spiteful Obama Blocks Off View of Mt. Rushmore #derp — Gus (@Gus_802) October ...

Video: Glenn Greenwald Is Grilled on BBC Newsnight, Spews Insults Like a Firehose

Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 5:09:12 pm
Today on BBC Newsnight, activist Glenn Greenwald faced an uncomfortable grilling from the host and several guests, including former senior GCHQ officials who openly scoffed at Greenwald's tales, particularly his claims that the Russians couldn't possibly have gotten access to Edward Snowden's stolen NSA files, and his claims that intelligence ...

TechCrunch: Google+ May Finally Matter Thanks to YouTube Comments

Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 6:54:14 pm
The whole YouTube (and Blogger) commenting system will shift to be powered exclusively by Google+. All comments must be tied to an account. HELPING USERS... For users, this change will likely be wonderful. First, it should banish some of the trolls spewing racism, sexism and homophobia. The anonymity of a one-off ...

Support LGF With a One-Year Subscription and Get Ad-Free Access

Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 1:16:31 pm
In case you missed the announcement a few days ago, we now have a new subscription option that gives you completely ad-free access to LGF for a full year, for $79.95 -- one-third off the price of a monthly subscription. Going ad-free makes Little Green Footballs look much cleaner and run ...

Popular Science: Why We're Shutting Off Our Comments

Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 5:09:41 pm
A politically motivated, decades-long war on expertise has eroded the popular consensus on a wide variety of scientifically validated topics. Everything, from evolution to the origins of climate change, is mistakenly up for grabs again. Scientific certainty is just another thing for two people to "debate" on television. And ...

Guardian "Readers' Editor" Discovers Their NSA Reporting Has Been Flawless

Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 10:54:24 am
The Guardian's "readers' editor" examines their NSA reporting, which has been replete with misleading headlines, exaggerations, and hyperbolic Greenwaldisms, and pronounces it flawless and wonderful. The main criticism he comes up with: some commenters in their (heavily moderated) comments sections thought the Guardian should be releasing everything, all at once. But ...

Breitbart Resurrects Another Old Right Wing Canard

Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 6:11:56 pm
Keepin' it classy, the site that Andrew Breitbart built reports the news the right wing wants to hear: CLINTON MISTRESS: BILL TOLD ME HILLARY IS BISEXUAL. Bill Clinton's former mistress alleged that Hillary Clinton is a bisexual in a recent interview. Gennifer Flowers, who reportedly had an affair with Bill Clinton ...

12 Confirmed Dead in Washington Navy Yard Shooting

Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 11:18:13 am
Another horrific mass shooting today at the Washington Navy Yard, where DC Police Chief Cathy Lanier has now confirmed there are at least 12 dead and three wounded. At least one shooter has been killed -- there may be others, but right now there are conflicting reports, so stand by for ...

Rand Paul, Great White Hope of the GOP

Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 10:49:09 am
Just more proof that libertarianism has wrecked the Republican Party, as the crazy scion of the Ron Paul far right is now the 2016 Republican Front-Runner. Paul -- as he showed with his civil rights comments during the 2010 Kentucky Senate campaign - holds some controversial views that can (and ...

John McCain vs. Angry Wingnuts Who Are Suddenly Anti-War

Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 11:09:19 am
John McCain was raked over the coals by his own constituents in Arizona yesterday, for his support of military intervention in Syria. Witness the amazing phenomenon of Republicans opposed to military action: Video McCain, one of the most vocal proponents for military action in Syria, was berated at two events held in ...

Are You Listening, Seniors?

Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 6:53:20 am
Image: Talk Radio News Service via Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) vowed on Monday that any increase in the debt limit would require cuts to the "mandatory side" of government spending. "Now, it's time to deal with the mandatory side," Boehner told the crowd at a fundraiser for Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) ...

CyberWar: Syrian Electronic Army Targets New York Times and Twitter

Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 4:31:33 pm
Today a hacker gang loyal to Syrian despot Bashar al-Assad called the Syrian Electronic Army managed to take over the domain name servers for the New York Times. Wired reports: 'Syrian Electronic Army' Takes Down the New York Times. There's no evidence that the Times' internal systems were compromised. Instead, ...

Robertson: Gay People Deliberately Spread HIV/AIDS by Cutting People With Special Rings

Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 12:04:48 pm
Vimeo Robertson: Gay People Deliberately Spread HIV/AIDS by Cutting People With Special Rings Today on the 700 Club, Pat Robertson told co-host Terry Meeuwsen that gay men in cities like San Francisco attempt to spread HIV/AIDS to others by cutting them with a special ring when shaking hands. However, one could ...

GOP Chair Calls Out Mitt Romney -- A Year And A Half Too Late

Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 10:54:10 am
In an effort to reshape the debate over immigration reform, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Preibus harshly criticized Mitt Romney's self-deportation comments from the 2012 GOP primary while speaking to reporters on Thursday, approximately a year and a half too late to do any good. Republican leaders have long feared the ...

Jeff Bezos Buys Washington Post, Breitbart's Ben Shapiro Sees the Hidden Hand of Obama

Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 12:58:45 pm
Breitbart propagandist Ben Shapiro has uncovered another BOMBSHELL BREAKING STORY today -- the conspiracy between President Obama and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos to oppress him: OBAMA VISITED AMAZON 6 DAYS BEFORE FOUNDER BOUGHT WAPO! While conservatives and liberals consider the political leanings of Washington Post buyer and Amazon founder Jeff ...

David Corn Explains How Journalists Are Colluding With Conservatives to Create Propaganda

Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 8:20:18 pm
YouTube During an interview with 92Y Producer Jordan Chariton at The Jefferson Hotel, Corn explained his recent reporting on the conservative coalition known as Groundswell. Members of the group include prominent tea party activists and politicians as well as conservative journalists like Stephen Bannon of Breitbart News. "Groundswell is a messaging ...

Greenwald: The US Is Making Up the Al Qaeda Threat to Silence Me

Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 1:12:09 pm
YouTube As soon as the news broke about the threats of an Al Qaeda terror attack, Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald began a barrage of comments on Twitter "asking questions" about the timing of the announcement, and broadly hinting around that the Obama administration was faking the threat to justify NSA surveillance ...

NSA Chief Alexander: We Don't Abuse Power, "And That's No Bullshit"

Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 2:46:38 pm
Some interesting comments today from NSA Director Gen. Keith Alexander, speaking at the annual Black Hat cyber security conference in Las Vegas: "What you're hearing is, 'Well they could...,'" NSA Director Gen. Keith Alexander said, referring to claims, most notably by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, that the agency could ...

Move Over Climate Deniers, Here Come Racism Deniers

Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 5:04:11 pm
So much for having a national conversation about race. Conservative commentators claimed they'd welcome an honest discussion about the thorny issue in the wake of the George Zimmerman verdict. But within moments last week of President Obama offering up his personal reflection about the trial and how the killing of ...

Mother Jones Exposes "Groundswell," (aka the Unison Wingnut Coordinating Committee)

Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 12:54:56 pm
At LGF we've noted many times the curious phenomenon of the Unison Wingnut Chorus -- the almost instantaneous coordination of talking points throughout the right wing blogs and media. And of course, there's nothing spontaneous about it; like good little authoritarians, wingnut bloggers and journalists are following directions from a ...

Rand Paul's Neo-Confederate Aide Resigns, Denies Racism

Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 10:40:45 am
Jack Hunter, Sen. Rand Paul's blatantly racist neo-Confederate staffer (who used the name "Southern Avenger") has resigned, complaining of being unfairly labeled a racist. (Of course.) Sen. Rand Paul's (R-KY) controversial senior aide, who has come under fire recently for his reported past as a pro-secessionist activist and radio shock ...

Right Wing Blogosphere All Hopped Up on Hate Juice After Obama's Statement

Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 1:34:30 pm
Well, I see the entire right wing blogosphere is still having a crazed orgy of overt racism today. The Zimmerman acquittal and Obama's subsequent statement have given them a huge hit of hate juice, and it's a little amazing how many wingnuts are out there ranting about "race war." It's ...

Making Trayvon's Skittles and Ice Tea Criminally Suspect

Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 10:46:31 am
This came to my attention via Wonkette, so credit is due for that, and also for her explanation of sizzurp, which is something I'm clueless about. NB: I have included links for purpose of citation. I do not recommend going to any of them, except Wonkette. As per an article released ...

Dumbest Man on Internet: "GOOD LORD HE'S STOKING A RACE WAR"

Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 12:34:30 pm
DERPThere have been plenty of whacked out wingnut responses to the President's remarks on race and the Zimmerman murder trial today, but Jim Hoft, the renowned Dumbest Man on the Internet, demonstrates again why he so completely deserves the title with a series of short, declarative, utterly deranged sentences: Obama ...

President Obama Makes Heartfelt, Powerful Comments on Racism, Right Wing Goes Batshit

Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 11:35:54 am
YouTube An extraordinary moment today at the White House press briefing, as President Obama showed up unannounced to make some of his most powerful, heartfelt statements on racism in America and the Zimmerman murder trial. The right wing instantly went insane, of course. For example: If you ever had any doubts, Obama is ...

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