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Searched LGF articles for: climate change denial (850 matches, in 34 pages)

Lindsey Graham: To Avoid 7.5% Cut in Military Budget, Let's Kill Obamacare

Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 10:49:28 am
You know that Republican "rebranding" that's supposed to change their image to make it seem like they truly care about people? (Operative word: "seem.") Well, here's the reality: GOP Senator: Take Away Health Coverage for 30 Million to Avoid Military Cuts. During an appearance on Fox News Sunday, Graham suggested that ...

Arctic 'Death Spiral' Leaves Climate Scientists Shocked and Worried

Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 9:45:02 pm
A "radical shift" is plunging the Arctic Ocean towards an ice-free state for the first time in millions of years. One of the world's foremost ice experts, Professor Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University, calls it a "global disaster" that will cause such a big boost in global temperatures that ...

Study Confirms Tea Party Was Created by Big Tobacco and Billionaires

Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 12:37:10 pm
A screenshot of the archived U.S. Tea Party site, as it appeared online on Sept. 13, 2002 A new academic study confirms that front groups with longstanding ties to the tobacco industry and the billionaire Koch brothers planned the formation of the Tea Party movement more than a decade before ...

Iowa Republicans Sponsor Bill to Jail Women Who Have Abortions for 'Murder' of Zygotes

Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 12:00:14 pm
A group of eight Iowa Republican legislators has introduced a bill that defines all abortion as "murder," sending women and doctors to jail even in cases of rape or incest, and even if the abortion involves nothing more than a single-celled zygote. Really! That's what they actually said. Iowa Republican Rep. ...

White House Releases Skeet Shooting Photo, WaPo Fact Checker Still Skeptical

Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 10:21:15 am
Pro tip: if you want to be taken seriously as a fact checker, maybe you should avoid writing absolutely ridiculous articles like this one: The White House's Curious Silence About Obama's Claim of Skeet Shooting. Yes, Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler actually seems to believe this is an important issue, ...

Twitter Hacked in "Sophisticated Attack"

Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 5:42:02 pm
Twitter announced tonight that some of their systems were compromised, in what they described as "a sophisticated attack." Information for about 250,000 Twitter users was apparently stolen in the attack, including usernames, email addresses, and encrypted passwords. The post on the official Twitter blog has more details, including a warning about ...

Arizona Group Seeks to Ban Destruction of Guns Turned in by Owners

Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 3:12:02 pm
Last month's destruction of hundreds of guns turned in at a [Tucson] city buyback event may be the last. A gun-rights group is pressing the Legislature to block municipalities from destroying guns voluntarily turned in to police departments. The Arizona Citizens Defense League requested a change in the law adding guns ...

In Newtown, Gun Nuts Heckle Father of Murdered Child

Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 5:48:00 am
In a hearing at the Connecticut state capitol yesterday, pro-gun demonstrators actually heckled the father of a 6-year old boy killed in the Newtown school massacre. There are no words. The sometimes boisterous public hearing -- after nearly four hours of testimony from State Police, parents of slain Newtown first-graders and ...

How Conservative Columnist George Will Lies With Statistics

Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 5:26:27 pm
Here's an absolutely classic case of lying with statistics, as George Will abuses his position as a columnist for the Washington Post to shamelessly mislead his readers and disseminate deceptive climate change denial propaganda. Will's latest column makes a claim that's true in a literal sense, but when examined more closely ...

Creationist Governor Bobby Jindal Is Calling Other People "Stupid" Again

Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 11:12:45 am
The media and right wing blogs are all buzzing about Gov. Bobby Jindal's speech to the Republican National Committee, a warmed-over rehash of the talking points he's been developing since the GOP lost the election, saying the Republicans have to stop being the "stupid party:" Bobby Jindal to GOP: Don't ...

To Avoid Wrongful Death Lawsuit, Colorado Catholic Hospital Argues a Fetus Isn't a Person

Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 11:54:24 am
St. Thomas More Hospital, operated by Catholic Health Initiatives, argues its way out of a wrongful death lawsuit by claiming that fetuses are not people. The case is heading to the Colorado Supreme Court. The lead defendant in the case is Catholic Health Initiatives, the Englewood-based nonprofit that runs St. ...

Full Video: Obama's Second Inaugural Speech Draws a Line on Climate Change

Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 11:02:13 am
Across the nation wingnut heads are a-poppin' as President Obama's second inauguration parade gets ready to start. The First Lady is rockin' the bangs today, and the President gave a stirring speech, laying out a very progressive-sounding agenda for his second term: Obama's Second Inaugural Speech. Yep, he threw down the ...

NRA Advertisement Attacks Obama's Children

Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 11:32:42 am
The NRA's new advertisement is a blatant appeal to the looniest segment of the right wing, to those cretins who seem to believe President Obama's children deserve no special protection just because their father is President of the US. And when they were criticized for this disgusting ad, their response was: NRA ...

How 19-Year-Old Activist Zack Kopplin Is Making Life Hell for Louisiana's Creationists

Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 3:45:34 pm
High fives for Zack. He is facing down trolls, creationists, climate denialists and his own state legislature. I think we should keep an eye on this one. For Zack Kopplin, it all started back in 2008 with the passing of the Louisiana Science Education Act. The bill made it ...

Tech Note: New Category/Tag Indexes, Featured Pages Tooltips

Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 3:03:26 pm
A few new (or recently added) features to which I'd like to draw your attention: [Item List]

White House Denies Planning Construction of Death Star

Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 6:19:23 pm
Tonight the White House is denying reports that they're planning construction of a Death Star. WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Secure resources and funding, and begin construction of a Death Star by 2016. Those who sign here petition the United States government to secure funding and resources, and begin construction on ...

New Hawaii Sen. Brian Schatz: Climate Change Is the "Most Urgent Challenge of Our Generation"

Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 6:14:17 pm
The new Senator from Hawaii, Brian Schatz, is promising to do something about one of America's most intractable issues: New Hawaii Senator Pledges to Tackle Climate Change. Sen. Schatz is about to find out how determined and irrational the climate change denial movement is in Washington DC, but he has our ...

Amazon Deal of the Day - Invicta Pro Diver's Watch - 87% Off!

Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 10:48:28 am
Invicta Men's 12565 Pro Diver Black Carbon Fiber Dial Stainless Steel Watch With Grey/Red Impact Case: Watches: Swiss quartz Mineral crystal; stainless steel case and bracelet Magnified date window at 3:00 Black carbon fiber dial with silver tone hands and hour markers; luminous; unidirectional stainless steel bezel with red top ring; ...

PolitiFact Lie of the Year: Romney's Ad on Jeeps Made in China

Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 5:41:57 pm
Politifact's Lie of the Year contest had a lot of contenders this year, and many of them were uttered by Mendacious Mitt Romney -- including the winner: Lie of the Year: The Romney Campaign's Ad on Jeeps Made in China. It was a lie told in the critical state of ...

Marc Morano: Courting Mendacity

Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 4:27:36 pm
A few days ago LGF and I got into a bit of a squabble with renowned climate change denier Marc Morano over an error I made concerning his "debate" with Bill Nye. I wrote that he used a talking point often trotted out by the denialists (and found on Morano's ...

The Marc Morano Fudge Factor: Links to Steve Goddard Nonsense

Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 10:50:06 am
Corrected Dec 8.12 - see below... Marc Morano, a infamous AGW denialist, debated Bill Nye the Science Guy on CNN recently. During the debate Morano peppered the air with a vituperative Gish Gallup aimed at Bill who was standing in for the climate science community. Morano threw too many talking points ...

Overnight Video: Climate 101 - Narration by Bill Nye

Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 9:03:14 pm

Nebraska Kids to Learn America Is Awesome, Climate Change Is Just a Theory

Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 5:39:35 pm
The right wing tactic of "teaching the controversy" is popping up again in Nebraska; this time Republicans are using it to confuse children about climate change, but I'd be willing to bet they also have their sights set on Charles Darwin. Kate Sheppard has details: Nebraska Kids to Learn America ...

Jim DeMint Quits Senate to Run Right Wing Propaganda Outfit

Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 12:50:20 pm
South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint is resigning from the Senate, in order to take over as president of the right wing propaganda outfit known as the Heritage Foundation. Sen. DeMint's departure means that South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, a Republican, will name a successor, who will have to run in ...

Inhofe and Monckton Bring the Theocratic, Creationist Texas Eagle Forum to the UN to Deny Climate Change

Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 10:57:08 am
Watch the full video (available later today) at: Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow: The future of climate and energy policy featuring Lord Christopher Monckton and US Senator James Inhofe The current United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conference, COP 18, is ongoing in Doha, Qatar and like all previous COPs ...

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