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Searched LGF articles for: protocols of the daily kos (582 matches, in 24 pages)

Armstrong Hits Back Against Doping Allegations

Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:49:01 am
Before the start of Stage 10 in the Tour de France, Lance Armstrong gave an in-depth interview to reporters about the recent doping allegations from Floyd Landis; VeloNews has a good report on it: Lance Armstrong hits back at systematic doping allegations, addresses ownership of USPS team. Speaking to reporters ...

Jill Stanek: 'Real Men' Hit Women Who Have Abortions

Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 9:36:02 am
Anti-choice fanatic Jill Stanek has a piece in the Birther newsletter known as World Net Daily that you may not believe. Stanek posts the dialog from the famous scene in Godfather II in which Kay Corleone tells Michael Corleone that she had an abortion, and Corleone slaps her. This scene delights Stanek, ...

Pamela Geller: Obama is Planning to Nuke the US

Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 11:59:00 am
Popular right wing blogger (and writer for Newsmax, World Net Daily, and Andrew Breitbart’s websites) Pamela “Shrieking Harpy” Geller has never had a very firm grasp on reality. But the constant poison and hatred in which she bathes has now apparently rotted away her last shred of sanity. Today Geller posts ...

Bin Laden's Son Hears Dad's Voice, Is Hospitalized

Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 7:28:27 pm
Bin Laden’s Son Is Hospitalized After He Hears His Father’s Voice. Omar Bin Laden, the fourth-born son of Osama Bin Laden, has hospitalized and treated for schizophrenia after hearing his father’s voice in his head. “It’s true that he was put on medication but released himself early,” said a spokesman for ...

Pamela Geller Incites Hatred Against NY Muslim Center, While Her Commenters Post Threats

Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 12:00:51 am
Popular right wing blogger (and writer for Newsmax, World Net Daily, and Andrew Breitbart’s websites) Pamela “Shrieking Harpy” Geller is once again doing what she does best — inciting hatred against Muslims, in particular the Cordoba House planned for downtown Manhattan, near the former site of the World Trade Center. ...

Daily Kos To Sue Research 2000 Polling

Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 5:59:19 pm
Kudos to Markos Moulitsas for doing the right thing when he discovered that some poll results from the firm Research 2000 may have been fraudulent: More on Research 2000. I have just published a report by three statistics wizards showing, quite convincingly, that the weekly Research 2000 State of the ...

Pamela Geller Salivates Over the Coming Civil War

Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 5:46:27 pm
The latest freakish fantasy to sweep through the right wing blogs like a forest fire of stupid is the out-of-nowhere rumor that President Obama is planning to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens by executive order! Ahhh! Ahhh! We’re doomed! [Run around screaming…] The source for this latest outrageous outrage is ...

The Arc of a Conspiracy Theory

Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 5:54:26 pm
Far right conspiracy lunacy is now well entrenched even on sites that used to be considered “mainstream conservative” — like Yesterday at Townhall, conservatives were served up a piping hot slice of deranged conspiracy-mongering from Floyd and Mary Beth Brown: Could the Obama Administration be Blocking Gulf Clean-up Efforts Intentionally? Any ...

Pamela Geller Supports Yet Another Fascist Group

Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 12:16:14 pm
Here’s popular right wing blogger (and writer for Newsmax, World Net Daily, and Andrew Breitbart’s websites) Pamela “Shrieking Harpy” Geller, expressing her unqualified support for antisemites, Holocaust deniers, and extreme right wing European fascist groups again — because they hate Muslims as much as she does: Hundreds attend Paris sausage, ...

NYT: Gaza Through Fresh Eyes

Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 12:09:45 pm
During the Gaza flotilla incident, there was a deluge of propaganda from pro-Palestinian sources claiming that Israel’s blockade was causing poverty and starvation in Gaza. But here’s an article and photo essay from noted pro-Israel shill the New York Times (ahem) with a perspective that might surprise you: Gaza, Through ...

World Net Daily's White Supremacist Sources

Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 8:45:47 pm
World Net Daily’s source for their latest insane Birther article is James Edwards — an open white supremacist who runs the vile “Political Cesspool” radio show in Tennessee: Hawaii elections clerk: Obama not born here. Adams says he’s been telling other people his information for a long time, and he’s ...

Questions Remain in Reuters Photo Cropping Incidents

Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 12:02:29 pm
I just spoke with Dana Goldstein from The Daily Beast, who has been trying to get more information from Reuters about the photos; so far Reuters isn’t sharing anything. And serious questions remain. The photographs that came from the IHH in Turkey were never attributed to a particular person, for starters. Who ...

NSIDC: Arctic Sea Ice Extent Declines Rapidly in May

Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 10:13:20 am
A disturbing report at the National Snow and Ice Data Center shows that the rate of decline in sea ice extent for the month of May 2010 was the fastest in the satellite record. Monthly May ice extent for 1979 to 2010 shows a decline of 2.4% per decade. Credit: National Snow ...

Israeli Government Expresses 'Grave Concern' Over Cropped Photos

Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 9:44:59 am
The Jerusalem Post reports that the Israeli government has sent an official letter to Reuters CEO Tom Glocer about the photo cropping exposed at LGF: Gov’t disturbed by cropped photos. A letter was sent to Reuters chief Tom Glocer on Monday expressing the “grave concern of the government of Israel” ...

Ron Paul: Gaza is a Concentration Camp, Israel is Starving Palestinians

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 10:28:22 am
In an interview with Don Imus, Ron Paul calls for the US to abandon Israel, calls Gaza a “concentration camp,” and recites a litany of anti-Israel talking points, including the canard that Israel is starving the people of Gaza. One of the biggest influences on the modern Republican Party sounds just ...

Israel's Fiendish Plot

Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 5:09:44 pm
Evidently, a lot of people out there really think there was a huge need for the supplies being brought to Gaza by the Turkish “peace activist” flotilla. People have even posted comments at LGF complaining about the evil Israelis, whose blockade has been starving women and children to death. Except, in ...

BP Covering Up Spill's Effects?

Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 12:42:39 pm
The New York Daily News quotes a British Petroleum contract worker who says BP has specifically prohibited cleanup workers from taking any pictures of dead and dying animals: Dying, dead marine wildlife paint dark, morbid picture of Gulf Coast following oil spill. Here’s what President Obama didn’t see when he visited ...

Rand Paul Favors Allowing Racial Discrimination

Thu, May 20, 2010 at 1:36:22 pm
The Page One blog in Kentucky points out that Rand Paul made his views on civil rights and discrimination perfectly clear in a letter to the editor of the Bowling Green Daily News in May 2002: Rand Paul Made Same Racial Comments in 2002. From Rand Paul’s letter: Decisions concerning private ...

Birthers in the Tea Party Movement? Where?

Sun, May 16, 2010 at 11:37:11 pm
Remember when Joseph Farah of World Net Daily gave the opening night speech at the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville — a full tilt loony Birther rant that also advocated a Christian theocracy in the US — and got a standing ovation? Remember how Andrew Breitbart got out in ...

We Got Mail!

Sat, May 15, 2010 at 4:36:14 pm
Speaking of Swedish artist Lars Vilks and his dreaded cartoons of blasphemy, today a reader in Pakistan searched Google for “lars vilks” and found this LGF post from October 2007: An Artist and His Dog. This got him the rage fix he was looking for, and he promptly used our contact ...

Pat Buchanan Says There Are Too Many Jews on the Supreme Court

Fri, May 14, 2010 at 11:55:19 am
The most disgusting white supremacist currently still being treated by the media as if he were a legitimate pundit, Pat Buchanan has a column published by World Nut Daily,, Human Events, and every other major conservative website today in which he argues that if Elena Kagan becomes a justice, ...

Outrageous Outrage of the Day!

Thu, May 13, 2010 at 10:39:25 am
It’s getting more and more difficult to keep up with the brain-dead outrageous outrages firehosing out of the strange echo chamber known as the wingnut blogosphere on a daily — sometimes hourly — basis. It’s a non-stop cavalcade of crazy. Today’s OO is one of the stupidest and most transparently deceptive ...

Moonies Selling Far Right Mouthpiece

Sat, May 1, 2010 at 6:12:58 pm
It’s official; far right newspaper the Washington Times is going on the auction block. Washington Times executives are negotiating to sell the newspaper, after the Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s family cut off most of the annual subsidy of about $35 million that has kept the Unification Church-backed paper afloat, company ...

Meet the Patriots

Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 10:03:03 am
Here’s a disturbing report on the rise of the “Patriot” movement, with profiles of 36 of the leaders of this far right antigovernment lunacy, including World Nut Daily’s head loon Joseph Farah, Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, and John Birch Society leader John McManus — all of whom are welcome in ...

Palin Quits, Hits Jackpot

Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 9:10:34 am
Quitting her job as governor of Alaska in the middle of her elected term was the most lucrative decision Sarah Palin ever made; who needs actual responsibility when she can haul in the dough by tossing red meat to the rubes? Sarah Palin Has Earned An Estimated $12 Million Since ...

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