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Searched LGF articles for: anti-semit (1,318 matches, in 53 pages)

Glenn Beck, Asking Questions: Did Obama Leak That Anti-Islam Video With an Off-the-Grid Secret Blackberry?

Thu, May 30, 2013 at 5:00:44 pm
YouTube Glenn Beck, last seen complaining that everybody wants to label him a conspiracy theorist -- unfairly! -- is now wondering whether President Obama himself spread that notorious anti-Islam video throughout the Middle East to deliberately cause riots, using a secret, off-the-grid Blackberry. Nothing conspiratorial about that -- he's just asking questions! ...

Erick Erickson: Liberals Who Reject That Men Should Dominate Women Are Anti-Science

Thu, May 30, 2013 at 9:53:07 am
SCIENCE!Fox News contributor Erick Erickson went one step further, saying nature itself commanded that women be subservient to men. "I'm so used to liberals telling conservatives that they're anti-science," Erickson explained. "But liberals who defend this and say it is not a bad thing are very anti-science. When you look ...

Pamela Geller Spreads Hatred and Lies at

Wed, May 29, 2013 at 10:26:58 am
Anti-Muslim demagogue Pamela Geller is featured at, with another of her by-the-numbers rants spreading hatred against Muslims -- not to mention outright lies: Where Are the 'Moderate' Muslims? In the wake of the monstrous beheading of a young British man in broad daylight by Muslims who cited the Qur'an ... Publishes Then Deletes an Unbelievably Deranged Wingnut Conspiracy Fantasy

Tue, May 28, 2013 at 5:19:11 pm
They've deleted it from their site now, but if you hurry you can still see's freaky anti-Obama conspiracy fantasy in the Google web cache: Was President Obama High on Coke While Benghazi Burned? - Arlington Conservative | "Arlington Conservative" is Dean Chambers, the delusional nutbag responsible for one of ...

GOP Gov. Nikki Haley's White Supremacist Reelection Official Resigns

Tue, May 28, 2013 at 10:21:04 am
You know that reputation the right wing has for cozying up to white supremacists and racists? And you know how right wingers always fly into a rage when someone brings it up, denying that they're sympathetic to racists -- in fact, denying that they have any problem with racism at ...

Geller-Spencer Allies "English Defence League" Riot in Britain

Thu, May 23, 2013 at 10:09:44 am
EDL leader Stephen Lennon, who goes by the name Tommy Robinson, (left) with EDL supporters outside The Queens Arms pub in Woolwich The drunken racist British yahoos known as the English Defence League took to the streets and rioted yesterday following the attack on a soldier in London: Woolwich: Riot Police ...

RI Sen. Whitehouse Pleads for Republicans to Stop Denying Climate Change, Right Wing Goes Nuts

Tue, May 21, 2013 at 11:34:10 am
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) made an impassioned plea yesterday for Republicans to stop denying the science of climate change -- so, like clockwork, the right wing blogs and media are attacking him in fake-outraged unison today. The Daily Caller's Jeff Poor (last seen at LGF when he was busily counting the ...

Dr. Kermit Gosnell Found Guilty of Murder

Mon, May 13, 2013 at 1:02:38 pm
Kermit Gosnell, whose clinic in West Philadelphia was described as a "house of horrors," has been found guilty of three counts of first degree murder, and may face the death penalty. This horrible story does have a lesson for us, although it's not the lesson the anti-choice movement seeks to promote: ...

A Wild Interview With John McAfee at Slashdot

Wed, May 8, 2013 at 3:10:22 pm
If you need something to clear the mental palate after that ridiculous Benghazi hearing, try this memorable interview with John McAfee, founder of McAfee Anti-Virus, genuine wildman, and occasional fugitive from the law: Interview: John McAfee Answers Your Questions. "Here is another common disguise I used that would work for ...

Full Video: President Obama at 2013 White House Correspondents' Dinner

Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 10:27:44 am
YouTube The Dumbest Man on the Internet was driven into a bigoted rage, of course: Obama Calls Himself Muslim During WH Correspondents Dinner - but Won't Use Same Word to Describe Boston Terrorists (Video) | the Gateway Pundit DERPLast night President Obama joked about his earlier life during his speech at ...

Full Video: President Obama Speaks at the Planned Parenthood Gala

Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 2:26:15 pm
YouTube Obama asserted that "an assault on women's rights" is underway across the country, with bills introduced in more than 40 states to limit or ban abortion or restrict access to birth control or other services. "The fact is, after decades of progress, there's still those who want to turn back ...

Falsely Identified as Boston Bombing Suspect, Sunil Tripathi Found Dead

Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 10:13:51 am
It was confirmed today that the body of missing Brown University student Sunil Tripathi has been discovered in the Providence River. Tripathi was falsely identified as a suspect in the Boston bombings. The Atlantic has a piece tracing how this misinformation spread throughout the media: It Wasn't Sunil Tripathi: The Anatomy ...

Pro Lifer Discusses Shooting Abortion Providers

Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 10:12:50 am
A Des Moines anti-abortion activist has publicly proclaimed that "it will be a blessing to the babies" if someone shoots the people who recently reopened a Kansas abortion clinic. Dave Leach's comments are being denounced by the leader of Iowa's largest anti-abortion group, who says such talk is immoral and ...

Anti-Muslim Demagogue Pamela Geller's Firehose of Hate Speech

Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 5:39:43 pm
A curated selection of the hysterical hate speech being dispersed by anti-Muslim demagogue Pamela Geller tonight, just for the next time someone tries to tell you she doesn't hate all Muslims. These quotes are her own opinions, from the front page of her blog -- but it should be noted that ...

Janet Napolitano: Injured Saudi Witness Is NOT Being Deported

Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 12:44:04 pm
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano stated today that the idiotic right wing claim that the injured Saudi witness to the Boston bombings is being deported is yet another false rumor. A Saudi student questioned in connection to the bombing of the Boston Marathon is not being deported, Homeland Security Secretary ...

Yet Another Massive Right Wing Fail: At Breitbart, Geller Calls Investigators "Keystone Kops"

Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 11:00:36 am
Today at the right wing attack site, anti-Muslim hate group leader Pamela Geller has a piece calling the Boston bombing investigators "Keystone Kops" and ranting about how pathetic they are: THE EPIC FAILURE OF THE INTEL AGENCIES ON THE BOSTON BOMBING. Who's running the investigation? The Keystone Kops? The ...

Update: Pamela Geller Quietly Removes Link to Holocaust Denial Site

Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 10:03:38 am
As we noted yesterday, in her rage against the Anti-Defamation League Pamela Geller actually linked to a story at the vile Holocaust denial site called the Institute for Historical Review. Today we note that Geller has quietly changed that link, with no retraction or correction: ADL CONDEMNS PAMELA GELLER AND .....ISRAEL ...

Pamela Geller Cites Holocaust Denial Group as Source for Attack on ADL

Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 9:16:39 pm
In other Pamela Geller news, she's been spewing hatred at the Anti-Defamation League for calling her out, and earlier today she posted another attack on them -- and cited a Holocaust denial group as a source: ADL CONDEMNS PAMELA GELLER AND .....ISRAEL - Atlas Shrugs. Here's a screenshot; the link in ...

Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer Instantly Blame Muslims for Boston Attack, Followers Spew Vile Racism

Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 8:57:29 pm
Anti-Muslim hate group leader Pamela Geller instantly jumped to the conclusion you might expect: JIHADI ARRESTED IN HORRIFIC BOSTON MARATHON BOMBING - Atlas Shrugs Jihad in America. 2 dead, 80 injured. My deepest condolences to their loved ones. Monstrous. So did her camp follower Robert Spencer: Jihad: Feds Say Authorities ...

The Lessons of the Gosnell Case: Exactly the Opposite of the Right Wing Spin

Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 10:54:19 am
Scott Lemieux has a good piece at the American Prospect today, summing up the reasons why the right wing's huge fake outrage over Kermit Gosnell is hypocritical and deceptive, and why the case demonstrates the exact opposite of the right wing's hysterical narrative: Five Lessons From the Gosnell Abortion-Clinic Controversy. Far ...

Gov. Bobby "Don't Be Stupid" Jindal Comes Out in Favor of Teaching Creationism in Public Schools

Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 11:24:01 am
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is on the defensive; his far right social agenda has been soundly rejected by voters, and his popularity has imploded as the public understands exactly what Jindal has been trying to pull. And yesterday he gave an interview that made it even clearer: despite his talk ...

Huge Right Wing Fake Outrage of the Day: There Is No Gosnell "Coverup"

Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 10:44:16 am
You may have noticed that the entire right media machine is shrieking in unison (as usual) about the trial of Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia doctor accused of committing terrible crimes against his patients for years. The right wingers are using this case as an opportunity to call for more regulations ...

Pamela Geller Raging Out of Control After Synagogue Cancels Her Speech

Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 10:45:38 am
Today at the hate site of anti-Muslim lunatic Pamela Geller, there are no less than eight posts raging and spewing nasty insults at the leaders of the Great Neck Synagogue for canceling her event, after an outcry from the community. (There may be more by the time you read this.) ...

Great Neck Synagogue Pulls the Plug on Pamela Geller Hatefest

Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 5:40:07 pm
Anti-Muslim hate group leader Pamela Geller haz a sad tonight, because her speech at the prestigious Great Neck Synagogue has been called off after a chorus of outrage from the community. As is her wont, Ms Geller is now ranting about fascism and sounding exactly like the type of loon ...

GOP Rep. Joe Barton: Bible's Great Flood Is Evidence Against Man-Made Climate Change

Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 3:21:45 pm
Andrew Kaczynski posted video today of Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) issuing the latest ridiculous right wing anti-science public statement, citing the Bible story of the Great Flood as evidence that climate change isn't man-made. "I would point out that if you're a believer in the Bible, one would have to ...

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