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Searched LGF articles for: john r. bradley (1,002 matches, in 41 pages)

FL GOP Lawmaker: CO2 Can't Cause Climate Change Because "God Gave It to Us"

Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 11:34:28 am
As Florida governor Rick Scott tries to deny he told state officials not to use the terms "climate change" or "global warming," another Republican state lawmaker, Rep. John Wood, now says carbon dioxide can't possibly be harmful to the atmosphere because God gave it to us. Wood said he does ...

John Oliver Smashes the Final Taboo: How Is Daylight Saving Time Still a Thing?

Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 2:04:48 pm
YouTube Like many things, it's all Kaiser Wilhelm's fault.

World Net Daily Crackpot Says Officials Who Skip Netanyahu's Speech Should Be Hanged - Especially the Black Ones

Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 11:12:51 am
SoundCloud Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is giving a very controversial address to Congress tomorrow, as you've probably heard; some Democrats are reportedly considering boycotting the speech, because it's an egregious violation of the usual diplomatic protocols. And it's not just US Democrats who think John Boehner's invitation to Netanyahu was ...

Breaking: President Obama Vetoes Keystone XL Bill - Update: Right Wing Freakout Well Under Way

Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 1:07:01 pm
Carrying through on his promise, the President has vetoed the Keystone XL bill. The right wing will now go nuts, as usual. .@WhiteHouse: Veto Message to the Senate: S. 1, Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Act — Michael Rusch (@weeddude) February 24, 2015 UPDATE at 2/24/15 1:15:45 pm by Charles Johnson The least ...

Monday Night Jam: John Legend on NPR's Tiny Desk Concert Series

Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 6:25:32 pm
YouTube At 34, John Legend has sold millions of records, won nine Grammys, collaborated with many of the biggest stars in music (Jay-Z, Kanye West, Alicia Keys, The Roots, et al), and achieved the kind of statesmanlike musical-ambassador status usually afforded to artists twice his age. He is, in short, ...

What John Legend Said About Slavery at the Oscars IS True

Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 9:57:11 am
I already blogged this at GotNwes,com, but a FAIL of this magnitude needs all the coverage it deserves. Short version: Chuck C. Johnson of GotNewsDotCom "fact-checked" John's Legend's Oscar night remarks about slavery by using a mangled quote, and based on this misquote, claimed Legend was wrong. The thing is, Legend ...

The Worst Human Being on Twitter Spews Racist Hate Speech at John Legend

Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 9:04:56 pm
Why isn't John Legend considering that blacks commit way more crimes? — Charles C. Johnson (@ChuckCJohnson) February 23, 2015 Actually, John Legend, it's racist that we don't jail more black criminals. They are disproportionately released... — Charles C. Johnson (@ChuckCJohnson) February 23, 2015 John Legend should read up on the MAOA gene ...

Did Chris Christie Block a Casino Deal to Help Sheldon Adelson?

Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 5:26:13 pm
Hunter Walker of Business Insider has a fascinating story today on reports that Gov. Chris Christie may have interfered with a deal to bring a major online gambling company to New Jersey, to benefit right wing gambling mogul Sheldon Adelson: Christie Accused of Blocking Casino Deal for Adelson. The company ...

Video: John Oliver Skewers Big Pharma

Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 10:42:11 am
YouTube The anti-vaccination movement is incredibly self-destructive and flat out stupid, but as John Oliver points out in this excellent segment from Last Week Tonight, the pharmacology industry is not always sane or ethical, either.

Right Wing Bloggers Pathetically Over-Reaching to Smear Brian Williams

Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 11:11:30 am
I'll start this post by noting that if Brian Williams is found to have lied about his experiences in Iraq, it's a serious issue that needs to be addressed. But doubt remains about whether he deliberately embellished his story or is suffering from a false memory -- a very common ...

Vox Misrepresents Obama's 2008 Vaccination Stance

Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 12:08:24 pm
Today we find "explanatory journalism" site Vox digging up a quote by Barack Obama from 2008 and using it to argue that Obama Supports Vaccines Now -- but Pandered to Anti-Vaxxers in 2008. Chris Christie has come under fire for remarks suggesting that parents should have a choice in which ...

Wingnuts Convinced They've "Debunked" Charles Blow's Story About His Son & Campus Cop

Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 12:26:39 pm
On January 26th, New York Times columnist Charles Blow posted an op-ed entitled Library Visit, Then Held at Gunpoint, where he wrote about his son being detained at gunpoint by a Yale University police officer. Right wing bloggers are certain they have "debunked" this story because Blow did not ...

Steve Scalise Voted Against MLK Day, but Today He's Praising MLK

Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 1:54:39 pm
Republican House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, in the news recently for his associations with white supremacists like David Duke, has a very nice message at his website commemorating MLK Day: Scalise Statement on Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day | Congressman Steve Scalise. WASHINGTON, D.C. - House Majority Whip Steve ...

The Most Ridiculous GOP Attack on #FreeCommunityCollege Yet

Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 9:49:18 am
How ridiculous will the Republican Party get, in their attempts to get some young people (any young people) to sign on to their deeply reactionary policies and views? This ridiculous: 12 Taylor Swift GIFs for You | Yes, folks, that's the Speaker of the House doing the Buzzfeed listicle thing, trying ...

John Boehner's Bartender Thought Boehner Was the Devil and Planned to Poison Him

Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 3:37:24 pm
At first I thought this was from one of those fake news sites, but no -- it appears to be legitimate; John Boehner's long-time bartender at a West Chester country club planned to poison him. Michael Robert HoytMichael Robert Hoyt, 44, was indicted Jan. 7 on charges of threatening to ...

All Over the Right Wing Media Sites, Commenters Calling for Genocide of Muslims

Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 1:24:23 pm
In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo terror attack, anti-Muslim ranting at right wing blogs has reached an insane feverish pitch, totally out of control, and not a single blogger or commenter is denouncing it. It's off the scale; I've never seen it worse than this. For example, at Breitbart "News," ...

Guess Who's Been Arrested Again

Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 12:06:20 pm
George Zimmerman is currently in jail in Seminole County Florida on aggravated assault charges, with domestic violence and weapon enhancements. Also, he's not eligible for bail, which on top of the weapon and domestic violence upgrades is a really bad sign. Edit, Update 1: Zimmerman has now seen the judge ...

Breaking: Another Tea Party Fail - John Boehner Reelected as Speaker of the House

Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 11:09:05 am
The political news of the day: the House of Representatives has reelected John Boehner as Speaker, as another Tea Party insurrection fails spectacularly. The GOP establishment clearly still holds the reins of power in the House; unfortunately we won't have the comedic extravaganza of a Speaker Louie Gohmert this time. But ...

White House Press Secretary: GOP Support for Scalise 'Says a Lot' About Party's Values

Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 2:43:25 pm
YouTube Unusually direct words from White House press secretary Josh Earnest, as the House Republican leadership unites to defend Majority Whip Steve Scalise despite his association with a white supremacist group founded by former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke. "There's no arguing that who Republicans decide to elevate into ...

Life With Gohmert: Louie Runs for Speaker of the House

Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 2:10:11 pm
Today we have the word we've been waiting for, as Louie "Terror Babies" Gohmert announces he'll be seeking the position of Speaker of the House, to replace John Boehner because he isn't loony enough. Could we possibly have the incredible luck to see the Dumbest Man in Congress ascend to ...

Video: Did You Miss John Oliver's New Year's Eve Advice?

Thu, Jan 1, 2015 at 12:17:40 pm

House Speaker John Boehner Stands by Rep. Scalise Despite His Speech to White Supremacists

Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 11:14:20 am
What happens when a prominent Republican politician gives a speech at an international conference of white supremacists hosted by former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke? How does the Republican leadership respond in this era of rebranding and improved messages? By supporting him. Speaker Boehner Statement Supporting Whip Scalise. House ...

BREAKING: In 1999, Rep. Steve Scalise Embraced David Duke's "Conservative" Views

Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 3:13:44 pm
On Jan. 7, 1999 John Mercurio, who used to cover congressional races for Roll Call, published an article entitled "Duke aims for Livingston seat," which currently seems to be accessible only through a Usenet copy (as a part of "Antifa Info-Bulletin," among unrelated articles and news items). Mercurio surveys the views ...

Smear Merchant Chuck C. Johnson Uses Brooklyn Cop Killings to Spread Anti-Muslim Hatred

Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 10:32:22 am
On news of the shooting of two police officers in Brooklyn, right wing smear merchant Chuck C. Johnson immediately launched a full-on hate campaign, culminating in this frenzied piece of sheer bigotry (another "BREAKING EXCLUSIVE," of course -- they all are): BREAKING, EXCLUSIVE: NYPD Cop Killer Worked for Alleged Muslim ...

Chuck Todd Has a New 'Meet the Press' Panelist: Breitbart "News" Crackpot John Nolte

Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 2:45:52 pm
MSNBC If you've followed his career as a flame-throwing right wing demagogue and one of the most unhinged writers at Breitbart "News," it's an unpleasant surprise to see John Nolte now being invited by Chuck Todd to sit on the panel of Meet the Press. He may not sound too crazed in ...

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