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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart comments (1,185 matches, in 48 pages)

Video: Andrew Breitbart Loses It

Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 7:21:03 pm
CPAC is just an unbelievable freak show this year. Here's Andrew Breitbart screaming at Occupy protesters to "behave" and "stop raping people."

At Geller-Spencer's CPAC Panel, Anti-Muslim Activist Says He's Proud of Attacks on Mosques

Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 5:10:12 pm
Speaking today at the unofficial CPAC panel “Islamic Law in America: How the Obama Justice Department Is Selling Us Out,” sponsored by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, James Lafferty of the Virginia Anti-Sharia Task Force was "proud to say" that most of the mosques attacked in the US were in ...

Tech Note: Comments Now Show Your 'Display Name'

Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 5:58:23 pm
Our new feature of the day has to do with comments; when you post a comment, your username is shown on the top line. This is how it's been at LGF for lo, these many years. But now, you can actually change the name that shows up in your comment, by ...

Free Republic Reacts to Ron Paul's White Supremacist Links

Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 7:41:13 pm
Today at the far right fever swamp known as Free Republic, somebody posted a link to our latest article about Ron Paul's connections to the white supremacist subculture, which led to an amusing and revealing sequence of comments. First, the wingnuts tried to argue that associating with neo-Nazis might not be ...

Breitbart Editor John Nolte Picks a Fight With the Muppets

Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 10:46:39 am
As if to illustrate just how incredibly dense some right wing bloggers can be, Andrew Breitbart's editor-in-chief John Nolte picks a fight with ... Kermit and Miss Piggy: Muppets Go Partisan: Kermit and Miss Piggy Trash Fox News. It's not really a fair fight. The Fox News segment Kermit and Miss ...

Things CNN Has Not Asked Dana Loesch To Discuss Since Her 'Drop Trou' Comments

Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 3:05:19 pm
After the story was first reported here and at the St. Louis Activist Hub that CNN "political analyst" Dana Loesch said she wanted to give the marines who urinated on dead Afghani's "one million cool points" and that she would "drop trou" and "do it herself," CNN responded to the ...

GOP Clown Car Arrives in Florida, Thread Two

Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 7:48:17 pm
Here's a second thread for wrap-up comments about this pathetic event they're calling a debate. Brian Williams failed to follow up on a single issue; it was basically a two-hour commercial for the Republican Party agenda. I don't know who "won" the debate, but I know who lost. You, me, and ...

Fox Nation Commenters Spew Yet Another Deluge of Racism at Sheila Jackson Lee

Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 1:06:42 pm
As we've noted at LGF many times, Fox Nation, official discussion forum of Fox News, has become utterly indistinguishable from a neo-Nazi hate site like Stormfront. And here's another graphic, disgusting demonstration. Yesterday, whatever race-baiting goon runs that site posted a video of Sheila Jackson Lee, criticizing Newt Gingrich's racist code ...

Video: Ron Paul Gives Speech on Civil War in Front of Giant Confederate Flag

Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 5:03:11 pm
Here's Ron Paul in a video recently posted at YouTube by one of his fans, explaining why the South was the right side in the Civil War, which had nothing to do with slavery -- in front of a huge Confederate flag. Any more questions about Ron Paul? (h/t: Andrew Kaczynski.) Note: in ...

The Clown Car Arrives in South Carolina a Little Lighter

Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 4:58:39 pm
It's probably too late at this point to talk them out of embarrassing themselves again, so here's a thread to discuss the CNN South Carolina GOP debate, starting at 8 pm ET. CNN has a live video feed here: Live. With Rick Perry now out of the race, all the ...

One of Newt's Ex-Wives Says He Wanted An 'Open Marriage'

Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 9:57:13 am
Newt Gingrich's second wife Marianne told the Washington Post today that her ex-husband, the champion of "family values" and "traditional marriage between a man and a woman," asked her for an "open marriage." No need to point out the hypocrisy; it's right there, in your face. With Gingrich, it always has ...

Fox News/GOP Debate in Myrtle Beach: The Wrap-Up

Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 7:57:16 pm
Here's an open thread for wrap-up comments about tonight's GOP debate, possibly the most race-baiting debate so far, on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I could hardly believe the audience reactions tonight. For example:

Huntsman Makes It Official: He's Bailing

Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 9:59:31 am
Jon Huntsman made it official this morning -- he's out of the race. Right wing bloggers are celebrating, because Huntsman is relatively sane compared to the rest of the field. For example, at rabid far right blog "Weasel Zippers" (a name he stole from our random sayings, by the way), ...

Navy Veteran's Widow Shocked That Her Husband's Name Was Used by James O'Keefe to Commit Fraud

Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 3:10:12 pm
In the amoral universe of James O'Keefe and his political hack friends like Andrew Breitbart, it never matters how many innocent people are smeared or hurt on the way to one of their "scoops." But this story is heartbreaking, as the grieving widow of a recently deceased US Navy veteran was ...

CNN's Dana Loesch Spews Insults at Critics of Her Comments Supporting Desecrating Corpses

Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 10:32:03 am
Andrew Breitbart crony and CNN commentator Dana Loesch defends herself against criticism of her comments supporting desecrating corpses by spewing insults at her critics and calling it "Correcting the Progressive Spin on My Defense of the Marines." Because in Loesch's twisted mind, only a "progressive" could possibly be appalled at US ...

Breitbart Blogger on Taliban Video: 'Pile Them Up, Piss On Them'

Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 11:36:18 am
The Atlantic's Steve Clemons asks a question about the video that surfaced this week, showing US Marines urinating on dead Taliban: US Soldiers Give Ammo to Taliban. As Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, US military officers -- incumbents and retired -- and others in DC's firmament condemn the US soldiers that ...

James O'Keefe Commits Voter Fraud to 'Prove' Voter Fraud

Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 12:44:42 pm
In his latest moronic, almost certainly illegal right wing stunt, fraudster James O'Keefe scoured obituary listings for the names of recently deceased New Hampshire residents, then sent his operatives to polling stations where they tried to obtain ballots for those dead voters. The Daily Caller is hyping this bogus story as ...

Barth's Notes: Andrew Breitbart Targets Charles Johnson in 'Turner Diaries' Smear

Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 11:50:16 am
British blogger Richard Bartholomew weighs in on Andrew Breitbart's attempt to spread blatantly dishonest smears about your humble narrator: Andrew Breitbart Targets Charles Johnson in Turner Diaries Smear. Coming in for special mention: the Duo of Dimmitude, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. This is an insult to the intelligence: Johnson’s Amazon store ...

Andrew Breitbart and 'The Turner Diaries'

Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 11:50:34 am
This morning we have yet another sordid tale of right wing dishonesty and smear tactics -- and for once they're not attacking the black President. They're after me. And you won't believe the ridiculous nonsense they're circulating all over the right wing blogs and Twitter, with help from none other ...

Right Wing Blogs Respond to 'The Obamas' Book with Deluge of Hatred and Racism

Sat, Jan 7, 2012 at 11:47:31 am
A new book about the President and his wife is being released this coming week, and that's all the right wing blogs need to launch a stunning barrage of hatred and overtly racist comments. Let's face it, they're now completely out in the open. You'll find blatantly racist comments at nearly ...

Andrew Breitbart Spreads 'Climategate' Hysteria on Twitter

Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 6:25:57 pm
I just want to make sure Andrew Breitbart's endorsement of the utterly bogus "Climategate" nontroversy doesn't go unnoticed: Did you H8 how EastAnglia emails proved leftists - as in academia, Hollywood, #Occupy - use intimidation to create 'consensus'? @Lizardoid — AndrewBreitbart (@AndrewBreitbart) January 5, 2012 This could serve as a case study ...

Alleged Queens Firebomber Wanted to Massacre Muslims

Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 11:47:48 am
More details are emerging about the alleged perpetrator of a string of firebomb attacks in Queens, New York, and we now have confirmation that the suspect, Ray Lazier Lengend, is a violent anti-Muslim bigot: Alleged Queens firebomber wanted to massacre Muslims in mosque, prosecutors say. THE UNHINGED Queens pyromaniac who ...

Ron Paul: AIDS Patients Are 'Victimizing Innocent Citizens'

Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 12:38:06 pm
Ron Paul has been running like a scared rabbit away from his racist newsletters, because he knows that ugly, overt racism has become political poison. But there are some kinds of bigotry that still play well with the conservative base. Soon there will come a day when haters like Ron Paul ...

Pamela Geller Freaks Out Over 'Bare Naked Islam' Shutdown

Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 12:06:33 pm
Hate group leader Pamela Geller is losing it over shutting down the "Bare Naked Islam" anti-Muslim blog: BNI SHUT DOWN AGAIN, HAMAS-TIED CAIR DOES VICTORY DANCE!!!!! - Atlas Shrugs. After ranting about the threats she has received (as if that somehow excuses threats against other people), Geller concludes her babbling ...

Wingnuts In a Lather After Takes Down Anti-Muslim Blog

Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 10:33:08 am
Jim "Dim" Hoft and company are upset that "Bare Naked Islam" has been taken down after a CAIR complaint and FBI investigation. (Note: I'm not a big fan of CAIR as they also have a history of hyper-sensitivity, some bad associations, and in the past they sent the FBI after ...

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