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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart comments (1,185 matches, in 48 pages)

Anti-Muslim Bloggers Invent Another 'Honor Killing'

Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 11:16:48 am
The so-called "counter-jihad" bloggers are covering themselves in glory again, slobbering and ranting and trying to take advantage of a terrible crime to advance their un-American agenda. Same bigotry, different day. This time they've seized on a story about a man in Texas who killed six members of his own family on ...

Ron Paul Was Scheduled to Appear on a White Supremacist Radio Show in 2006

Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 3:44:54 pm
The New Republic has made available a collection of Ron Paul's ugliest newsletters, and if you haven't seen how bad this stuff is yet, you may be shocked. I think it's amazing and sad that this hasn't been a political problem for Ron Paul before now. The content of these newsletters ...

Media Suddenly Notice Ron Paul's Decades of Racist Connections

Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 11:20:49 am
We've been covering Ron Paul's racist past and far right connections for years at LGF; kudos to the mainstream media for finally starting to catch up: Paul's story changes on racial comments. WASHINGTON – Rep. Ron Paul has tried since 2001 to disavow racist and incendiary language published in Texas ...

Rep. Sensenbrenner to Apologize to First Lady Obama for Low Class Sexist Remark

Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 10:25:47 am
For the past three years, the right wing has been engaged in the most disgusting sexist smears about First Lady Michelle Obama, and now this sick hatred has even spread to Congress. Read it all here, and follow the link therein. A spokeswoman for Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner says the Congressman ...

MSNBC Headlines Gay Couple Kissing After Navy Deployment; Conservatives Go Nuts

Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 2:06:14 pm
This afternoon, MSNBC ran an above the fold photo showing a Navy sailor kissing her partner as the first sailor off their ship. That, by itself isn't particularly newsworthy. Petty Officer 2nd Class Marissa Gaeta, left, kisses her girlfriend of two years, Petty Officer 3rd Class Citlalic Snell, at Joint ...

Strong Evidence That Ron Paul Really Did Write Those Racist Newsletters

Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 8:10:44 pm
In New Hampshire today, Ron Paul denied that he had anything to do with the blatantly racist newsletters sent out by his organization in the 1990s, despite undeniable evidence to the contrary: Ron Paul Denies Writing Past Newsletters Featuring Racial Slurs. "Everybody knows I didn't write them," Paul said during ...

Ron Paul: Michele Bachmann 'Hates Muslims'

Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 1:48:32 pm
If I didn't know about Ron Paul's far right and neo-Confederate connections, and his history of blatantly racist newsletters, and everything else about him, I'd probably be giving him kudos right now for telling the unvarnished truth about Michele Bachmann (and most of the rest of the GOP field too, ...

Big Journalism's Dana Loesch Does Not Apologize for Publishing Nazi Cartoon

Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 1:24:57 pm
As we noted yesterday, Media Matters pointed out that a Nazi-era antisemitic cartoon had been used as an illustration at Andrew Breitbart's "Big Journalism" website on at least three occasions in the past year: Andrew Breitbart's 'Big Journalism' Bloggers Use Antisemitic Nazi-Era Cartoon. It's fascinating to see how controversies like this ...

Andrew Breitbart's 'Big Journalism' Bloggers Use Antisemitic Nazi-Era Cartoon

Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 8:49:10 pm
This is just mind-boggling. On at least three occasions in the past year, bloggers at Andrew Breitbart's "Big Journalism" website have posted a modified image that comes directly from a virulently antisemitic Nazi-era German magazine: Cartoon Regularly Featured On Big Journalism Connected To Nazi-Era Magazine. The image appeared in a Big ...

Andrew Breitbart Spews Insults at Glenn Beck

Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 3:14:56 pm
Two of the biggest buffoons in US right wing politics, Glenn Beck and Andrew Breitbart, are at each other's throats today. Well, Breitbart is at Beck's throat, anyway. It started when Beck said Newt Gingrich was so much like Obama, the only reason Tea Partiers would pick Gingrich was because they're ...

Andrew Breitbart Pretends to Be Concerned About Gay Republicans

Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 7:38:47 pm
Tonight, Andrew Breitbart is suddenly very concerned about "vocational harm:" It is with sincere regret that I announce I must step down as a GOProud advisory member. On numerous occasions I have spoken with Jimmy LaSalvia and Chris Barron of the significant impact the practice of “outing” had in my ...

Wingnut Blogs Whine Hilariously About Romney Conference Call

Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 9:41:16 am
Wingnut bloggers are hilariously freaking out today about a conference call held by the Romney campaign, because they took questions from Mother Jones and Talking Points Memo, but not ... them. The charge is led by third string wingnut "Datechguy:" If you're a conservative Mitt Romney apparently doesn't want ...

Friday Night Open

Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 5:57:18 pm
Here we see an exemplary case of open registration, accompanied by an open thread. Reasons you should consider registering a free account at LGF: [Item List]

Monday Night Open Registration

Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 5:09:49 pm
Here's a no-frills Monday night open thread, with open registration in case you feel the need to screed. Registering gives you the ability to post comments and your own LGF Pages, and a bunch of other nice features as well. See you in the deep end.

Fox News Commenters Spew Overt Racism at Wyclef Jean and Haitians

Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 11:32:43 am
If I hadn't seen this happen over and over and over at right wing websites, I might be shocked by the proud, open racism expressed by Fox News commenters in this article about Wyclef Jean's Haitian charity fund. WARNING: these quoted comments contain numerous racial slurs, so I've hidden them to ...

Pamela Geller's Monumental Butterball Fail Just Keeps Going

Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 2:07:52 pm
GOBBLE GOBBLE AKBAR!Yes, Pamela Geller is still at it, relentlessly ferreting out the hidden truth behind the appalling Butterball Shariah Turkey Infiltration Plot, or as she calls it: BURKABALL BUTTERBALL: 'BACTERIAL' KOSHER VS HOLY HALAL!!!!!! - Atlas Shrugs I haven't laughed this much at a fake right wing outrage since Jim ...

Cain Blames Drop in Support on 'Confusion'

Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 12:32:26 pm
I have to agree with Herman Cain that one of the big reasons for his plummeting popularity is "confusion." Oh... wait. He meant other people's confusion. “Obviously false accusations and confusion about some of my positions has contributed to it,” Cain said on CNN’s “State of the Union” when asked by ...

UC Davis Chancellor Katehi: Police Were Told Not to Use Force Against Students

Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 10:34:57 am
UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi said yesterday that she specifically instructed campus police not to use force against students. As the tent city on the University of California, Davis, tripled in size, Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi insisted Tuesday that the school's police department defied her orders when it used force ...

The 'Stalinist' Who Came In From The Cold

Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 5:38:17 pm
I recently published a book in Norwegian attacking the counterjihadist movement, and the naiveté shown towards it by, for instance, Norwegian media. This has annoyed certain bloggers, including Baron Bodissey at Gates of Vienna, who promptly decided to attack me. Normally, I would not bother answering an article attacking me at ...

Fox News Commenters Spew Racial Slurs at President Obama (Again)

Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 1:34:20 pm
In Australia, President Obama mentioned that America's educational system needs improvement and that we're falling behind in science and math; predictably, this led to yet another outburst of deranged right wing commentary about Obama "bad-mouthing the US." For example, in this article at Fox Nation: Obama Bad-Mouths US to Aussie ...

Breitbart Editor-In-Chief Incites Violence Against OWS Protesters

Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 10:52:03 am
After his amazingly dumb, self-refuting post yesterday claiming that the media is "covering up" connections between the White House shooting suspect and OWS, check out the Twitter insanity coming from Andrew Breitbart editor-in-chief John Nolte today, exulting about violence against OWS protesters and calling for more. Don't forget, though; in the ...

Texas College GOP Leader 'Jokes' About Obama Assassination, Wingnut Blogs Silent

Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 10:02:12 am
The wingnut blogs are still frothing and spewing hatred at Occupy Wall Street today; they're all ranting in unison about a random protester who threatened to fire-bomb Macy's. Meanwhile, the top student official for the College Republicans at the University of Texas posted on Twitter that the idea of assassinating President ...

Man Sought for Shooting at White House, Right Wing Goes into Frenzied Denial

Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 9:43:26 am
Police in Washington DC are searching for a man they suspect of shooting at the White House, after the discovery of a bullet that hit a window: DC Shooting Suspect Could Be Threat to Obama, Police Say. ABC News has learned authorities are increasingly concerned that a man sought in ...

Herman Cain Back to Hating Muslims

Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 10:18:41 am
Herman Cain's interview with GQ magazine shows him returning to the anti-Muslim hate-baiting that serves him so well with the Republican base. Apparently he thinks a little more bigotry can help him recover from his sexual harassment scandal. Herman Cain posing with anti-Muslim hate monger Pamela GellerDevin Gordon: What did ...

Fake Outrage Du Jour: 'Obama's Christmas Tree Tax'

Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 12:26:41 pm
In the perpetual race to the bottom of a bottomless pit that is the right wing blogosphere, a new outrageous outrage has arisen, more outrageous than all the other fake outrages of wingnut history. My friends, can your hearts stand the awful truth of the Barack Hussein Obama Christmas Tree Tax?! You ...

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