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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart comments (1,185 matches, in 48 pages)

Poll: Most Republicans Dismiss Cain Allegations

Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 8:59:49 am
The new Washington Post-ABC News poll is out, and just as I predicted, it shows that the right wing isn't even going to blink at the allegations of sexual harassment against Herman Cain: Cain rises in Post-ABC poll despite scandal; most Republicans dismiss allegations. Businessman Herman Cain and former Massachusetts ...

Rush Limbaugh: 'Sexual Harassment Is A Political Tool Of The Left'

Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 5:51:29 pm
Rush Limbaugh expresses the right wing attitude about the sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain: Limbaugh: 'Sexual Harassment Is A Political Tool Of The Left To Get Rid Of People Or To Score Money Gains'. Video Limbaugh isn't alone -- he's leading the way for the right, as usual. The wingnut blogs ...

Tech Note: The LGF Pages Dashboard

Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 3:33:36 pm
Tonight I'm happy to announce a new LGF web app that I think will prove incredibly useful to our LGF Pages authors: the LGF Pages Dashboard. With the LGF Pages Dashboard, you can browse and search all the Pages you've posted, sort by the various columns, edit your Pages in a ...

The Next Right Wing Freak-Out

Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 6:20:13 pm
We have yet another wingnut outrageous outrage tonight, courtesy of Andrew Breitbart camp follower Joel Pollak: » Learning from Hamas: How #Occupy Uses Human Shields-Veterans, Women, the Young, the Old, the Disabled - Big Government Yes, now the loons at Breitbart's hate sites are actually calling the OWS protesters "terrorists."

Texas DMV Considers Issuing Confederate Flag License Plate

Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 6:57:12 pm
With any luck, this is the last generation of "Sons of the Confederate Veterans" still confused about who won the Civil War -- and why: Texas considers Confederate flag license plate. Video HOUSTON -- Texas is considering a specialty license plate that would feature the Confederate flag. The idea is to ...

Lost in Detention, the Failure of US Immigration Policy

Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 12:43:00 pm
I was recently able to view the October 18th airing of the PBS Frontline documentary, "Lost in Detention" on the state of deportation in the U.S. under the Obama administration. In a word, it's pathetic, but worth the time to watch. Video Beginning in 2008, under the Obama administration, the U.S. Immigration ...

Religious Right Irritated by Herman Cain's Absurd Abortion Statements

Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 9:56:08 am
Herman Cain's ridiculous self-contradictory statements on abortion are beginning to piss off the religious right, who want their candidates to be as rabidly anti-abortion as possible: Herman Cain's Abortion Comments Roil Iowa Republicans. WASHINGTON -- The first signs of real damage to Herman Cain's campaign emerged Thursday as his position ...

Onion: Decoy Website Launched to Lure Morons

Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 7:49:46 pm
It's getting harder and harder to tell where reality stops and The Onion begins: New Decoy Website Launched To Lure Away All Moronic Internet Commenters. SAN JOSE, CA—With funding from dozens of news outlets and media companies, the groundbreaking launched this week, providing an online destination where pandering and ...

NPR Fires Host of Opera Show for Participating in Occupy DC

Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 11:06:29 am
Lisa SimeoneToday we see a very disappointing move from NPR, who have fired Lisa Simeone from her job as host of NPR's Soundprint non-political documentary show after the right wing propaganda journal Daily Caller accused her of "ethics violations" because of her involvement in Occupy DC. This article set off a ...

Breitbart's Fans Spew Racism, Call for President Obama to Be Lynched, 'Taken Out'

Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 10:30:03 am
It happens whenever Andrew Breitbart posts a video of President Obama: a sickening deluge of gutter hatred, deranged Birtherism, racial slurs, and occasionally open threats against the President: » Obama Ridicules GOP: Maybe They Couldn’t Understand Jobs Bill. These are just the comments that stood out as especially hateful -- ...

Herman Cain on His Electrified Fence: "I'm Not Walking Away From That"

Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 8:50:41 pm
After feebly trying to pretend he was just "joking" when he called for an electrified border fence that would kill illegal immigrants, tonight Herman Cain is dropping the pretense and going all-out bloodthirsty: Herman Cain acknowledges his electric border fence idea isn't a joke after all. PHOENIX - After first ...

Big Government on a Roll: Obama Faked His Auto Factory Address

Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 1:16:48 pm
Amazingly, Andrew Breitbart's "Big Government" website has topped their earlier incredibly stupid Dana Loesch post with an even more mind-bogglingly stupid post, this one by Larry O'Connor: Was President Obama Really Sitting in Front of an Assembly Line in this Video? - Big Government. Once again, these geniuses are wrongly identifying ...

Big Government's Outrageous Outrage of the Day

Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 10:00:36 am
Breitbart camp follower Dana Loesch has a shocking, stunning, discombobulating scoop today on the participation of major big name journalists in planning for Occupy Wall Street -- while they're reporting on it! Two of the worst offenders: Dylan Ratigan and Matt Taibbi! Journolist 2.0: Occupy Wall Street Emails Show MSM, Dylan ...

Breitbart's Fans React to Facts Like Vampires to Sunlight

Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 7:23:52 pm
How do Andrew Breitbart's camp followers deal with learning that one of their smears has been debunked? djmcs (-125p) · 3 hours ago -22 Newly-hired Breitbartian dunce Pollack cites a Pajamas Media story that falsely used a 14-year old Jewish girl to promote the daft idea of OWS anti-semitism... le/39299_Its... [...] IsrealFeller (82p) ...

Herman Cain on His Electrified Fence: "That's a Joke"

Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 10:22:17 am
How many times have we seen this dodge from conservatives? They say something disgusting to pander to the loony base, then when called out on it, claim it was "a joke." This excuse is so tired and worn out by now, it's a joke in itself. Cain Says His Deadly Fence ...

Wingnuts Circulate 2007 Anti-War Photo to Smear Occupy Wall Street

Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 4:22:44 pm
Here's something interesting: while doing my janitorial rounds, I noticed referrals coming from Reddit, from a discussion of a new anti-Occupy Wall Street smear circulating on Facebook, a photograph of some anarchists with a sign that says, "Fuck the Troops." The photograph's real enough: But it's almost 5 years old; it was ...

Perry Refuses Romney's Request to Disavow Extremist Pastor

Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 12:48:34 pm
It's a religious right slap-fight, started by one of Rick Perry's closest religious fanatic pals, Baptist preacher Robert Jeffress, who called Mormonism a "cult" at last weekend's Values Voter Summit. Other Republican politicians are condemning this outright religious bigotry, and today Mitt Romney called on Rick Perry to repudiate Jeffress's comments. Perry's ...

Poseur Alert: Breitbart/CNN Commentator Dana Loesch Supported RomneyCare

Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 5:53:14 pm
It's a funny thing. If you point out that a right-wing pundit lied, their fans don't care. If you point out that they used extremist rhetoric, their fans don't care. But if you point out that they're unhip....have mercy! Mediaite's Tommy Christopher wrote a snarky follow-up to my ...

Tech Note: Make Web Pages Load Faster by Compressing CSS

Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 2:50:55 pm
I originally started writing this Tech Note just to test our new source code formatting feature (powered by jQuery.Syntax), but it turned into more of a tech article than a note. I'll be describing a technique for making pages load faster, that should be of interest to any web developer ...

Photos: The Truth About Breitbart's Race-Baiting 'Black Panthers' Story

Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 11:02:06 am
As we pointed out on Monday, Andrew Breitbart shamelessly tried to promote a completely fake, utterly dishonest story that Barack Obama "marched with" the New Black Panther Party during a 2007 event in Selma, Alabama. In fact, there were more than 10,000 people at this event, and it had nothing ...

Christopher: Andrew Breitbart's Race-Baiting 'New Black Panther' Story

Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 11:15:05 am
Tommy Christopher has a good piece at Mediaite today on Andrew Breitbart's race-baiting attempt to tie President Obama to the New Black Panther Party, with a look back at the right's history of using the NBPP to scare white people: Andrew Breitbart Obama Black Panthers Photobomb. During the 2008 campaign, ...

Will the Right Wing Blogs Correct Their Bogus 'Black Panther' Story?

Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 10:26:28 am
Do you think there's any chance that the right wing blogosphere will do the right thing and correct the ridiculous and totally false "New Black Panther Party" story launched yesterday by the execrable Andrew Breitbart? I'm kidding, of course. Being a right wing blogger these days means never having to say ...

National Review's Andrew McCarthy Falls for Bogus Breitbart Story - Update: Entire Right Wing Blogosphere Parrots Bogus Story

Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 1:50:50 pm
At the National Review, Andrew McCarthy totally falls for Andrew Breitbart's fake story about Barack Obama appearing at a "rally for the New Black Panther Party" -- which was actually the celebration of the 1965 Voting Rights March in Selma, Alabama: Breitbart: Obama Appeared and Marched with New Black Panther ...

Andrew Breitbart's Race-Baiting Fake Outrage Du Jour

Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 10:59:24 am
This morning, Andrew Breitbart is peddling yet another race-baiting fake outrage: » Shock Photos: Candidate Obama Appeared And Marched With New Black Panther Party in 2007 - Big Government. It's a classic example of Breitbart's sleazy smear tactics. Notice that in his whole long overheated screed, Breitbart never actually tells you ...

Jim 'Dim' Hoft's Fake Outrage Du Jour

Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 12:55:46 pm
DERPThe amount of hatred directed at First Lady Michelle Obama by the right wing is disturbingly amazing, and no wingnut is more deranged than Jim "Dim" Hoft (aka "the Internet's dumbest man"). Yesterday the Prince of Derp stoked the outrage of his even dimmer readers by blatantly making up a story, ...

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