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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart comments (1,185 matches, in 48 pages)

Saturday Morning Open

Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 10:09:04 am
Here's an open thread for Saturday morning, while I take care of a few non-blog items.... (Be back a bit later with a post on the latest claims made by the Breitbart camp followers, as they desperately try to deflect attention away from their idol's irresponsible, reckless behavior with that infamous ...

Colbert: As a Journalist, Andrew Breitbart Engages in Only the Highest of Jinks

Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 10:52:00 am

Fact Checking Another Breitbart Lie: 'No Cameras?'

Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 9:15:24 am
Last night Andrew Breitbart popped up (like a malignant jack-in-the-box) on Fox News, and told Greta van Susteren that he was assured there were no cameras in Opie and Anthony's radio studio, when he pulled out his cell phone and showed everyone in the studio the picture of Rep. Anthony ...

Video: Breitbart Laughs As He Shows Weiner Photo to Shock Jocks

Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 8:17:34 pm
Here's Andrew Breitbart with Opie and Anthony, and actor Vincent D'Onofrio, smirking and laughing as he passes his phone (with the infamous picture of Rep. Anthony Weiner's penis, that he swore to withhold in order to "spare Rep. Weiner's family") around the studio -- with a hand-held camera three feet ...

Awe-Inspiring Video of Shuttle Endeavor Docked to ISS

Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 5:28:58 pm
For a change of pace from the nasty details of Anthony Weiner's creepy "sexting" and Andrew Breitbart's creepy lies, here's a simply gorgeous video released today by NASA, shot by astronauts aboard a Soyuz spacecraft that had just undocked from the International Space Station. Looks so nice and clean up there. ...

Fact Checking Breitbart's Statement on the Leaked Photo

Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 1:53:04 pm
Here's Andrew Breitbart's statement on the photo that was leaked by radio shock jocks Opie and Anthony: Earlier today, a photograph resembling one that I had withheld from publication in the Weinergate saga was released without my knowledge or permission. Prior to the publication of our story on and this past ...

Andrew Breitbart is 'Mortified' That Weiner's Pic Leaked (After He Showed It to Anyone Who Asked)

Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 12:48:45 pm
After showing the photo of Anthony Weiner's weiner to everyone who asked, including everyone in the radio studio of the Opie and Anthony show, Andrew Breitbart now says he's "mortified" that it leaked to the Internet. Who could ever have predicted that would happen? After Andrew Breitbart, publisher of the conservative ...

Dan Gillmor: Breitbart's Credibility Rises - To Zero

Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 11:26:03 am
Here's a good piece by Dan Gillmor, on the credibility of fraudster Andrew Breitbart, which has risen in the wake of the Anthony Weiner scandal -- to zero: Andrew Breitbart and the unwilling suspension of disbelief. The entire Weiner affair has shown the worst of American politics, culture and media. ...

Shock! The Pic Breitbart Said He Wouldn't Release Appears on the Internet

Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 10:07:28 am
When he commandeered the microphone at Anthony Weiner's humiliating press conference, Andrew Breitbart sleazily tried to blackmail Weiner by saying he had another, more graphic photo, and that he would hold on to it as "insurance" -- to make sure Weiner didn't try to go after him. Imagine my overwhelming shock ...

Poll: Obama Loses Bin Laden Bounce, but Palin's Popularity Plummets

Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 9:15:53 am
This new Washington Post-ABC News poll was taken during the timeframe when Sarah Palin blathered out her absurdly botched version of Paul Revere's ride; it's hard to know how much effect those comments (and her subsequent doubling down on stupid) had, but whatever the reason, Palin is even losing the ...

Outrage! Charles Johnson Won't Apologize!

Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 5:06:10 pm
William Jacobson, one of the first wingnut bloggers to spread the ridiculous talking point that Sarah Palin got it exactly right with her absurd distortion of Paul Revere's ride, is now outraged -- outraged, I say! -- that I'm not going to apologize to Andrew Breitbart: Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Charles Johnson: ...

Anthony Weiner Schedules Press Conference to Deal with Latest Accusations

Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 12:55:56 pm
Rep. Anthony Weiner has scheduled a press conference at 4pm ET in New York, presumably to address the latest accusations from Andrew Breitbart. So here's a thread to discuss as it happens; we shall see what we shall see. On Twitter, I've been getting attacked like crazy all morning; apparently I've ...

Conservapedia's Paul Revere Post Edited to Match Palin's Botched History

Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 7:31:00 pm
Earlier today at Conservapedia (the bizarre right wing alternate universe version of Wikipedia), their post about Paul Revere disagreed with Sarah Palin, and actually got the history correct. Well, you knew that wouldn't last. In the last hour, someone has edited Conservapedia's page several times to try to match Sarah Palin's ...

Breitbart Crony James O'Keefe May Be Violating a Court Order - Update: Nope, He Isn't

Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 1:33:29 pm
ThinkProgress notes that Andrew Breitbart's partner in fraud, James O'Keefe, is attending Ralph Reed's Faith and Freedom Conference in Washington DC -- even though he's on federal probation and was ordered by a judge not to leave New Jersey to attend the event: Is James O’Keefe violating a federal court ...

The Republican Party: Taking Food Away from the Poor

Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 10:07:40 am
Gov. Scott’s veto of Farm Share hurts state’s most vulnerable. With a stroke of his pen on May 26, Gov. Rick Scott eliminated the annual distribution of $26 million worth of fresh produce and food products to needy residents throughout Florida. Gov. Scott vetoed the Florida Legislature’s recent appropriation for ...

Smoking Gun: The Dark Past Of The 'Weinergate' Co-Pilot

Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 7:00:18 pm
Another astoundingly crazy "Weinergate" conspirator is outed by the Smoking Gun: The Dark Past Of The 'Weinergate' Co-Pilot. JUNE 3--The Twitter user who first floated the rumor that a lewd photo scandal was brewing for Representative Anthony Weiner is not your typical conservative avenger, an investigation by The Smoking Gun ...

Hot Air Commenters Savage Mitt Romney for Accepting the Reality of Climate Change

Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 6:23:33 pm
A fatuous post by the anonymous blogger "Allahpundit" full of debunked right wing tropes (Climategate? he must be kidding) leads to a deluge of stunningly ignorant, hateful comments directed toward Mitt Romney for stating that he accepts the science of climate change: Romney: Sure, I believe in man-made global warming ...

Breitbart Source for Weiner Smear Deletes Twitter Account

Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 9:19:41 am
Today we find that Andrew Breitbart's source for the smear attack against Rep. Anthony Weiner, Dan Wolfe (aka @patriotusa76) has deleted his entire Twitter account. There's been a bad smell about this story from the beginning, and it just got exponentially worse. Meanwhile, the New Republic's James Downie contacted forensic image analyst ...

Smoking Gun Investigates Weinergate's Patient Zero

Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 11:09:30 am
The Smoking Gun has a very interesting look at Andrew Breitbart's source for his smear against Rep. Anthony Weiner -- the obsessed Internet stalker who went by the idiotic Teabag handle "patriotusa76:" The Wolfe At Anthony Weiner's Front Door. For months, Wolfe and several Twitter sidekicks have excoriated Weiner, 46, ...

Breitbart Smear Targets Will Always Deserve the Benefit of the Doubt

Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 10:12:41 am
Joan Walsh makes an excellent point about the "Weinergate" idiocy -- even if it turns out that Rep. Weiner did send that penis picture that has driven right wing blogs into a frothing frenzy, there's one lesson that should not be learned: Lessons I won't learn from Weinergate. However, there ...

Jon Stewart: Distinguished Member of Congress

Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 8:48:53 am
In his disgusting, sleazy appearance on CNN yesterday, Fraud King Andrew Breitbart predicted that Jon Stewart wouldn't cover the Anthony Weiner story. Oops. Video

Video: Weiner Refuses to Answer Questions About Nontroversy

Tue, May 31, 2011 at 5:37:37 pm
On CNN, Rep. Anthony Weiner tells reporters he isn't going to talk about the incredibly dumb "Weinergate" nontroversy. Do you think this is the right way for him to handle the situation? I don't know how I'd handle it, but I do know that this is exactly what smear merchants like ...

Wingnuts Desperately Cling to 'Weinergate'

Tue, May 31, 2011 at 9:53:43 am
Wow, look at all the hate coming my way through Twitter and email this morning! What's got those wingnuts all lathered up? It's the Anthony Weiner fake outrage, of course! They're ranting and spewing talking points like a bunch of brightly colored Breitbart parrots. The bottom line is that they really, really ...

Yet Another Andrew Breitbart Smear Falls Apart

Mon, May 30, 2011 at 10:36:21 am
As soon as I heard about the "scandal" involving Rep. Anthony Weiner, and saw it being pushed like crazy by fraudster Andrew Breitbart, I knew it would turn out to be yet another phony story. And that's exactly what happened. If you haven't heard about the latest Breitbart scam, here's a ...

Fox News Commenters Cheer for Serbian War Criminal

Fri, May 27, 2011 at 10:57:47 am
Once again, we see the Fox News audience letting their bigotry and hatred hang out in public. Half the comments in Fox's article about the arrest of Ratko Mladic are hidden from view, but new ones are appearing faster than the administrators can hide them. These are from the first page ...

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