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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart comments (1,185 matches, in 48 pages)

Tim Blair Phones in Another Smear

Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 8:46:50 am
We all know that the right wing is constantly cooking up outrageous outrages about Barack Obama. But there's also a little cottage industry of wingnut bloggers who perform the same function -- directed at me. Case in point, climate change denier and far right loon Tim Blair, who phones in another ...

Jim 'Dim' Hoft Misses the Point (Again)

Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 4:16:01 pm
DERPBefore we proceed, savor the fragrant irony of wingnut blogger Jim Hoft calling anyone else on the planet "dumb:" Dumbest Website on Internet Media Matters Unveils First Big FOX Hit Piece… FAILS. At this point, Hoft is like a cartoon character; the big slow-witted guy with no sense of humor who's ...

Robert Stacy McCain's 300th Post on My Total Insignificance

Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 5:19:40 pm
"You buy the ticket, you take the ride."Meanwhile, knuckle-dragging white supremacist blogger Robert Stacy McCain has decided it's time for his 300th post about how insignificant I am: He Who Hates Attractive GOP Women : The Other McCain. (No link, of course.) His premise is that because I criticize Michele Bachmann ...

Breaking: Breitbart Booted from HuffPo Front Page

Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 12:49:39 pm
Speaking of video fraudsters, a lot of people got upset recently when Andrew Breitbart showed up on the front page of the Huffington Post. I knew that Breitbart had a long relationship with Arianna Huffington, and was involved with the startup of HuffPo, so I wasn't too surprised myself. But ...

NPR Journalists 'Appalled' by Schiller's Comments

Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 2:04:03 pm
Twenty-two journalists at NPR have signed a statement denouncing former fundraiser Ron Schiller's remarks at a dinner set up by scam artist James O'Keefe: NPR hosts, journalists ‘appalled’ by Ron Schiller’s comments. An Open Letter from Journalists at NPR News..... Dear Listeners and Supporters, We, and our colleagues at NPR News, strive ...

Huckabee Disses Natalie Portman, Then Denies Dissing Natalie Portman

Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 11:54:25 am
Last week in an interview with Michael Medved, squirrel-eating theocrat Mike Huckabee gratuitously bashed Natalie Portman for "glamorizing" out-of-wedlock children -- even though Portman is engaged to be married. Then he proceeded to stereotype single mothers as poor, uneducated, and living on government handouts. "People see a Natalie Portman or ...

Top 10 Retweeted LGF Articles in February

Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 2:16:41 pm
On Tuesday I put together a list of the most retweeted LGF Pages in February, so to complete the stats here are last month's top 10 retweeted LGF front page articles, in reverse order: #10 - 88 retweets GOP House: Planned Parenthood Bad, NASCAR Good #9 - 91 retweets Crassest Right Wing Blogger of ...

Sharia Takeover of America Narrowly Averted

Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 12:02:45 pm
You may have heard about a demonstration scheduled for today at the White House, called "Sharia4America," announced by British radical Islamic buffoon Anjem Choudary. Frank Gaffney, Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Glenn Beck, and the rest of the Bigot Brigade were convinced it was the beginning of the end. Glenn Beck's ...

Madison Police Chief on Walker's Phone Comments: 'Unsettling and Troubling'

Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 2:19:52 pm
Madison police chief Noble Wray said today that Governor Scott Walker's statements about planting troublemakers among Wisconsin pro-union protesters were "very unsettling and troubling." Wray said he was disturbed that Walker thought about planting troublemakers among peaceful protesters. “I would like to hear more of an explanation from Governor Walker as ...

Indiana Deputy Attorney General Calls for Using 'Live Ammo' on WI Protesters

Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 11:12:55 am
Last weekend, Indiana deputy attorney general Jeff Cox logged in to Twitter and called for riot police to "use live ammunition" on the demonstrators in Wisconsin. When confronted, Cox doubled down and said, "You're damned right I advocate deadly force." Apparently, Cox was taking a page from the Muammar Gaddafi playbook. And ...

Tea Partiers Planning to Infiltrate Wisconsin Protests

Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 5:07:04 pm
Remember radio host and Tea Party Express chairman Mark Williams, and his astoundingly racist "letter to Abe Lincoln" from "the coloreds?" Well, Williams has a new idea. Now he's going to infiltrate pro-union protests pretending to be a supporter, then try to get in front of cameras and make outrageous statements ...

Nir Rosen Apologizes, Right Wing Bloggers Get a Pass

Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 10:51:10 am
Salon's Joan Walsh points out that while left-wing journalist Nir Rosen was correctly denounced by everyone for his crude comments about assaulted reporter Lara Logan (and he then apologized and resigned from his job at NYU), right wing bloggers like Jim Hoft, Pamela Geller, and Robert Stacy McCain are getting ...

Hoft, Geller, and McCain Race to the Bottom in Lara Logan Posts

Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 11:50:48 am
The reaction of some right wing bloggers to the assault suffered by CBS News reporter Lara Logan is utterly repulsive. Some of these people are actually gloating over the attack. DERPJim "Dim" Hoft leads the pack with a stupidly offensive and ugly post that manages to pack bigotry, misogyny, and general ...

Details of Sherrod's Suit Against Breitbart

Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 11:10:49 am
TPM has details on the lawsuit filed against Andrew Breitbart by Shirley Sherrod. Three defendants are named: Breitbart, head Larry O'Connor and a "John Doe," who allegedly edited the original video of Sherrod's speech, and "whose identity has been concealed by the other Defendants," according to the complaint. The complaint ...

Andrew Breitbart Served with Lawsuit at CPAC

Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 2:13:18 pm
In July of last year, Shirley Sherrod said she was going to sue Andrew Breitbart over the deceptively edited video that falsely portrayed her as a "racist," and yesterday at CPAC she made good on that vow. Andrew Breitbart, the owner of several conservative Web sites, was served at the ...

Planned Parenthood Under Attack by Extremist Lila Rose

Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 11:58:01 am
Gail Collins has a good piece in the New York Times about the latest smears perpetrated by Lila Rose (and hyped by fraudster Andrew Breitbart) against Planned Parenthood. “Planned Parenthood aids and abets the sexual abuse and prostitution of minors,” announced Lila Rose, the beautiful anti-abortion activist who led the ...

Chris Matthews on Glenn Beck and Frank Gaffney

Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 3:43:20 pm
Chris Matthews has been on a roll; in today's show he took a closer look at Glenn Beck's latest incoherent fear fantasies and Frank Gaffney's paranoid theory that the Muslim Brotherhood has taken over pretty much everything. (With Eugene Robinson and Eric Boehlert.) Video Matthews also had some good closing comments on ...

TPM Cafe: Of Conservative Traitors

Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 3:29:54 pm
After I posted an essay in Talking Points Memo's TPM Cafe about Michael Wolraith's book Blowing Smoke, imagine my surprise to find the same old stalkers and dimwitted creeps who follow me everywhere on the Internet posting the same old ugly, moronic comments at TPM. It's as predictable as the ...

Wacky Wingnut Post of the Day

Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 1:59:51 pm
At fraudster Andrew Breitbart's "Big Government" tabloid site, the redoubtable Kristinn Taylor and Andrea Shea King come up with the looniest post yet on the situation in Egypt, a dimwitted conspiracy theory leading back, inevitably, as all wingnut conspiracy theories must, to Barack Obama: Did Muslim Brotherhood Learn ‘Day of ...

Glenn Beck Laughs About Death Threats to Academic

Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 11:00:21 am
This weekend, the New York Times' Brian Stelter reported that 78-year old City University of New York professor Frances Fox Piven has been receiving death threats at her website and through email. The reason for the threats is Glenn Beck's construction of an elaborate conspiracy theory that casts Piven as one ...

Open Thread, w/ Message to Haters

Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 10:07:15 am
Wow, it's a real hate party on Twitter, as LGF users banned for hate speech joined right wing hacks and outright stalkers to spew obsessive insults at me all night long. And I see that a long list of wingnut blogs are also spewing hatred and schoolyard taunts today. When this ...

When Lying Right Wing Hacks Attack (or, Patterico the Idiot)

Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 10:14:16 am
Here we see the unmitigated idiocy that passes for "debunking" in the right wing blogosphere these days, as wingnut hack Patterico attacks me for things I never wrote and do not believe: No, Charles Johnson, Glenn Beck Did Not Tell His Viewers to Shoot Anyone in the Head. Patterico begins with ...

'Burn a Koran Day' Pastor Banned from Entering UK

Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 1:54:45 pm
Psycho hate preacher Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida, infamous for "International Burn a Koran Day," has been banned from entering the UK. He's all yours, Gainesville. A Home Office spokesperson said the government "opposes extremism in all its forms". He said: "Numerous comments made by Pastor ...

Wingnut Blogger Jim 'Dim' Hoft's Latest: Hair-Gate

Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 11:30:32 am
DERPHow does he do it? How does Jim "Dim" Hoft keep digging beneath the hopey-changey surface and discovering President Obama's nefarious Marxist plots? The man is a genius, in his own special way. Today's earth-shattering revelation from the desk of the Gateway Pundit: Barack Obama & His Magical Mystery Mood Hair! Yes, ...

Sunday Night Open

Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 6:43:41 pm
Here's an open thread with open registration for a limited time. If you register, please log in and introduce yourself in our comments!

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