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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart (460 matches, in 19 pages)

Video: Donald Trump Says Breitbart Reporter "Made Up" the Assault Story

Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 8:46:34 pm
VIDEO: Trump to @DylanByers on @MichelleFields incident. "I think she made it up." — Ryan Nobles (@ryanobles) March 11, 2016 Following the debate tonight, Donald Trump gave a statement about the alleged assault committed by his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski against Breitbart "News" reporter Michelle Fields: "Absolutely nothing happened... everybody ...

Trump Aide Cites Chuck C. Johnson AGAIN, With a Grotesque Misogynist Attack on Reporter Michelle Fields

Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 2:27:45 pm
Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski just keeps digging. Instead of apologizing for assaulting Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields, he's retweeting the latest gross misogynistic attack on Fields by serial harasser of women and notorious stalker Chuck C. Johnson. Johnson's hit piece on Fields is vile, of course, showing why he's considered ...

Trump Campaign Manager Smears Reporter He Allegedly Assaulted by Citing Chuck C. Johnson

Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 12:34:20 pm
Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski Following up on our story from yesterday about the Breitbart "News" reporter allegedly assaulted by Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, we have a few items of interest. First, the incident was witnessed by Washington Post reporter Ben Terris: As security parted the masses to give ...

Trump Campaign Manager Assaults Breitbart Reporter, Breitbart Commenters Spew Hatred at Her

Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 11:33:32 am
Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski Last night at a Trump press conference in Florida, Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski reportedly forcibly grabbed Breitbart "News" reporter Michelle Fields by the arm, almost knocking her to the ground. Fields was trying to ask Trump a question as he exited the press conference. Fields' ...

Misogynist Milo Yiannopoulos Whines to WH Press Sec. Josh Earnest About Losing His Checkmark

Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 2:16:22 pm
YouTube So today, "men's rights advocate" Milo Yiannopoulos used the Breitbart "News" White House press credentials to whine to press secretary Josh Earnest about losing his "verified" check mark on Twitter "for making jokes about the wrong people." And he actually seems to think President Obama should tell Twitter to give ...

Glenn Beck: Breitbart "News" Is the "Goebbels" to Donald Trump's "Brownshirts"

Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 1:19:06 pm
Rena Schild / How awesome is it that crackpot shouter Glenn Beck is now fighting a tooth-and-nail battle against the far right movement he helped create? It's almost enough to make an atheist believe in karma. Following up on our earlier article about Donald Trump crashing Beck's Nevada speech promoting Ted ...

Scalia: No Heart Attack, Health Was Poor, Family Said No Autopsy, Conspiracy Theories Rage

Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 10:43:12 am
The Presidio Country Judge who declared Antonin Scalia dead is now saying she was misquoted by Dallas TV station WFAA, and that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia did not die of a heart attack. But according to Scalia's personal physician, he was not in good health. Guevara acknowledged that she ...

Justice Scalia Died of Heart Attack, No Autopsy Planned, Breitbart Freaking Out

Sun, Feb 14, 2016 at 11:46:40 am
Credit: Josh Stephen / WFAA WFAA TV in Dallas reports that Justice Antonin Scalia's death was due to a heart attack; there are still conflicting reports about whether an autopsy will be performed, but the Washington Post says Scalia’s family declined an autopsy. Guevara said she asked the Marshals if there ...

Right Wingers Already Having an Orgy of Conspiracy Theories About Scalia's Death

Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 4:14:19 pm
Yes, of course the right wing blogs and media sites are already overflowing with conspiracy theories about Antonin Scalia. Every single wingnut site is packed with them. Here are a few examples out of too many thousands to count: Went to see what was happening at Breitbart Propaganda - here’s the ...

The Federalist Blames Daleiden Indictment on Prosecutor Who Had No Connection to Grand Jury

Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 5:53:24 pm
The right wing media still seem to be in shock about the indictments handed down today in Texas against Center for Medical Progress leader David Daleiden. As I write this, there isn't a word about the news at the premier crazy right wing site, Breitbart "News." But The Federalist, a second-string ...

Breitbart Hack Milo Yiannopoulos Calls Bill Nye "Stupid"

Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 2:19:29 pm
Today at Breitbart "News' we find self-hating malevolent misogynist weirdo Milo Yiannopoulos attacking Bill Nye, presumably because he's a strong advocate for science and against climate change denial, and anyone who writes for Breitbart has to be upset at people like this. It's their business model. Yiannopoulos titles his ridiculously dishonest ...

Circular Firing Squad: GOP the Day After Nikki Haley Attacks Trump

Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 2:50:03 pm
While I was overjoyed to see Obama talk to America like we were actual thinking, feeling adults capable of perceiving and recognizing reality (as opposed to screaming, threatening, mocking, spewing hate - this is known as foreshadowing, BTW) ... ... the really compelling thing that happened last night was ...

The Bottom 3 Stupidest Conservative Comments About Obama's Tears Over Murdered Children

Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 3:29:32 pm
Standing next to the parents of children murdered by gun violence today, President Obama got emotional and teared up. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's a sign of strength to be unafraid of your emotions, not weakness. This shouldn't even need to be pointed out in 2016, but ...

Obama Cries Over Children Killed in Gun Violence, Conservatives Mock Him

Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 11:01:39 am
YouTube In today's White House press conference, President Obama teared up as he spoke about the victims of gun violence, especially the children massacred at Newtown. Many conservatives took this opportunity to show themselves once again as utterly heartless sociopaths. "You love me. You really really love me." — Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) ...

The Brainwashing of America

Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 11:16:31 am
What is brainwashing? Margaret Singer defined it as “providing members with information about the cult and showing them how their own decision-making power had been taken away from them.” Have you watched a friend or loved one go down the rabbit hole of right-wing delusion, paranoia and hatred? Likely, you ...

Here's Some Background on the Militia Members "Occupying" the Oregon Wildlife Refuge

Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 10:59:03 am
The far right loons who took over the headquarters of Oregon's Malheur National Wildlife Refuge are now in their second day of "occupation," and oddly enough there isn't a single post about it yet at Breitbart "News." When they delay writing about something that's so obviously appealing to the right ...

Terror Group Uses Donald Trump for Recruitment, Right Wingers Blame Hillary (Of Course)

Sat, Jan 2, 2016 at 4:41:35 pm
Here they go again, folks! With the news that terror group al-Shabaab has released a recruitment video featuring Donald Trump's statements calling for the banning of Muslims from the US, the right wing media are completely losing their shit. For example, wingnut genius Jim Hoft (aka the Stupidest Man On The ...

The Top 10 LGF Articles of 2015

Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 1:56:28 pm
Image via Shutterstock 1With more pageviews and social media shares than any other article this year, our exposé on the neo-Nazi origin of Donald Trump's now-infamous bogus graphic on "black crime" was far and away our most popular post of the year: We Found Where Donald Trump's "Black Crimes" Graphic Came ...

Breitbart Commenters Cheer Probable Christmas Day Arson Attack on Houston Mosque

Sat, Dec 26, 2015 at 11:40:55 am
On Christmas Day, a fire broke out at a mosque in southwest Houston, and the ATF has now confirmed it's a probable case of arson. This is apparently the latest in a string of anti-Muslim hate crimes since the San Bernardino attack. HOUSTON - An ATF spokesperson has confirmed the ...

Donald Trump Tries to Deny "Schlong" Means What Everyone Knows It Means

Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 5:28:36 pm
One of the essential facts about Donald Trump is that he's basically a coward. He runs his mouth off and insults everyone who crosses him, but when people react with revulsion to his crude utterances he backs down and tries to deny he said what everyone heard him say. He did ...

So How Does the GOP Base Respond to Trump's Ugly "Schlonged" Remark?

Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 11:08:31 am
If you want to get a feeling for how the right wing base is reacting to Donald Trump's ugly misogynist remarks about Hilllary Clinton last night, there's no better (or worse, as the case may be) place to do that than Breitbart "News:" Trump: Hillary ‘Got Schlonged’ by Obama in ...

Breitbart "News" Reacts to Arabic Calligraphy Lesson With Horrifying Deluge of Hate Speech

Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 5:00:19 pm
A horrible story from Virginia shows how many noxious bigots have been incited by right wing anti-Muslim propaganda, as schools in central Virginia have been forced to close after a deluge of threats and hatred prompted by a geography lesson in Arabic calligraphy. Augusta County Public Schools, near Staunton in ...

Ted Cruz at Birther Frank Gaffney's Conference: Obama Has Banned "Anti-Muslim Rhetoric"

Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 11:10:28 am
YouTube I've been pointing out recently that although Donald Trump may get all the press attention for his outrageous and extreme statements, the rest of the GOP candidates have been staking out policy positions every bit as extreme as Trump's, and spreading the same bigoted conspiracy theories. Today's example: Ted Cruz submitted ...

GOP Sen. Sessions Says It's "Appropriate to Discuss" Trump's Muslim Ban

Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 12:55:40 pm
SoundCloud After initially making a big show of being horrified by Donald Trump's call to ban Muslims from entering the US, conservative pundits and politicians are now executing an about-face. The talking point they seem to have settled on is that Trump's astoundingly bigoted position is "opening a discussion" on this ...

Breitbart Commenters Love Trump's Call to Ban Muslims From the US, of Course

Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 2:57:20 pm
Some Republican candidates are denouncing Donald Trump's call for a total ban on Muslim immigration to the US, but let's check out how the GOP voting base is reacting, shall we? For example, the commenters at Breitbart "News." Let's face it -- this is only going to make Trump more popular ...

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