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Searched LGF articles for: religion of peace (414 matches, in 17 pages)

A Picture of Bad Craziness: New Poll Shows 54% of Republicans Think Obama Is Muslim "Deep Down"

Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 11:06:36 am
Since Rudy Giuliani's ugly comments about President Obama not loving America, I've been making the point that Scott Walker is deliberately dodging the question because he simply can't afford to alienate the deeply deranged base of Republican voters if he plans to run for president. Today at the Washington Post, ...

Republicans Overwhelmingly Support Ignoring the Constitution

Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 12:43:15 pm
What part of the First Amendment, and Article VI of the US Constitution do those polled by a Public Policy Polling survey not get? Oh wait, they're into ahistorical revisionism and imposing a theocracy, so it must be my mistake. PPP polling Feb 20-22, 2015 The poll, the full report of which ...

Now Scott Walker Says He's Unaware Obama Is a Christian

Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 3:18:59 pm
Yes, Scott Walker is now going there: Walker Says He Is Unaware Whether Obama Is a Christian. "I don't know," Walker said in an interview at the JW Marriott hotel in Washington, where he was attending the winter meeting of the National Governors Association. Told that Obama has frequently spoken ...

American Family Association Loon Sandy Rios: 'Real Experts' Know Evolution Has Been 'Disproven'

Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 10:26:31 am
SoundCloud Bryan Fischer isn't the only swivel-eyed loon at the far right American Family Association. Their "governmental affairs director" Sandy Rios is also a special piece of work, and today RightWingWatch highlights her authoritative statements about the theory of evolution: Sandy Rios: 'The Real Experts' Know Evolution Has Been 'Disproven'. According to ...

Tennessee Republican Wants Bible to Be the State Book

Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 10:59:10 am
Road sign via Shutterstock You know, it's almost as if Republicans don't really like the United States Constitution, because they keep introducing legislation that blatantly violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment: Tennessee Lawmaker Wants Bible to Be the State Book. WASHINGTON -- A Tennessee state legislator has introduced a ...

Three Muslims Shot Dead Near University of North Carolina - Update: Caused by Parking Dispute?

Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 8:51:59 am
This is horrible - the victims seem like they were all just really good people. The suspected shooter's facebook page has a lot of anti-religion postings, and he describes himself as an anti-theist. See the update tweet below, it appears that this could boil down to a parking dispute, or ...

Erick Erickson Declares: Barack Obama Can't Be a Christian - He's Not a Fanatic

Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 10:20:50 am
Wow. Here's Erick Erickson, supposedly one of the main voices of conservatism in this debased climate, passing judgment on President Obama and declaring: Barack Obama Is Not a Christian in Any Meaningful Way. And the reason Erickson gives for this judgment: Obama admitted having doubts about religion. He just isn't fanatical ...

Right Wing Media Already Misleading About Obama's Prayer Breakfast Comments

Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 11:10:22 am
Right wing media are already taking President Obama's comments at this morning's prayer breakfast out of context in order to play into the hateful attack that our President is a terrorist sympathizer who hates Christians. Hot Air accused the President of comparing Christianity to ISIS: Drudge went with the single out ...

Friday Afternoon Classic Jam: Procol Harum, 'Whaling Stories' (Live in Denmark 2006)

Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 3:17:42 pm
YouTube This lesser-known song from the album "Home" was always one of my favorite Procol Harum epics, and this live performance from Denmark in 2006 is actually a big improvement over the original album version, with a symphony orchestra and choir adding to the mix beautifully. I'm pretty sure some parts ...

Creationist Bobby Jindal Represents America's Stupid Party to Europe

Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 11:21:38 am
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal just keeps proving over and over that the Republican Party really is the "stupid party," going all the way to London to spew discredited far right talking points about nonexistent "no-go zones" in Muslim areas that even Fox News had to retract: Jindal Stuck After Spreading Discredited ...

In the Wake of Charlie Hebdo

Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 11:18:17 am
As of this posting, there are at least two separate hostage standoff situations near Paris. One is at a kosher market (I've heard it referred to as a supermarket, deli, or grocery) on Ave Porte de Vincennes in the 13th Arr (that'd be Southeastern Paris). The other is near Charles ...

Christians More Supportive of Torture Than Non-Religious Americans

Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 12:02:13 pm
This is no surprise to me since the most common question I get from xtians when stating my atheism is "But how do you tell right from wrong without God?" The real difference here is that there isn't any forgiveness and few if any rationalizations for torture in the atheist ...

Most Evangelicals Believe Natural Disasters Are the Apocalypse, Not Climate Change

Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 10:31:15 am
Yep, according to almost half of the Americans surveyed, there's no such thing as climate change. It's just the End Times. Poll results released by the Public Religion Research Institute on Friday showed that sixty-nine percent of Americans believe there is solid evidence that Earth's temperatures are increasing. This ...

What if the Ku Klux Klan Were More Inclusive?

Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 6:26:45 pm
Some concepts are not really worth pursuing. For example, reclaiming the swastika as a Buddhist symbol of good fortune? Not gonna happen. Same principle applies to this well-known Montana white supremacist's attempt to launch an all-new "inclusive" Ku Klux Klan. Not gonna happen. The brand is too fucked up. John Abarr of Great ...

World Net Daily Founder Joseph Farah Celebrates Earth's 6,028th Birthday

Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 10:37:31 am
Would you be surprised to learn Joseph Farah, owner of the utterly deranged right wing Birther/conspiracy theory journal World Net Daily, is a dyed-in-the-wool young Earth creationist? No, you say? I didn't think so. But today he removes all doubt with a loony screed that's like reading a message from ...

Right Wing Blogger Chuck C. Johnson's Appearance at a Birther Event With Orly Taitz

Sun, Oct 12, 2014 at 1:12:19 pm
Right wing smear merchant Chuck C. Johnson (who is NOT ME) is becoming infamous for inserting himself into breaking news stories like the shooting of Michael Brown, and pandering to the worst elements of the right wing with blatantly racist assertions based on no real evidence -- usually citing "anonymous ...

SCOTUS: Scalia Says Constitution Permits Court to 'Favor Religion Over Non-Religion'

Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 9:14:59 pm
E gad, I was out with my son all day last Thursday and wasn't even aware of this until just now. Seriously creepy stuff--I'm surprised no one Paged it (at least not that I could find). Antonin ScaliaThe separation of church and state doesn't mean "the government cannot favor religion ...

Pamela Geller's Latest Anti-Muslim Ads Featuring Beheaded Journalist James Foley Are Pulled

Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 2:17:44 pm
The always disgusting hate group leader Pamela Geller has suffered a setback in her campaign to demonize all Muslims, as the family of James Foley (one of the journalists murdered by ISIS) strongly objects to Geller's use of their son's image in her ugly NYC subway advertisements, forcing her to ...

Today at the Values Voter Summit: Raving Freakazoid Glenn Beck

Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 10:55:00 am
YouTube America is waiting to see if Glenn Beck will: 1) bring his beloved chalkboard, and 2) weep on cue, as he gives the keynote speech at the conference of far right social conservatives and religious fanatics known as the Values Voter Summit, attended every year by top Republican politicians because ...

Obama Forms Coalition of Arab States to Take Action Against ISIS, Right Wing (And Greenwald) Confused, Angry

Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 9:57:57 am
It's bizarre to watch the right wing news sites trying to settle on a way to spin President Obama's action against ISIS inside Syria; they alternate from hand-wringing fear that Obama isn't doin' it right, to attacking Obama for doin' it at all, to completely ignoring the fact that Obama ...

Chuck Woolery Loses It: "The Muslims Are ON THE MARCH!"

Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 3:05:57 pm
I have been reluctant to say this, but I think we have a Muslim problem in the White House. So where does that leave the Democrats? — Chuck Woolery (@chuckwoolery) September 12, 2014 We may not know for sure what's going on but we can sure make a very educated guess. ...

Donte Stallworth on Climate Change and Vaccines

Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 9:04:17 am
[large]Climate Change[/large] OH NO NO NO!!! Climate change... excuse me sir no disrespect, BUT it was in the 30s in Miami for like two weeks... #GLOBALWARMING my @$$ — Donte' Stallworth (@DonteStallworth) January 28, 2010 RT @AlexU831: @D_Stallworth18 so global warming is fake ? <---the science is inconclusive regardless of the propaganda ...

Ann Coulter Takes Jim Hoft's Misleading Bait, Says "We Saw X-Ray of Wilson's Fractured Eye Socket"

Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 11:42:44 am
As I pointed out on Tuesday in this article, far right blogger Jim Hoft apparently deliberately tried to mislead his readers into believing that a random example image of a CT scan he posted was actually an image of Darren Wilson's purportedly fractured eye socket. Hoft erased the words "UNIV ...

Oh No! The Communists Are Mad at Me

Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 6:02:56 pm
RCP numbskull Travis Morales being arrested in Ferguson, wearing his REVOLUTION T-shirt Following up on my post about the cultish Revolutionary Communist Party and their violent incitement in Ferguson, Missouri, one of the operatives identified in my post, Travis Morales, took time out from his busy schedule of stoking violent revolution ...

Monday Night in Ferguson, Missouri

Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 6:12:10 pm
Here's an open thread to follow what's going on tonight in Ferguson, Missouri, with a fervent hope that peace will be restored. But you can almost smell Jim Hoft's eagerness for more violence in #Ferguson. The right wing blogosphere has been disgusting beyond belief today, validating once again my decision to ...

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