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Searched LGF articles for: anti-semit (1,328 matches, in 54 pages)

He's So Far Right He Almost Wraps Around, He's Rabidly Anti-Muslim and Pro-War, and He's Trump's New NatSec Adviser

Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 4:47:43 pm
And now, the return of paleo-conservative anti-Muslim mustache host John Bolton, as our so-called president's National Security Adviser, possibly the worst person ever to hold this position. No, make that probably. Actually, definitely. The anti-Muslim crackpots of the far right will be celebrating -- people like Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer ...

Donald Trump Retweeted Their Anti-Muslim Videos, and Never Apologized. Now Leaders of a Far Right UK Group Have Been Convicted of Hate Crimes.

Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 7:53:37 pm
Britain First leader and deputy leader jailed for hate crimes The leader and deputy leader of far-right group Britain First have been found guilty of religiously aggravated harassment. Paul Golding, 36, and Jayda Fransen, 32, were arrested over the distribution of leaflets and posting of online videos during a gang-rape trial. Fransen ...

YouTube Gives the Boot to Far Right Anti-Vax Conspiracy Site NaturalNews

Sun, Mar 4, 2018 at 6:48:48 pm
In another sign that tech companies are finally beginning to notice that some dangerously anti-rational groups and individuals have been running amok on their web networks, YouTube has given the boot to NaturalNews trash mogul Mike Adams, also known as Health Ranger. Here's what Health Ranger was featuring at his YouTube ...

Watch Live: CPAC 2018, Day 2, Featuring Far Right Anti-Muslim Conspiracy Theorist Frank Gaffney

Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 11:12:59 am
YouTube Oh, here we go. In the Trump era, Birther and extreme anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist Frank Gaffney is no longer persona non grata; this year he gets to harangue the crowd about Sekrit Muslim Plots from the main stage. (Note: the video begins with the current speaker, but you can set the ...

Lawsuit Filed Against Chuck C. Johnson, Jim Hoft, Paul Nehlen, Gavin McInnes and Others for Falsely Linking Michigan Men to Charlottesville Attack

Sat, Feb 17, 2018 at 11:38:23 am
After last year's white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, at which counter-protester Heather Heyer was murdered when one of the racists deliberately drove a car into a crowd, we reported that a slew of right wing sites immediately and recklessly rushed out articles identifying the wrong person as the perpetrator ...

UPDATE: White House-Accredited Fake News Blog Gateway Pundit Tries to Duck Responsibility in Doxing the Wrong Person for the Florida Shooting

Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 11:34:04 am
As we reported yesterday, the White House-accredited blog Gateway Pundit (home of the fabled "Stupidest Man on the Internet," Jim Hoft) published the personal details of someone they claimed was the Florida high school shooter, based on one tweet that spelled his name wrong. Writer Lucian Wintrich doxed the wrong ...

In a Rush to Blame the Left, White House Press Corps-Accredited Gateway Pundit Doxes Wrong Person in High School Shooting

Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 5:55:47 pm
Jim Hoft (aka, the Stupidest Man on the Internet) collaborator Lucian Wintrich is definitely working with the right person, because he's equally hateful and equally stupid. (That's his headline above.) In the wake of today's awful mass shooting at a Florida high school, Wintrich followed in Hoft's footsteps with one of ...

Holocaust Denier Chuck C. Johnson Admits Denying the Holocaust, but Says It Was a Cunning Scheme to Do... Something

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 12:15:40 pm
Florida Republican representative Matt Gaetz, who invited Holocaust denying white supremacist Chuck C. Johnson (who is NOT ME) to Donald Trump's State of the Union address, went on the radio this morning and once again denied that Johnson is a Holocaust denier. Speaking on NewsRadio 1620, Gaetz said he now thinks ...

Trump Dissolves His Fraudulent "Election Integrity" Commission

Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 4:58:46 pm
In addition to the circular firing squad currently going on over Steve Bannon's comments about Trump, we have some more good news to report. Remember that bogus "election integrity" commission Trump formed to look into one of the right's favorite fantasies, "voter fraud?" The commission that savvy people realized was intended ...

Anti-Trump Inauguration Protesters Found Not Guilty on All Charges

Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 11:34:13 am
Here's a bit of good news as we approach the end of a week of awful news: Inauguration Protesters Found Not Guilty On All Charges In Jury Trial. The first trial — for Jennifer Armento, of Philadelphia; Michelle Macchio, of Asheville, N.C.; Oliver Harris, of Philadelphia; Brittne Lawson, of Aspinwall, ...

Today Donald Trump Retweeted 3 Anti-Muslim Propaganda Videos From a British Fascist Group

Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 12:02:12 pm
The "Britain First" party is a neo-fascist ultra-nationalist group of skinheads and Nazis that sprang out of the notorious British National Party, founded by a Calvinist minister linked to Ulster loyalist groups in Northern Ireland. Their "deputy leader," Jayda Fransen, has been found guilty of hate crimes in the past, ...

Family Research Council Head Tony Perkins Covered Up Sexual Assault by "Rising Star" Candidate Wesley Goodman

Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 2:44:39 pm
In today's episode of the ongoing farce known as "Republican family values," the Washington Post reports that two years ago, the virulently anti-gay head of the Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, swept a sexual assault by "rising star" Ohio legislature candidate Wesley Goodman under the rug and failed to report ...

Trump's Deconstruction of the United States Is Accelerating

Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 11:36:15 am
Happy Friday! Today Donald Trump took big steps toward killing Obamacare and the Iran nuclear deal, appointed another energy industry-linked climate change denier to lead the White House Council on Environmental Quality, used his daughter-in-law to promote propaganda on his garbage Trump TV Facebook channel, and became the first president ...

Terrific Video: John Oliver on Trump's Anti-NFL Tirades

Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 12:05:23 pm

Trump Can't Help It: He's Back to Claiming "Both Sides" Were Responsible for Violence in Charlottesville

Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 4:52:08 pm
We've seen this pattern over and over with Donald Trump. He says something grossly offensive or blatantly racist and/or sexist, there's a huge public outcry, then he insincerely walks it back and his people jump in front of the cameras and do damage control. Then, a few days or weeks later, ...

Daily Beast Reports: Russia Used Facebook Events to Organize Anti-Immigrant Rallies in the US

Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 8:32:36 pm
We learned last week that Russian front groups had purchased at least 3,000 politically divisive advertisements on Facebook during the 2016 election, but tonight the Daily Beast is reporting that the propaganda effort went farther than ads; Russia also used Facebook Events to organize anti-immigrant rallies on US soil. Russian ...

Trump's Anti-Science EPA Head Says We Shouldn't Discuss Climate Change Now

Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 12:08:42 pm
The guy Donald Trump picked to head the Environmental Protection Agency, like most of Trump's picks, is leading an agency he's determined to undermine and destroy; Scott Pruitt is a far right climate change denier in the pocket of the fossil fuel industries. And today he gave an interview to ...

Photo of the Day: GOP Rep. Rohrabacher Poses With Holocaust Denier Chuck C. Johnson at Assange Meeting

Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 11:23:16 am
Here we see Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher posing on the steps of the Ecuadoran embassy in London with Holocaust-denying white supremacist Chuck C. Johnson (who is NOT ME), as they prepare to meet with Julian Assange. Johnson, of course, is making that hand sign that white supremacists love to pretend ...

Attorney for Man Falsely Identified as #Charlottesville Attacker Says He'll Go After Right Wing Websites

Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 8:52:15 pm
Earlier today we published an article on the right wing bloggers (Jim Hoft and Chuck C. Johnson, who is NOT ME) who recklessly and dishonestly named the wrong person as the suspect in the Charlottesville car attack on anti-Nazi protesters. Tonight we can report that the man they framed has ...

BREAKING: Car Plows Into Counter-Protesters at White Supremacist Rally in Virginia

Sat, Aug 12, 2017 at 11:14:22 am
horrifying video of a car that plowed through counter-protesters in charlottesville. Starts at 7:30 @Rebelutionary_Z — Adrian Chen (@AdrianChen) August 12, 2017 ReplyReply w/ Quote We don't know for sure what happened yet, but this looks like a deliberate attack on the counter-protesters; a gray automobile with all the windows blacked ...

Scientists Fear Trump Gang Will Suppress New Disturbing Report on Effects of Climate Change

Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 6:09:00 pm
In 1990, Congress passed the Global Change Research Act, requiring the government to compile a report on the effects of climate change every four years. And it's time for the next one. The National Academy of Sciences has already approved the draft of the report, but in the age of the ...

Democratic Party to Women: Your Rights Are Less Important Than Winning Elections

Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 10:30:17 am
Today the Democratic Party announced a new position that I find absolutely infuriating: no litmus test on abortion. “There is not a litmus test for Democratic candidates,” said Luján, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman. “As we look at candidates across the country, you need to make sure you have ...

It's Under the Bus for Baghdad Sean Spicer

Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 10:28:03 am
For six months he's been lying his ass off for Donald Trump, dutifully repeating and amplifying every falsehood -- and that's a lot of falsehoods. But today we learned we won't have Baghdad Sean to kick around any more; he now resides in the increasingly crowded area under the Trump bus, ...

What We Know About the Belleville Shooter So Far

Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 11:40:23 am
Another terrible incident of gun violence today, this time directed at Congressional Republicans at a practice session for a baseball game. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise is reportedly in critical condition after being shot in the hip. And it looks like the shooter was a Bernie Sanders fan. The accused shooter who ...

Watch Live: Trump Announces Decision on Paris Climate Accord

Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 11:53:34 am
YouTube It's been reported that Trump plans to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Accord, which would make the US the only nation that has rejected ratifying the agreements -- except for, you guessed it, Russia. I'll be very surprised if he doesn't withdraw, because this is absolutely what the ...

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