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Searched LGF articles for: "alex jones" (223 matches, in 9 pages)

Alex Jones Says Rand Paul Is Lying About Moderating His Extreme Positions

Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 1:56:46 pm
YouTube Sen. Rand Paul has been a frequent guest on the absolutely insane Alex Jones conspiracy show (and it continually amazes me that he apparently suffers no political consequences for it), and Jones is reciprocating by telling his viewers that Paul is just playing politics and lying about his so-called "moderation." And ...

Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC): Ban Abortion to Lift God's Curse Off of America

Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 10:58:53 am
YouTube That's right, folks, here's one of the Republican Party's top politicians, a Congressman no less, going on the batshit crazy Alex Jones show and agreeing with him that legal abortion has caused God to put a curse on America.

Lord Monckton the Birther: Support Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Congressional Investigation

Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 9:38:08 am
Did you know that Lord Christopher Monckton, known around LGF as the Original Swivel-Eyed Loon for his long history of obtuse, deceptive climate change denialism, his frequent appearances on the Alex Jones show, and his testimony to the House Energy Independence and Global Warming Commitee as the Republican Party's sole ...

Anti-Immigration Loon William Gheen: Obama Gives Obamaphones to Migrant Kids So They'll Confiscate All Our Guns

Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 11:31:53 am
YouTube It's going to be awfully hard to find a loonier right wing rant than this one, as Americans for Legal Immigration PAC president William Gheen goes on the whacked-out Alex Jones show and concocts a freakish conspiracy theory (on the spot!) that President Obama is bringing in Central American children, ...

"Weird Al" Yankovic Pokes Fun at the Prison Planet Dopes: Foil

Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 5:21:32 pm
YouTube I've never really understood why he's supposed to be "Weird" Al -- he's not really that weird. Funny, sure, but weird? Captain Beefheart was weird; honestly, deeply weird. The Captain couldn't be anything but weird. Al, on the other hand, does parodies of pop songs, usually involving food. Nonetheless, this is ...

Alleged Vegas Killer Jerad Miller Interview at Bundy Ranch

Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 10:42:20 am
Video Hat tip: Via @ThatGuy3002 footage of a "Jarad Miller" being interviewed at the #BundyRanch. ... #VegasShooting #Terrorism — Zedd Rebel (@ZeddRebel) June 9, 2014 Related: Jerad Miller posts at Alex Jones' Infowars. Screenshot A - Jerad Miller at Alex Jones' Infowars Screenshot B - Jerad Miller at Alex Jones' Infowars Jerad Miller's ...

Serious Russia Today Journalist Abby Martin's First Tweet: a 9/11 Truther Video

Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 4:11:22 am
Presenting serious Russia Today journalist Abby Martin's very first Tweet -- a link to a crazy 9/11 truther video by Charlie Sheen titled, "Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama" or "Charlie Sheen Requests Meeting With Obama Over 9/11 Cover-Up!" The video is uniquely produced and hosted by Prison Planet ...

In Which Glenn Greenwald Praises a 9/11 Truther as a Hero of Journalistic Independence

Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 11:34:05 am
Today blogger Glenn Greenwald has posted what has to be one of his most dishonest articles yet, glorifying Russia Today host Abby Martin for criticizing Russia's invasion of Ukraine: RT Host Abby Martin Condemns Russian Incursion Into Crimea - on RT - the Intercept. American media elites awash in an ...

An Interesting Discrepancy in First Look's Public Statements, Presented for Your Perusal

Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 5:56:01 pm
An interesting discrepancy, presented for your perusal. First, we have Glenn Greenwald, who is a journalist, professing his "full journalistic independence" from sole owner Pierre Omidyar in his new First Look media venture: @PrisonPlanet I care about one thing: do I have full journalistic independence? If I do, then that's what ...

In Which Glenn Greenwald Is Invited to the Alex Jones Show (At Last)

Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 10:17:54 am
Today Glenn Greenwald responds to that article on Pierre Omidyar's financial support for Ukrainian dissidents with a frankly amazing statement: On the Meaning of Journalistic Independence - the Intercept. Despite its being publicly disclosed, I was not previously aware that the Omidyar Network donated to this Ukrainian group. That's because, ...

Joseph Farah and Alex Jones Debate Obama's Plans for 'Tyranny'

Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 10:24:13 am
Or: two Carny hucksters compare anti-Obama conspiracy theories and their naive audiences lap it up. Both Jones and Farah have made an industry out of scaring conservatives and they continue to rake in cash from fools and bigots. YouTube Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key ...

Greenwald et al to Receive Polk Award - From the Home of the Homeland Security Management Institute

Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:04:55 am
Turns out that the George Polk Award is given out by Long Island University which is also home to the Homeland Security Management Institute. Polk Award page at Long Island University: The George Polk Awards are conferred annually to honor special achievement in journalism. They were established by Long Island University ...

Report: LAX Shooter Purchased Guns Legally, Targeted TSA Agents

Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 6:01:08 pm
The latest information on the news wires about LAX shooting suspect Paul Ciancia reveals that Ciancia went to the airport with the intention of killing as many TSA agents as possible. And he brought a lot of ammunition. In court documents and interviews, authorities spelled out a chilling chain of ...

Why Is Glenn Greenwald Promoting an Extreme Right Wing 9/11 Truther?

Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 12:58:59 pm
Just a couple of days after he promoted the extreme right wing militia Oathkeepers (referring to them as "a coalition of current and former military, police, and other public officials"), activist Glenn Greenwald is now hyping an article by another far right conspiracy monger: Judge Andrew Napolitano. In Barrons, @Judgenap raves ...

At Last: The Convergence of Alex Jones and Fox News

Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 10:47:11 am
It's no secret that Fox News is in the business of mainstreaming far right ideology, but now, at last, the mask of sanity comes all the way off as the Geraldo Rivera show actually hosts swivel-eyed lunatic Alex Jones as if he were some kind of expert on Syria. Predictably, ...

Greenwald: The US Is Making Up the Al Qaeda Threat to Silence Me

Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 1:12:09 pm
YouTube As soon as the news broke about the threats of an Al Qaeda terror attack, Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald began a barrage of comments on Twitter "asking questions" about the timing of the announcement, and broadly hinting around that the Obama administration was faking the threat to justify NSA surveillance ... Partners With 9/11 Truther to Cover Gettysburg Anniversary

Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 12:48:01 pm
Today the right wing propagandists at are announcing a new partnership: 'GETTYSBURG 150' BROADCAST SCHEDULE: BREITBART NEWS PARTNERS WITH N3 TO OFFER 20 HOURS OF COVERAGE. Breitbart News will partner with Next News Network (N3) to live-stream 20 hours of coverage and honor the 150th Anniversary of Battle of ... Publishes Then Deletes an Unbelievably Deranged Wingnut Conspiracy Fantasy

Tue, May 28, 2013 at 5:19:11 pm
They've deleted it from their site now, but if you hurry you can still see's freaky anti-Obama conspiracy fantasy in the Google web cache: Was President Obama High on Coke While Benghazi Burned? - Arlington Conservative | "Arlington Conservative" is Dean Chambers, the delusional nutbag responsible for one of ...

And Now, the Rand Paul Presidential Experience

Thu, May 2, 2013 at 2:57:27 pm
Here's something to look forward to -- the fringiest of the fringe right Tea Party pseudo-libertarian Senators is pretty obviously gearing up for a run at the Presidency. Rand Paul's chief strategist is leaving his Senate post to run the Kentucky Republican's political shop. Doug Stafford, who is widely seen as ...

Feel Good Video of the Day: Cambridge Resident Unloads on Alex Jones Clown

Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 11:10:04 am
YouTube This is a terrific moment, as a Cambridge resident confronts Dan Bidondi, the Alex Jones stooge who disrupted press conferences about the Boston bombings with inane questions about "false flags." In a perfect world, every time one of these delusional creeps showed up in public, people would be there to treat ...

Breitbart 'Contributing Journalist' Pat Dollard: "Barack Obama Now the Global Head of Al Qaeda"

Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 1:54:38 pm
Here's your daily moment of sheer wingnut crazy, brought to you by "contributing journalist" and all-around angry guy Pat Dollard. The source of Dollard's demented post: Alex Jones. Of course. Mounting Evidence: Barack Obama Now Global Head Of Al-Qaeda #tcot #lnynbt #teaparty #resist44 #tgdn #sot #tlot — Patrick Dollard (@PatDollard) March ...

About Scott Terry - CPAC Slavery Defender and "Disenfranchised Whites" Illustrated

Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 11:45:15 am
Scott Terry Today, Twitter and the internet were abuzz about some questions and comments delivered by a participant at CPAC during a session sponsored by Tea Party Patriots called "Trump The Race Card: Are You Sick And Tired Of Being Called A Racist When You Know You're Not One?" Talking Points Memo ...

The New Hero of the Right: Rand Paul

Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 10:45:18 am
Pseudo-libertarian kook Rand Paul's 13-hour filibuster yesterday to block the confirmation of John Brennan as CIA director was so confused and senseless, even John "Get Off My Lawn" McCain was fed up. And Lindsey "Benghazi" Graham now says Paul's filibuster has convinced him to vote to approve Brennan. "Calm down, ...

Drudge Lets the Mask Slip A Bit Further

Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 3:09:48 pm
You know who else got a splash on the Drudge Report? — Andrew Kaczynski (@BuzzFeedAndrew) January 9, 2013 Well, we have known for a long time that Matt Drudge has been scraping the bottom of the barrel. Whether it's catering to the Alex Jones conspiracy set with link after link ...

Matt Drudge Godwins Himself Right Out

Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 10:51:39 am
Subtle. This is the kind of insanity that's being fed to the US right wing, day in and day out, in an echo chamber of deranged hatred. Drudge Report has had a permanent link to Alex Jones's hate site for years, and now there's very little difference between the crazed conspiracy ...

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